By Way of An Update - Chris Ullrich dot net

By Way of An Update

Hello all. My most recent plan was to start to write here frequently again. As you can plainly see, I was not entirely successful.

However, I do intend to give it another try. I’ve been working on a couple other writing projects and those have taken up what little creative energy I have. Now that I’m at a certain point with those, I can take a step back and focus a bit more on this site, which I’ve been posting at for over fourteen years now.

Fourteen years? Damn. That’s a long time.

In truth, I’m not even sure that’s completely accurate. I think it’s actually been longer. But still, fourteen years is a good stretch, so I won’t worry too much about it.

Anyway, stay tuned and I’ll try to be better about writing things for this site. Or, at the very least, put up some funny links or a cat video once in awhile. People still love that shit, right?

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