Flickr cross posting and fake vegas - Chris Ullrich dot net

Flickr cross posting and fake vegas

there’s this thing you can do with flickr that allows you to cross-post to your blog when you upload photos to your flickr account. i’m going to try to do that from time to time (or more often if i have nothing to say) just to see how it works and also because its fun. yay!


on another note, i really wish i had gone to sunset junction (even though zach had some issues with it) instead of the rather lame vegas in la thing last night. even with vip treatment (thanks leah) it was still mostly a lot of wine that wasn’t very good and food that was either bland or had run out by the time we got to it. although, the very nice (and very attractive) ladies at the pizza rustica booth were kind enough to give me a coupon to visit the restaurant and eat for free because they had run out of food. classy.


plus, as much as a gambled with the fake money they gave us (vegas, remember), i couldn’t loose it. we finally had to give it away to the chief from border grill just so we could leave. i hope he enjoyed it. i wish my luck was that good in real vegas but no . . . only in fake vegas in santa monica do i win so much money i have to give it away.

oh well could be worse i guess. at least some of the desserts were good. especially the little coconut cream pies from luna park. they were yummy.

enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • ChrisJSIQuit
    January 6, 2008 at 6:18 pm

    hello all i’m new and have a quick question about the board.

    where can i add my Skype username to my profile?

    thanks ahead of time