Getting even closer now to the end. This is the second to last photo of the “Photo a Day” event. Exciting, yes? I know I’m feeling it.
Getting even closer now to the end. This is the second to last photo of the “Photo a Day” event. Exciting, yes? I know I’m feeling it.
Wow, only two more days to go on this thing. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I would make it this far. But hey, guess I was wrong. Kudos to me and all that stuff.
Also at the flickr page.
Getting close to the end here. Very exciting times indeed. Only three more days to go. Although, I am enjoying it quite a bit, so maybe I’ll extend it a few extra days for fun. Who knows? Until then, here you go.
Also at the flickr page.
I’m a man of few words today except to say “Happy Labor Day.”
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. A good day and a good day to post a new photo. This time around it’s a macro shot I thought I would try and see what happens. Twenty-five down, five to go.
Here’s an interesting fake trailer for a movie called ‘Lucky Star’ that’s actually a commercial for the Mercedes SL500. Made in 2002, starring Benecio Del Toro and directed by Michael Mann, its one of the longest and most expensive commercials ever made. Sadly, I did not work on it. However, even without my involvement, it’s still pretty damn cool — mostly because Mann is pretty much a genius.
Happy weekend everyone once again. Hope you’re having a great one and that you are enjoying the Labor Day holiday. If so, how about a beer or a margarita? Of course, whatever you end up doing, be safe out there. Cheers.
Twenty-four down, six to go.
Happy long weekend everyone. I’m sure that during these three days off you will probably have many opportunities to take interesting photographs. I’m sure I will also.
However, I still need a photo for today, so here it is. Yes, that’s a commercial jet on the left and a military helicopter on the right. Twenty-three down, nine to go.
As always, these photos are also at my flickr page (as if you didn’t already know).
This photo was taken during an event in Santa Monica to call attention to U.S. casualties of the Iraq war. One cross or other faith-appropriate marker per dead soldier. For me, seeing all the markers spread across the beach, numbering over four thousand, was a powerful reminder of the human cost of war.
Because its election season and the Democratic Convention is going on this week, I thought it was appropriate to show a photo somehow related to these historic events. So, in the spirit of democracy, here’s a picture of a couple of Obama’s younger supporters, out on a Sunday, working to register people to vote and giving away Obama stickers. Good for them. Is this a great country, or what? Twenty-one down, nine to go.
Also at my flickr page.