Osama needs attention - Chris Ullrich dot net

Osama needs attention

Osama Bin Laden is lonely. Much like the evil dictator, Kim Jong Il, in “Team America: World Police”. He decided to release a new video, as I’m sure you heard. Just to get attention. I wasn’t going to even talk about it but what the hell? What does this video mean for John Kerry and George Bush? For my money, very little at this point.

Many pundits will spin this “event” their own way. But in the end, people will react to OBL the way they always have since September 11th. They will want to see him dead. They want him dead no matter who is President. Does this mean seeing him will make Mr. Bush look weaker because he didn’t catch him? No. He’s been able to do that just fine already, thank you.

People already know OBL is running free and apparently now, in good health. Bush supporters will keep supporting Bush and Kerry supporters will keep supporting Kerry. The “undecided” voters will still be undecided until the last minute and then, probably vote for Kerry (well, I can hope at least). The only dumb thing that Kerry did was not harp on this more during the last days of the campaign.

I wanted to see him go on the offensive more and take President Bush to task. He didn’t. I hope it doesn’t hurt him. Don’t get me wrong, I endorse John Kerry for President. I just wish he was a little stronger in some areas. Like charisma. I know that shouldn’t matter but it does. Face it, he’s a little charm-challenged.

I guess I would just like to be blown away by someone who wants to be the President. I feel that the President should be the best of the best. He should be someone who speaks to the ordinary citizen as well as the elite power-brokers. He should be someone who gives a shit about the environment, health care, jobs, the economy and all the other stuff that doesn’t really get mentioned now that we are in a “war”. He should also be able to out-talk and out-debate anyone and know when to attack when he needs to.

Maybe the guy I am looking for doesn’t exist? I like to think he does. I like to think that somewhere out there, maybe in high school or college somewhere, is a guy (or a girl, why not?) with a new vision for this country. Someone who will take us to the next level and be a true leader for tomorrow and beyond. It would be nice if the Presidential race wasn’t between two billionaire middle-aged white guys for a change. Let’s get some new blood. Barack Obama anyone?

Whatever happens tomorrow, I will be bracing myself for the subsequent lawsuits and fighting between the parties and the eventual selection of the new President by the Supreme Court sometime in January.

Cynical? You bet. Of course, I could be wrong. Wouldn’t that be nice?


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  • Demi
    December 25, 2008 at 7:57 pm

    “I guess I would just like to be blown away by someone who wants to be the President. I feel that the President should be the best of the best. He should be someone who speaks to the ordinary citizen as well as the elite power-brokers. He should be someone who gives a shit about the environment, health care, jobs, the economy and all the other stuff that doesn’t really get mentioned now that we are in a “war”. He should also be able to out-talk and out-debate anyone and know when to attack when he needs to.

    “Maybe the guy I am looking for doesn’t exist? I like to think he does. I like to think that somewhere out there, maybe in high school or college somewhere, is a guy (or a girl, why not?) with a new vision for this country. Someone who will take us to the next level and be a true leader for tomorrow and beyond. It would be nice if the Presidential race wasn’t between two billionaire middle-aged white guys for a change. Let’s get some new blood. Barack Obama anyone?”

    I just thought you deserved mad props for calling that four years out of the gate. That is some sick psychic mojo divination mania right there, especially during a time when most people thought the bout was to be a New York showdown between Hillary and Rudy. I’m impressed.

    And yes, I’m reading your blog. 🙂