Jobs: RIAA “greedy”, music pirates will “burn in hell” and other nice things - Chris Ullrich dot net

Jobs: RIAA “greedy”, music pirates will “burn in hell” and other nice things

yes, steve says all that right here. and in other news from around the internets:

apple released an update to itunes 5.0 which will supposedly fix the problems created by itunes 5.0.

apple also upgraded the .mac service to include, among other things, 1GB of combined storage for mail and idisk (not enough for the money even though i have two.mac accounts. i know) new, improved backup 3.0, and something i don’t quite understand yet, the ability to create groups in homepage. i guess that will come in handy later. yawn.

apple will begin shipping intel based macs in june of 2006. i’ll be clearing a space on my american express card just for that day. should be interesting. now, if i only had space on my desk or even in my office for another computer then we would have something. or, if we had a wheelbarrow, that would be something too.

and for you brains reading this, here’s a list of the “100 greatest theorems”. go nuts.