Trailer for 'Police Story 2013' with Jackie Chan - Chris Ullrich dot net

Trailer for ‘Police Story 2013’ with Jackie Chan


One of the things you learn quickly when you have a new baby in the house is your time stops being your own. The baby becomes the priority and many of the other things you might want to do have to take a back seat. I’m not complaining, just making an observation.

Having Max is a great thing and I couldn’t be happier about it. He’s awesome and one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.

That said, I also use him as an occasional excuse (intentionally or not) to not do many of the things I’m supposed to do, or would really like to do — such as posting here. Yeah, I know, but what are you gonna do, right? Time just slips away.

I would, however, like to keep putting things here. To that end, here’s the Chinese trailer for Police Story 2013 with Jackie Chan. It looks pretty wild.

Have a great weekend all.


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