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What really happened to that X-Wing Fighter

Apparently, the previous video is not the complete story because there’s this. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Are we really alone?[youtube=]

Do you have your own X-Wing Fighter?

Build and launch your own X-Wing Fighter? Sounds impossible? Not for these guys. Although, it doesn’t end so well.[youtube=] 

One Very Expensive Crapper

And people think NASA and the federal government spend too much money on things. How about a $75,000 toilet? Fancy. Think this is crazy? Blame this guy for making it.


The Shower Scene from Psycho

This is pretty funny and features some pretty good performances (at least by potato standards).


Enjoy and happy Turkey Day all. 

One Laptop Per Child

As I love laptops, am also pretty fond of children and education and OLPC seems like a worthy cause, I went ahead and donated. Feeling left out? Want to know how you can do something? Well, don’t worry as you still have another week to do a good thing for some kids.

Plus, if you act now, T-Mobile will also throw in one year of free Hotspot access on top of giving one and getting one and that great feeling that comes from doing a good thing. How can you pass that up?

I know, some may argue that this isn’t what children really need but access to technology is important (as is food, shelter, medicine and clean water) but we’re talking about laptops at the moment so get those credit cards or Paypal accounts going and donate.

Marvel Launches Digital Comics

Apparently, Marvel has decided to enter the 21st Century and is now offering comics online for you to read. Quite a few titles to choose from as well. What’s the catch? Well, it will cost you a monthly fee of $5.00 / month if you pay upfront or $10.00 / month if you opt to pay every month.

Not bad I guess as I spend way more than that on comics in a month anyway. However, I do love the feel of the actual pages so I think for the time being — even though this is pretty cool and is probably the way things are going to go — I think I’ll stick to reading comics the old fashioned way. Although, ten bucks a month really isn’t that much . . Decisions, decisions.

Testing the Ecto Beta

Just a quick post to test out the new Beta of Ecto, my blogging software of choice. So far, so good. Especially considering the last verion of the Beta would not talk to my blog at WordPress. Now, it does. Thanks guys at Ecto for all the hard work. It’s a good program and well worth the 20 bucks so give it a try.

Also, I’ll be back to more frequent writing here and at other places too pretty soon. It’s just taken a bit of time to get back into things. I’m sure you can understand.

Almost Real

Congress passes a law helping to solidify the position of bloggers as “real” journalists. Could be a step in the right direction. Still has to get signed by Mr. Bush but perhaps it will. We’ll see.

Harold Ullrich 1930 – 2007


It’s hard, but in the end I guess I’ll manage it. What else can you do but try to get on with life even if you don’t really want to? After all, life happens even if you’re not ready for it. So, may as well try to get ready for it, right?

Or, at the very least, try your best. A wise man once told me “Do the best with what you’ve got.” Good advice.