April 2009 - Chris Ullrich dot net
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April 2009

Video Friday (Sunday Edition)

I’ve been busy (Again with the excuses, right?) and have been working hard to get The Flickcast on its feet. Now that the show and the site are going and we’re gathering some great writers to participate, I’m turning my attention to a new, better design for the site itself — which also takes some time and attention.

Of course, that means I’m still a bit neglectful of this here blog. Unfortunately, as I get older I find I can’t multi-task as well as I once did. Not that I was spectacular at it when I was younger, I just seem to be particularly bad at it now. But really, what does this mean for you O reader of this blog?

Basically, it means that while I’m distracted with the shiny new thing the not quite as shiny new thing is going to feel a bit neglected. Probably, so will you. My apologies but that’s just the way it is. Try not to take it personally. I won’t.

At this point, I really feel I’ve made enough excuses and introduced the horse to a sufficient beating so I think I’ll stop instead of my rambling on for several more sentences. What shall we do instead? Glad you asked. Seeing as its ‘Video Friday’, let’s take a look at a very funny video from your friends and mine Barats and Bereta. Enjoy.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhcA4Ry65FU&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0]

Video Friday (Saturday Edition) – The New ‘Harry Potter’ Trailer

I’ve been busy getting the new venture, The Flickcast, on its digital feet. So that mean that this blog might suffer a bit. However, I have not forgotten it completely because here’s the latest trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

I’m not as big a fan of the Potter movies and books as other people are. I enjoy them but they haven’t become “part” of me like the books and movies I experienced when I was younger.

That said, this new trailer looks great and makes me even more interested in the movie when it comes out. In the end, that’s what a trailer is supposed to do. Enjoy.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BDVbxop-eo&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0]

Video Friday – The ‘Moon’ Trailer

I like space stuff. Some of my favorite movies and TV shows have been about space. Shows like Apollo 13, The Right Stuff and From the Earth to the Moon have always fascinated me. So, I’m pretty interested in the new movie Moon starring Sam Rockwell and directed by Duncan Jones.

The trailer looks great and gives some good insight into the psychology of isolation that’s obviously going to play out in the film. Plus, I’ve always been a fan of Sam Rockwell. I’m looking forward to seeing this one as soon as I can. Enjoy.


Oh, and I’ll just take this moment to mention that there’s a new episode of The Flickcast now available We’ve also we’ve started posting some other material today as well. So, head on over and check it out.

Video Friday – Sunday Edition: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Here is is, one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. The origin of one of the comic book world’s most loved characters: the mighty Wolverine. I can’t wait to see this movie and now, you don’t have to. Enjoy.

Moving on Up

I’ve moved this blog from hosted WordPress to my own server also using WordPress. Yes, I’m that cool and know how to do stuff.

However, due to the migration, things still look a bit wonky and will for a few days until I get time to fix them. So, please bare with me while I finish up the migration.

In the meantime, to thank you for your patience, take a look at this picture featuring a few of my favorite things. Enjoy.


The Flickcast is Live!


I’m very happy that as of today, the new Podcast I’ve been working on with my pals Christina Warren and Matt Raub is live. So, for all your film, television, comic book and geek information needs, head on over and check out The Flickcast. The first episode is live at our site and also available on iTunes.

Also, be sure to follow the show on Twitter and be a fan on Facebook. Finally, if you have any comments, suggestion, criticism or offers of sponsorship, feel free to let us know. Thanks for listening.