Working on Something New - Chris Ullrich dot net

Working on Something New

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time you know I tend to do a lot of different things and have done a lot of different things over the years. Film, TV, writing, photography, consulting and working with a non-profit are just some of the ways I like to spend my time and make a living.

Lately, I’ve been thinking of starting a new venture. It occurred to me that as I’ve worked for various organizations and written about and interviewed various people in the worlds of entertainment, technology and comics, I’ve met a lot of great people who do amazing and interesting things.

I also have come to realize that working for other people isn’t always the best way to go about it. Certainly, I’ve worked with and for some great people over the years but if I’ve learned one thing working in “the business” its that ownership, in the end, is where its at.

If you create something and own it you stand a much better chance of realizing the full benefit from it both creatively and financially. If you’re just a hired hand you’ll never care about it as much as you will if it’s your “baby.”

I’m a professional and I work very hard to do the best job possible — but at the end of the day its just a job. I don’t have the personal stake in the work so consequently I’m not going to care as much as someone who conceived the idea in the first place.

So, that brings me to the latest project I’ve been working on. A project that I created and will have an ownership stake in. Its called The Flickcast and it covers the things I know and love: movies, TV, comic books, tech and all-things geek. It’s a weekly podcast featuring myself and my co-hosts Matt Raub and Christina Warren.

We will also feature guests and other people dropping by periodically to talk about various projects, movies, tv shows or other geek things that they feel passionate about. I’m really looking forward to doing this and it looks to be a lot of fun. Plus, you’ll get to hear my terrific voice on a weekly basis which I know many of you have been clamoring for.

Be sure to check out The Flickcast website and follow us on Twitter for the latest updates. We’ll also have a Facebook page soon as well so you can friend us there too. Also, feel free to throw out comments, suggestions, questions or words of encouragement as we fine tune the show over the weeks.

Greatness often takes time so we hope you’ll give us a listen and follow along as we strive to achieve it.

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