Surprise! - Chris Ullrich dot net


This is an interesting bit of info in this Reuters article:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A group of former U.S. officials is urging voters to defeat President Bush in the November election, saying his policies have isolated the United States, a spokesman for the group said on Sunday. The group of 26 former diplomats and military officials, including appointees of former Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, plan to issue an open statement on Wednesday criticizing Bush’s foreign policies.

“We just came to agreement that this administration was really endangering the United States,” said William Harrop, a former ambassador to Israel under the previous Bush administration. The signers are a mix of Democrats and Republicans, Harrop said. They include Jack Matlock and Arthur Hartman, two former ambassadors to the former Soviet Union during the 1980s.

Also in the group are several other former ambassadors and retired military officials, the group said. Signers of the statement are concerned that the administration has undermined U.S. leadership in the world and alienated U.S. allies, Harrop said. As an example, Harrop cited the decision to launch the war in Iraq without sufficient international support.

“Our view is that the President Bush administration has chosen American domination of the world as in our best interest,” Harrop said. “We don’t think that’s going to work.”

Harrop said the group was not aligned with Bush’s Democratic challenger in the November election, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry. “But we want an alternative and that’s the alternative,” Harrop said.
“We just came to agreement that this administration was really endangering the United States,” said William Harrop, a former ambassador to Israel under the previous Bush administration.

This is great. I can’t wait for the full statement to be released. Should be a page turner. I can’t remember a time when this kind of thing ever happened before. Although, I haven’t really been alive for that long. Ok, I’ve been alive for awhile but had my head up my ass for several of those years and didn’t give a shit about much of anything until the last few years.

What can I tell you. I was a teenager and then in College so my priorities we pretty much getting laid, drinking lots of beer and basically having a good time. I’m sure I went to a class or two now and again as well. What I didn’t do was concern myself with things like politics, war, death or the larger world in general. Did I mention I was in College and trying to get laid? So give me a break.

I’m trying to be a better person and a better citizen. Now I care a little more. Because I am older and smarter and much less tolerant of bullshit. Plus, I’m married now so that pretty much takes care of the getting laid part. As in, I don’t (well, sometimes, if I’m good). At least I can still have a cold beer now and again. Only a lite beer though. Gotta watch those carbs.

I find that the affairs of the world interest me more. Which is one reason for this blog. Not only do I find things more interesting and I enjoy forming opinions about things in the world, I want to share those pearls of wisdom with the masss. Because what I have to say is important, dammit! So listen up. Not now, though, I need to go.
