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This Supergirl Fan Film Is Worth a Look


It’s become somewhat of a tradition around here. That is to say I like to bring interesting videos I find out there on the Interwebs to your attention. Frequently. Well, as frequently as I can now that I’m also Mr. Mom (more on that in a separate post).

I bring things to your attention, mostly, because I care. I care about you and I care about people doing interesting and cool things. So, if I can bring those elements together, I think the ten minutes or so I spend doing it is time well spent.

This time around the video in question is called Girl of Steel. It’s a Supergirl fan film with a great deal of promise. It’s good, in other words.

Watch it and enjoy.


The Original 1967 ‘Wonder Woman’ Pilot


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: making TV (or movies for that mater) is hard. Well, making them isn’t that hard, but making them good, that’s the real trick.

Sadly, this video of the 1967 pilot (more of a pilot presentation really) for a Wonder Woman TV series, featuring Ellie Wood Walker as the titular heroine, falls into the “not good” category. In fact, it’s pretty much unwatchable.

I don’t know the full history of this, but I do know it was made by the same folks who made the 60’s Batman series starring Adam West and Burt Ward. So yes, it’s supposed to be campy.

I can take campy. Heck, I even like campy sometimes. But this, this is something else entirely.

I guess you should just judge for yourself. I can’t imagine why this didn’t get the green light to become a series.


Hit Girl vs. Mother Russia In ‘Kick-Ass 2’


As I said recently, I was (and am) a big fan of Mark Millar’s comic Kick-Ass. It’s a great series and became a very good movie in the hands of director Matthew Vaughn.

The second Kick-Ass movie is on the way now and the marketing department has been working overtime putting out lots of promo stuff to get fans in the mood and excited to see it. And that’s just what you’d expect them to do, right?

I’ve watched quite a few of said promos, but this new one featuring Hit Girl fighting Mother Russia is quite a good one. It also gives you a bit of insight into the filmmaking process, which can be a good thing.

Although, some people just like to come into these things cold and not take a peek behind the curtain, and that’s cool too. But with all the outlets for information available these days on the Internets, and elsewhere, that’s probably pretty hard unless your a luddite who lives in a cabin somewhere. Of course, if that describes you, you’re probably not reading this either, so let’s move on, shall we?

But if you really want to have no info or “spoilers” of any kind, I won’t try to change your mind. I don’t blame you. I get it. I sometimes wish I didn’t know anything either or that I didn’t know how movies, TV and “The Business” work, but I do.

Sometimes it can take the fun out of it having all this knowledge and experience. But most of the time it’s still a heck of a lot of fun. And even though I’m not often surprised, I still manage to have a great time.

So, for those interested, here’s the video. For the rest of you, just go outside or something. It will all be over soon.


8-Bit ‘Kick-Ass’


I’m a fan of all-things Kick-Ass. I thought the comic by Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr. was great and the movie, directed by Matthew Vaughn and starring Aaron Johnson, Chole Moritz and Nicholas Cage, captured the spirit of the comic and was a fun ride in and of itself.

Naturally, I’m also interested in the sequel to both the comic and the movie. But before I get all into that (which I will at a later time), there’s this:



These Japanese Posters for ‘The Wolverine’ Are Very Cool


In the old days (before the Internet) movie posters were considered a big part of how to market a movie and get people interested in seeing it. Back then, studios also spent a lot more time and money (most of the time) designing said posters.

These days, movie posters mostly tend to look the same. Giant heads of the main actors and maybe an explosion or something. At least in this country. Fortunately, the movies are a global business and we often get some really great posters from elsewhere.

These posters for The Wolverine are a prime example. Check them out below.






A Few Interesting Things For a Friday


It’s almost the weekend. Pat yourself on the back for making it this far. It’s been an interesting week for sure.

But let’s put all that aside for a minute and take a look at some fun things for a Friday. Next week we can all go back to the usual BS.

Don’t worry, it will still be there. Promise.

First up is the cool LEGO Star Wars Ewok Village Set (pictured above). Sure, I felt the same way about the Ewoks as you probably did, but this is still pretty cool.

In more LEGO news the company apparently doesn’t want to rest on its laurels by having the worlds biggest LEGO space ship. They also want to build the ultimate LEGO house. Sure, why not?


If you like comics as I do, you may want to, occasionally, read them on your iPad. But what’s the best app to accomplish this? Well, the gang at Lifehacker recommends Comic Zeal. I like it, but as it’s only for non-DRM comics, I also use the Comics app from ComiXology to read my Marvel, DC and other publisher’s stuff.


With Apple’s WWDC coming up next week, there’s lots of speculation as to what the company may announce. I think we’re going to see iOS 7, a new Pro desktop, maybe a new laptop and a new music streaming service, but what else? Wired has the full compliment of predictions. We’ll know if any of us are right next Monday.


Finally, are you a science geek? Or perhaps you have a child (or two) that needs to learn the periodic table of the elements? Well, what better way than with a music video. Watch and enjoy. You just might lean something. I did.


Happy weekend.

Batman 1972


I love it when artists take chances and spin known subjects or concepts in new and different directions. Today’s example is from artist Francesco Francavilla as he takes the iconic Batman and reimagines him as a 70’s blaxploitation anti-hero.

Check out more of the images from Batman 1972 below.




Some ‘Avengers’ Behind the Scenes Fun

As always, when I see something cool I bring it to you. This time it’s a very interesting video showing how (and why) a particular shot was accomplished for The Avengers.

Cool stuff indeed.


The New ‘Man of Steel’ Trailer Looks Pretty Awesome

Here’s Zack Snyder’s version of Superman. I think it looks pretty good. What say you?


Couple Things

Happy Friday. I hope you have some great plans for the weekend. I don’t really but that’s okay, I’m going to Vegas next week for several days so that should be relaxing enough.

We will be staying at a hotel I’ve never stayed at before (I mostly stay at THE hotel at Mandalay Bay) called The Palazzo. From what I’ve heard from a few friends and seen online, it seems nice and should be a fine choice. I’ll let you know how it goes.

I’ve got a couple things to tell you before I let you go off for the weekend. First, I saw Steven Soderbergh’s new movie Haywire earlier this week and enjoyed it. I’ve got a full review of the film up over at The Flickcast.

Second, we’ve got the Kickstarter campaign going full swing for our first comic Believer. If you’ve been reading me here, you probably already know that.

What you probably don’t know is that Rich Johnson over at Bleeding Cool gave us a nice mention today and I just want to thank him for that. So, thanks Rich. You are a man among men.

That’s pretty much it for me today. I will be taking it easy this weekend and trying to save my energy for Vegas next week. I know it’s tough, but somebody has got to do it.