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‘Batman vs. The Terminator’


Time flies. Or is time a flat circle? I get those mixed up. Anyway, it’s been many days since I last put something here and I know it’s time to fix that. I do have an excuse, however. Personal stuff.

Yes, the dreaded “Family Emergency” rendered me unable to post during the recent past. Fortunately, things seem to be resolved for the moment, so I’m back now . . . with a vengeance.

Well, not so much a vengeance, really, more like a an impulse or a need. A need for speed. Or video.

That brings me, not so subtly, to today’s video: Batman vs. The Terminator. Yeah, it’s pretty much as cool as it sounds. Enjoy.


‘Breaking Trek’


In truth, I haven’t watched the last couple seasons of Breaking Bad . . .yet. I have, however, watched every episode of every Star Trek series. More than once, in fact.

I also like when smart, talented people put things together and see what happens. Keeping that in mind, what do you think you get when you combine Star Trek and Breaking Bad?

Well, wonder no more because in the video below, we all get to find out.

On a mostly unrelated note, being a new father has, as you may expect, caused me to lose considerable sleep. Consequently, I’ve been having some difficulty being on a regular schedule and also fining the time, and coherent moments, to put anything here. Rest assured, I will get back to my version of normal as soon as I can.

Although, I guess with a new son I need to be open to the possibility things will change quite a bit and I will have to adopt a “new” normal. Fortunately for all concerned, the new boy is pretty awesome so if things have to change (which they surely will) I won’t mind one bit.

Anyway, here’s the video.

The D&D Animated Series Is 30 Years Old This Week


I still remember that day in 1983 when this show graced the Saturday Morning Cartoon airwaves. To be perfectly honest, I can’t remember for sure if I loved it or not. I think I did, but that was a long time ago.

No matter, it’s always fun to check out things from my past, especially the mostly innocent ones. Here’s a bit of the series in all of its 1983 glory.


How ‘Man of Steel’ Should Have Ended


I’m not sure I agree with everything in this video. However, I do appreciate the time and effort that went into making it by the folks at and it does raise some very good points.

So, if you’re one of the people who thought Man of Steel should have gone a bit differently, this just might be for you. Okay, who am I kidding, it never would have ended this way, especially not for a big Hollywood blockbuster. It’s just for fun.

But heck, it’s still pretty funny.

Also, while we’re on the subject of comics and movies (as we often are), I’ll be in San Diego later this week for Comic-Con. So, if you’re going to be there, be sure to say “Hello” if you see me.

I will also be posting some stuff here and over at The Flickcast during the show so be sure and look out for that. You don’t want to miss it.

Enjoy the video.


Is ‘RWBY’ the Future of Animation?


Taking a break from all the iOS 7 hubbub, I came across this trailer for an upcoming animated series from the Rooster Teeth Network called RWBY. I think it looks pretty amazing, and it should.

The man behind it is none other than Monty Oum, whose work on Red vs. Blue: Revelation and Dead Fantasy pretty much defined what this kind of animation can be.

But don’t take my word for it, check out the RWBY trailer called “Black” right here. Is this the future of animation? It just may be.
