As I’m a huge fan of Star Wars (of course) and also looking forward to Suicide Squad, this mashup trailer by The Usual Suspect amused me quite a bit.
As I’m a huge fan of Star Wars (of course) and also looking forward to Suicide Squad, this mashup trailer by The Usual Suspect amused me quite a bit.
This video, put together by Editor Jacob T. Swinney, is very impressive. It chronicles the history of cinema, starting with the 1915 film Birth of a Nation, by highlighting iconic shots from 100 films of the past 100 years.
Very impressive indeed. Enjoy this bit of history.
(h/t to the a.v. club)
By now you’ve likely seen the entire second season of Daredevil on Netflix. If so, pretty great, right? If not, what are you waiting for?
Either way, this fight scene from Episode 3 of Season 2 is, if not the best, at the very least one of the top two or three fight scenes ever done in a TV show or a movie.
Kudos to all involved.
Hello all. You may notice some changes around here. You’re very perceptive. I’ve relocated this website to new hosting.
Nothing against Media Temple or anything, I’ve just decided to make a change. So, from now on this site will be running on servers powered by Mac Highway.
I like the fact that Mac Highway is all Macs and also gets all of its energy from wind power. That’s pretty cool.
Anyway, things might be a bit bumpy until everything is done, so bear with me. Thanks.
Too much? I can never tell anymore.
I love Star Wars. You love Star Wars. Pretty much everyone loves Star Wars. And, what’s even better, we live in a world where we can expect more Star Wars movies and will get the first of the new ones this December. Yes, I have tickets. Would you expect otherwise?
No, of course not. Attendance is mandatory.
Seeing as you love Star Wars, I’m sure you’ve watched the new trailer a hundred times already, right? But have you watched the Supercut trailer? The one where all the available footage from the move that’s in the wild has been cut together to make one big, well, super trailer? Maybe not.
So, in the interest of helping you get all the Star Wars you can (at least until December 18th), here it is below. I’ve also included the un-Supercut version (aka the “official” trailer) as well.
Gotta say it, the new Mad Max movie is pretty great. It’s got a lot of things going for it. One of the most impressive is the fact that almost all of the stunts were done live and were not CG.
Sure, CG was used for wire removal and other safety-related reasons, to enhance shots and other tricks, but when you see those cars flip or guys attack Max and Furiosa by swinging down on poles, that’s all live and in-camera.
If you want to know more about how they did it, this video shows you. It’s been around the Interwebs for several days, but just in case, here it is for those of you who haven’t watched it or just want to watch it again because it’s so cool. Kudos to director George Miller and his stunt team for making this one of the best action movies in recent memory.
And if you’re interested in what role CG did play in the film, there’s an excellent article over at FX Guide that shows you everything you want to know.
You know the old saying “Be careful what you wish for?” Well, I’m experiencing a bit of that now.
Fortunately, what I wished for in this case is pretty cool, so the fact it’s going to come true isn’t really a bad thing. Actually, it’s a really good thing.
I could go on like this for a bit longer, being all cryptic and such, but many of you will start to wonder “What the hell is he talking about?” or even begin to wander off and look for shiny objects. So, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer: I am leaving the Los Angeles/Orange County Metroplex and moving to Austin.
Yes, that’s right, the one in Texas. H got a great work opportunity, and I can do what I do from almost anywhere with an Internet connection, so we’re packing up our crap in a giant truck and heading East. Well, in truth, movers will be packing our crap in a giant truck.
I don’t rent a U-Haul and move myself anymore. Those days are in the past, along with my healthy back.
And what about Max, you may wonder? How does he feel about the pending change of address? Well, he doesn’t really get a vote. But if he did, I’m sure he’d agree this is a great opportunity for the family and be all for it.
But like I said, he doesn’t get a vote. He’s just a baby, after all. That would be silly.
As for me, I’m excited about this new adventure and the possibilities it brings. I’m also excited about potentialy having a bit more space. Don’t get me wrong, I like our current house. It’s just a bit close to the neighbors for my taste.
So, we will be looking for a new place in Austin with a bit more land around it. Who knows, we may even end up in the country? Could happen. But don’t tell H, I’m not sure she would go for it.
Being born and raised in California, I will miss a lot of things about “The Golden State.” But the truth is, there’s also a lot of things I won’t miss. I also know Austin and Texas aren’t perfect either and will likley have their fair share of annoyances.
But that’s okay. I like a challenge and I’m ready for it. And no, I won’t be buying cowboy boots or a ten gallon hat.
Well, maybe a hat.
I love photography. In fact, I’ve been taking pictures since I was given my first camera (an Olympus OM 1) in the sixth grade. Yes, that long.
Over the years I had a succession of film cameras but made the switch to digital about ten years ago. Since then I’ve pretty much had Nikon DSLRs and, on occassion, Canon point and shoots. I’ve captures thousands of images with those cameras . . . and some of them are even pretty good. Well, a few at least.
Then, the iPhone came along. It was a phone, a way to send text messages, a web browsing device and, amazingly enough, a pretty good camera.
And over the years the iPhone cameras have gotten better and better. Now, they’re really good.
Of course, people still use a DSLR. I do, especially when shooting Max. He moves pretty fast and the quick focus of a DSLR and Nikon lenses (especially the amazing 50mm 1.4) comes in handy. But most of the time, I find myself using the iPhone 6 to take photos.
I’m not alone. People are using the iPhone a lot more every day to take photos. But how do the DSLR and the iPhone compare? This handy infographic (made by the fine folks at Twenty 20) answers that question and more. Check it out below.
I haven’t been reading very many comic books lately. In fact, I almost never buy single issues of any comic title. I only get trades of titles I’m interested in.
And that list is pretty short these days. In fact, I think it’s pretty much just The Walking Dead on the list right now. Like I said, short.
The reasons for this are several, but the most important of them is the time involved in reading and keeping up with monthly titles and the storage of same. I already have quite a few long boxes of comics in the house (more than quite a few) and am not really looking forward to adding an additional room to accommodate more.
And yes, I know the majority of the titles are available in digital form which would allow me to read them on the iPad or some other tablet. That wouldn’t take up much space at all. But for whatever reason, call me a purist, I prefer my comics in floppy form. I also like reading a newspaper too.
Of course, as is often the case, an exception comes along. Said exception du jour is the new Star Wars comic from Marvel. It started in January with two issues out so far. They are scheduled to come out monthly, at least until the new movie (Star Wars: The Force Awakens if your keeping score at home) is released in December. But I would imagine, if it continues to be such a big success, the comic could go on indefinitely. That would be fine with me.
My one word review of the first two issues is this: awesome. I’m really enjoying it so far and I have no reason to think I won’t continue to do so. The writing by Jason Aaron and art by John Cassaday are both outstanding with Aaron really nailing the mannerisms and speech of the major (and minor) characters.
I won’t get into the story or anything but if you’re not currently reading the Star Wars comic, I highly suggest you do so — especially if you’re a Star Wars fan. I like it so much it was even my pick on a recent episode of The Flickcast. A ringing endorsement to be sure.
I’ve lived a fair amount of time on this planet and have probably become a bit jaded over the years. It’s refreshing when something like a comic book comes along and reminds me me how fun things can be. It’s helped change my attitude for the better, to be sure.
Of course, I can’t forget another reason for my improved attitude: there’s a new Star Wars movie coming out this year. This. Year.
I was pretty sure that was never going to happen. I’m very happy to be wrong.
Yeah, life is pretty good.