What Would Vincent Vega Do? - Chris Ullrich dot net

What Would Vincent Vega Do?

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/v/SeDyK2lz0YY]I find this funny so I thought I would post it here. Other than that, I am currently busting my butt to meet various deadlines and doing exactly what I feared I would do — not post here much. Well, even as I said I hoped to keep up I knew in the back of my mind that I may have been biting off more than I could, well, chew.

Anyway, I will still attempt to post here as much as I can but with all the Cinematical and Comic Book Resources stuff going on, I hardly have time for LAist — let alone this here blog. Still, it would be nice to be able to do what i said I was going to do. I’m trying. I really am.

Until then, enjoy this little bit of video and I hope you get a laugh from it. Oh, one more thing. If you happen to be in San Francisco at MacWorld Expo in January, feel free to say “hello.” I’ll be there checking out all the latest Apple goodness (and maybe even an iPhone). You never know what might happen.