Apple won’t sell 10 million iPhones, Secrets and “Mac Chicks” - Chris Ullrich dot net

Apple won’t sell 10 million iPhones, Secrets and “Mac Chicks”


I don’t know for sure but it does seem like Lance Davis doesn’t have much love for Apple, Steve Jobs or the iPhone. Or, it could be that he’s just a reserved Brit used to having lowered expectations and settling for less. Or, he’s just not been effected enough by Job’s notorious “reality distortion field.” Whatever the case, his conclusions seem wrong to me. I could tell you why but over at TUAW, David Chartier does it for me (and you) so take a look over there.

Why am I linking to another Apple website instead of commenting myself? Well, I could tell you but its not something I can talk about yet. Yes, another one of those “secrets” I seem to have of late. I know, I hate secrets too. And while we’re on the subject, surprise birthday parties. But rest-assured all will be revealed in short order. As soon as I know something, I will let you know. Until then, enjoy this months latest “Mac Chick of the Month” Mandy Amano over at Macenstein.

Actually, on a bit of a side note, my frequent collaborator Anthony D. and I almost cast Mandy in a project once — right before her now infamous Pepsi Superbowl add aired. Sadly, the project fell through (as they sometime do) and we didn’t have the pleasure of working with Mandy. Maybe next time. Although now, we probably can’t afford her. At least we still have the new photos and the one I took at the casting.


  • tomdog
    June 7, 2007 at 5:22 am

    I am very much enjoying this Mac Chick!