Back in the old hood. - Chris Ullrich dot net

Back in the old hood.

Well, I wouldn’t call Encinitas a “hood” exactly. It’s a combo beach town suburb where some people have lots of money and others don’t. However, it is neighbor to more exclusive areas like Solana Beach and Del Mar which have many more rich people and fancy cars. In High School, we used to hang with girls that lived in Solana Beach and Del Mar. Their houses were bigger and their parents were gone most of the time (out earning the dough for the houses and cars) so we pretty much had the run of the place. Although sometimes, the maid or cook would make us a sandwich or something so that was nice.

Anyway, the trip has been interesting so far. Many things are the same and many things are different. Bars have different names and some dive restaurants have a new coat of paint and still have good food (or bad). Raul’s shack is still there, looking better, and still has the best rolled tacos and quesadilla around. And their guacamole is first rate also. A must go to if you are ever in the area. Also great is Filibirto’s (which used to be called Alberto’s but changed as Filibirto got bigger in the family. Brothers you see). They have great guacamole also and carne asada as well. All good.

Also saw an old friend and we got along very well. I have to admit I was a little pissed off at him for a few past issues but I decided that life is too short to hold a grudge so we went out, had dinner and a few beers and all is well. Plus, he has great kids so he must have some good qualities I guess. Maybe they all come from his wife?

I also heard that Ronald Reagan died today. Even if you don’t agree with his politics (which I don’t) you gotta give “The Great Communicator” props. He made politics interesting to me as a child of the 80’s. Hey, at one point I was a registered Republican so there you go. has all the scoop. Rest in piece Gipper.

More to follow but now I gotta go find something to eat. It’s already almost 3PM and no lunch yet. Although, I could probably afford to go without lunch once in awhile. Yeah, I’ll start that diet tomorrow.


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