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Go East Young(ish) Man


You know the old saying “Be careful what you wish for?” Well, I’m experiencing a bit of that now.

Fortunately, what I wished for in this case is pretty cool, so the fact it’s going to come true isn’t really a bad thing. Actually, it’s a really good thing.

I could go on like this for a bit longer, being all cryptic and such, but many of you will start to wonder “What the hell is he talking about?” or even begin to wander off and look for shiny objects. So, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer: I am leaving the Los Angeles/Orange County Metroplex and moving to Austin.

Yes, that’s right, the one in Texas. H got a great work opportunity, and I can do what I do from almost anywhere with an Internet connection, so we’re packing up our crap in a giant truck and heading East. Well, in truth, movers will be packing our crap in a giant truck.

I don’t rent a U-Haul and move myself anymore. Those days are in the past, along with my healthy back.

And what about Max, you may wonder? How does he feel about the pending change of address? Well, he doesn’t really get a vote. But if he did, I’m sure he’d agree this is a great opportunity for the family and be all for it.

But like I said, he doesn’t get a vote. He’s just a baby, after all. That would be silly.

As for me, I’m excited about this new adventure and the possibilities it brings. I’m also excited about potentialy having a bit more space. Don’t get me wrong, I like our current house. It’s just a bit close to the neighbors for my taste.

So, we will be looking for a new place in Austin with a bit more land around it. Who knows, we may even end up in the country? Could happen. But don’t tell H, I’m not sure she would go for it.

Being born and raised in California, I will miss a lot of things about “The Golden State.” But the truth is, there’s also a lot of things I won’t miss. I also know Austin and Texas aren’t perfect either and will likley have their fair share of annoyances.

But that’s okay. I like a challenge and I’m ready for it. And no, I won’t be buying cowboy boots or a ten gallon hat.

Well, maybe a hat.