Going into 2025 like . . .
2024 was quite a year. To say the least. Certainly, it wasn’t all bad. We had some good times, right? Right.
I did. I’m sure you did too. Let’s try to remember those. The good times. The small moments that mean so much even if maybe we don’t realize it at the time. Those are important, and will probably be more important, as the year moves forward.
And let’s try to remember, please, to be kind to each other. I really think that’s important too. Maybe you do as well? I hope so.
Anyway, I’m off into 2025 and have been reading a few books, watching a few shows and a few movies and looking forward to doing more of that in the weeks and months ahead. I’m also struggling a bit, mostly about how (and if) I should get started with the YouTube channel.
I don’t think it’s too late to start YouTube and I don’t think I’m too old (some may disagree). I’m just not sure exactly what to do and how to do it. In truth, it’s more the “what” (and “why”) than “how.”
I know how to make videos (pretty much). Although, it’s been a minute. In my former career, I was mostly the guy who said what to do than the person actually pushing the buttons and doing it. Concept versus execution and all that.
I can tell you what’s wrong with your thing and what to change to make it better, but I can’t necessarily use the tool you use to make those changes. So, it’s been a bit of a learning curve for me with the latest version of Final Cut Pro and thinking about video instead of stills, which is what I’ve been shooting 95% of the time for the last ten years at least.
I’m still woking it all out.
In the meantime, here’s some of what I’d like to focus on more in 2025. Not resolutions or anything like that, just potential areas of focus. In no particular order:
• Physical Fitness
• Mental Fitness
• Care Less, Create More via Video, Photography, Writing, etc.
• Self Care
• Being a better Partner
• Being a better Father
I’m sure there’s more and I know this list is somewhat generic and probably needs a bit more detail. Still, if I can try to be mindful of these things I’m sure I can make time and space for progress in these areas. I’d like to try.
I also won’t be beating myself up if I don’t excel in one or all of these areas. My intentions are good right now, but as the year progresses, who knows? Shit happens.
Getting back to what I’ve been enjoying of late, here’s a fews of the things I’ve been reading, watching and listening to in December and January (so far):
The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist – Finishing up A Darkness at Sethanon, the third book of the first trilogy of this series. I read these books the first time as a kid and loved them. They’re even better now. Great stories and characters plus lots of action and adventure. Terrific stuff.
Next up will be The Empire Trilogy, starting with Daughter of the Empire. I remember these being great too when I first read them years ago. I guess I’ll see if they hold up. I’m sure they will.
Black Doves – This Netflix show features Keira Knightly and Ben Whishaw as well as a supporting cast of terrific actors. Well written and directed, it’s a really fun and often serious show. I liked it very much and It’s great to see the stars at work, clearly loving what they’re doing and being great at it.
Slow Horses – As a fan of spy stories I would be remiss if I didn’t mention an even better show than the above Black Doves. And that show is, of course, Slow Horses. It deals with British spies and counter-spies, MI5, conspiracies and a whole lot more.
The best thing, really, is to go in cold and just see it all unfold. Everyone in the show does excellent work, especially Gary Oldman (which shouldn’t surprise anyone). It’s one of the best I’ve seen in years. Apple TV+ can really pick ’em.
Silo – Speaking of Apple TV+, Silo is back for Season 2. Silo is a great show and if you love sci-fi, well written and dimensional characters and deatailed world-building, this is for you. Not to mention drama, suspence, action and a whole lot more. It’s really good.
I’m a bit sad it’s only going to be four seasons, but I guess Rebecca Ferguson can’t be tied to a TV show forever. Plus, it’s gotta be quite expensive to make, especially as the seasons continue. So, four and done. I’ll take what I can get.
The Cure – That new album from The Cure, Songs Of A Lost World, is great, isn’t it? Iv’e listened to it quite a bit.
I’m thrilled a band I loved as a youth is still going strong. I can’t tell you how many times I drove home late at night as a moody sixteen-year-old listening to the last few track of The Head on the Door, but it was a lot.
I’ve also watched several movies recently, but this post is getting long so I think I’ll save those for another time. Suffice it to say December and January have been good months for movies so far. Although, I’m lucky to still be a DGA member so I get screeners of most films and don’t have to leave the house, which makes watching a lot of movies much easier.
I don’t really mind watching at home (my TV and sound are pretty good). It’s fine. For me, though, there’s still some magic associated with experiencing movies in a theater with an audience. I know it probably sounds corny, but I don’t care.
I love movies . . . in a theater. I just don’t like being in a theater as much anymore. Mostly because of the other people.
This isn’t a dig at Austin, per se. Alamo Drafthouse, where I usually go, does a decent job of dealing with people’s undesirable behavior. But I don’t remember audiences being quite so annoying and rude when I lived in LA and regularly went to movies at the Acrlight (RIP). Times changes, I guess. And not always for the better, alas.
My other theory is people in LA often work in the business and have a certain amount of respect for films and filmmakers. They’re also the ones who stay through the credits until the houselights come up. It’s a sign of respect and also fun to try to spot names of people you know who worked on the film.
People rarely do that here in Austin, except maybe at AFS or if you get a particularly good crowd at an Alamo showing. It’s not a big deal, I guess. Still . . .
I always stay until the credits are done. You should too. Show some respect.
And with that, I’ll say so long. Until next time, be kind to each other.
Photo: Apple TV+
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