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Photo a Day – Day 29

Getting even closer now to the end. This is the second to last photo of the “Photo a Day” event. Exciting, yes? I know I’m feeling it.


Photo a Day – Day 28

Wow, only two more days to go on this thing. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I would make it this far. But hey, guess I was wrong. Kudos to me and all that stuff.


Also at the flickr page.

Photo a Day – Day 27

Getting close to the end here. Very exciting times indeed. Only three more days to go. Although, I am enjoying it quite a bit, so maybe I’ll extend it a few extra days for fun. Who knows? Until then, here you go.


Also at the flickr page.

Photo a Day – Day 25

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. A good day and a good day to post a new photo. This time around it’s a macro shot I thought I would try and see what happens. Twenty-five down, five to go.


Michael Mann’s ‘Lucky Star’

Here’s an interesting fake trailer for a movie called ‘Lucky Star’ that’s actually a commercial for the Mercedes SL500. Made in 2002, starring Benecio Del Toro and directed by Michael Mann, its one of the longest and most expensive commercials ever made. Sadly, I did not work on it. However, even without my involvement, it’s still pretty damn cool — mostly because Mann is pretty much a genius.


Photo a Day – Day 24

Happy weekend everyone once again. Hope you’re having a great one and that you are enjoying the Labor Day holiday. If so, how about a beer or a margarita? Of course, whatever you end up doing, be safe out there. Cheers.

Twenty-four down, six to go.


Photo a Day – Day 23

Happy long weekend everyone. I’m sure that during these three days off you will probably have many opportunities to take interesting photographs. I’m sure I will also.

However, I still need a photo for today, so here it is. Yes, that’s a commercial jet on the left and a military helicopter on the right. Twenty-three down, nine to go.


As always, these photos are also at my flickr page (as if you didn’t already know).

Photo a Day – Day 22

This photo was taken during an event in Santa Monica to call attention to U.S. casualties of the Iraq war. One cross or other faith-appropriate marker per dead soldier. For me, seeing all the markers spread across the beach, numbering over four thousand, was a powerful reminder of the human cost of war.


Photo a Day – Day 21

Because its election season and the Democratic Convention is going on this week, I thought it was appropriate to show a photo somehow related to these historic events. So, in the spirit of democracy, here’s a picture of a couple of Obama’s younger supporters, out on a Sunday, working to register people to vote and giving away Obama stickers. Good for them. Is this a great country, or what? Twenty-one down, nine to go.


Also at my flickr page.