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This Looks Fantastic

the fantastic four

In the spirit of staying positive and not reacting to the state of things right now, here’s another trailer (for a movie this time) that I think looks great. I’m sure you’ve seen it by now, but if not, here it is.

I’m talking, of course, about the recent (teaser) trailer for Marvel’s upcoming The Fantastic Four: First Steps. In a word, it looks, well, fantastic. Yes, I went there. Can you blame me? It was right there.

I love everything about this, especially the retro vibe. It really takes me back to the Silver Age of comics I knew as a younger man. Plus, the casting is spot-on. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the “First Family” in action. Fortunately, we don’t have to wait too long.

This Looks Great

daredevil: born again

I was (and still am) a big fan of most of the Netflix Marvel series from several years ago. I enjoyed the shows, especially Daredevil and Jessica Jones Season One. The rest were various degrees of good to great, with one major exception.

But no, we don’t need to talk about Iron Fist unless we’re talking about Jessica Henwick, then yes. She was the best thing in that series and hopefully we’ll see her character again. But sadly, the rest of Iron Fist was just . . . not good.

But in the interest of being positive, let’s move on. You can imagine I was pretty excited when they announced a new Daredevil series on Disney+ was on the way. That was a couple years ago and I’ve been waiting patiently.

Well, it’s 2025 and the new show, called Daredevil: Born Again, is finally set to be released in late March. About time.

Recently, a full trailer for the series dropped, and I gotta say, I’m in. It looks great. Glad to see most of the old gang back together again.

This is gonna be fun. And sad. Yeah, probably a little sad too. No spoilers though. Enjoy!