Tech News and other bits - Chris Ullrich dot net

Tech News and other bits

According to an IDC survey, 36% of all software installed worldwide last year was pirated. The number is only 27% in the US. The biggest offender: Eastern Europe. That doesn’t seem right about the U.S. as at least 50% of the people I know pirate software. My sample isn’t very scientific though.

The Los Angeles city council is cracking down on Internet cafés in the wake of several shootings in the San Fernando Valley. The new regulations require cafes with at least five computers to eliminate closed booths, install security cameras and bar minors during school hours to prevent truancy. This actually took place in Northridge. Rival gangs got into it over a spirited game of “Counterstrike”.

I don’t know about you but when some 12 year-old kicks my ass during an online game of “Pandora Tomorrow” or “Medal of Honor’ I get pretty angry too. Although, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t go so far as to actually kill someone. At least I would like to think so.

Google is cracking down on Gmail profiteers. The license agreement was modified last week saying users cannot “sell, trade, resell, or otherwise exploit for any unauthorized commercial purpose or transfer any Gmail account.” That’s too bad because I was going to make a few bucks selling all the extra GMail invites I’ve gotten. Oh well, I can still work on my cure for Cancer.

Lastly, Yahoo announced its fifth straight wildly profitable quarter yesterday, but the stock went down because the company didn’t exceed analysts expectations. The Internet company showed a profit of $112.5 million on $832.3 million in revenue, twice the profits from this time last year. Now if they would only give out 1GB of free mail space with their mail accounts. Then, they would really be cool.
