Video Friday (Sunday Edition) - Chris Ullrich dot net

Video Friday (Sunday Edition)

I’ve been busy (Again with the excuses, right?) and have been working hard to get The Flickcast on its feet. Now that the show and the site are going and we’re gathering some great writers to participate, I’m turning my attention to a new, better design for the site itself — which also takes some time and attention.

Of course, that means I’m still a bit neglectful of this here blog. Unfortunately, as I get older I find I can’t multi-task as well as I once did. Not that I was spectacular at it when I was younger, I just seem to be particularly bad at it now. But really, what does this mean for you O reader of this blog?

Basically, it means that while I’m distracted with the shiny new thing the not quite as shiny new thing is going to feel a bit neglected. Probably, so will you. My apologies but that’s just the way it is. Try not to take it personally. I won’t.

At this point, I really feel I’ve made enough excuses and introduced the horse to a sufficient beating so I think I’ll stop instead of my rambling on for several more sentences. What shall we do instead? Glad you asked. Seeing as its ‘Video Friday’, let’s take a look at a very funny video from your friends and mine Barats and Bereta. Enjoy.


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