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This Looks Fantastic

the fantastic four

In the spirit of staying positive and not reacting to the state of things right now, here’s another trailer (for a movie this time) that I think looks great. I’m sure you’ve seen it by now, but if not, here it is.

I’m talking, of course, about the recent (teaser) trailer for Marvel’s upcoming The Fantastic Four: First Steps. In a word, it looks, well, fantastic. Yes, I went there. Can you blame me? It was right there.

I love everything about this, especially the retro vibe. It really takes me back to the Silver Age of comics I knew as a younger man. Plus, the casting is spot-on. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the “First Family” in action. Fortunately, we don’t have to wait too long.

The ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Trailer Looks Awesome

I realize this has been out for a bit, but I just watched it again and, gotta say, I still love it. The whole vibe seems just right as does the look, the tone and pretty much everything else. Of course, you can’t tell everything from a trailer.

Still, if the movie ends up being close to this, I’ll be very happy indeed. Plus, who doesn’t love Led Zeppelin?

Anyway, if you haven’t watched it yet, what are you waiting for? Here it is.

‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ Is One I’m Looking Forward To


I don’t always have a lot of enthusiasm for upcoming movie releases. Some of them don’t appeal to me due to the subject matter or I know they’ve had trouble and are not going to be nearly as good as their trailers make them out to be. And some just look bad.

But that’s the nature of the movie business and my, on occasion, fickle taste in movies. Fortunately, a lack of enthusiasm isn’t something I have to worry about with the upcoming sequel to Captain America: The first Avenger called Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

It. Looks. Great.

Don’t believe me? Check out the latest trailer that dropped during the “Big Game” yesterday.


The New ‘Die Hard’ and Some Amusement for President’s Day


First off, I finally saw the latest Die Hard movie. This one, called A Good Day to Die Hard, was not terrible. It wasn’t great, by any means, but it wasn’t terrible. It just was.

I won’t get into a lengthy review here, mostly because Nat Almirall does a fine job of it over at The Flickcast. However, I will say I mostly agree with him and his review, but I didn’t dislike it as much as he obviously did.

I also didn’t have as much of a problem with following things as he seems to have had. Maybe it’s because I have a background in editing or have just seen so many rough assemblies of films that jump cuts and poor attention to scene geography don’t really bother me.

Perhaps it was all the coffee I had before I saw the movie? Or, maybe seeing the movie with Matt Raub made me stay on my toes and pay better attention in case of potential discussion later? I don’t know.

The movie did spark one thing, though, Matt and I have a terrific idea of what the next Die Hard movie should be. Maybe we’ll share that with the class if we ever do another podcast. Hey, it could happen.

Now this:
