May 2012 - Chris Ullrich dot net
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May 2012

35 Years Ago Today . . . In a Galaxy Far, Far Away


On this day in 1977, before it was known as ‘Episode IV’, a little movie called Star Wars made its debut and changed the way things worked in Hollywood for all time. It also had a very significant impact on a young boy named Chris who learned an important lesson that day: there’s no limit to what you can imagine.

Happy 35 Star Wars.


From the ‘Want’ Department: The Sonos SUB

I may have mentioned I’m a big fan of Sonos and their products. I use a Play 5 every day and it’s an awesome way to listen to music from your personal music collection, Pandora or Spotify. Plus, like my Macs, it “just works.”

Now Sonos has a new piece of shiny I want: the SUB. Check out this video of the SUB in action and tell me you don’t want one too. And no, that’s not CG.


First Teaser for ‘Anchorman 2’ Is Here and I’m In

Now this is happening.


‘Lazy Sunday 2’

The sequel to the great SNL Digital Short Lazy Sunday arrived last night and it did not disappoint. Watch. Enjoy.