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Photo a Day – Day 20

Another milestone folks ’cause here we are at day twenty of thirty. Not bad for a guy who basically hasn’t stuck to much of anything all his life — except maybe his love of Sci-Fi and Craftsman Beers.

Anyway, enough of that. Here’s the latest pic. Twenty down, ten to go.


Also at my flickr page.

Photo a Day – Day 19

Had a fun photo shoot at the Santa Monica Pier yesterday. There was an event at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium (which is run by my favorite non-profit Heal the Bay) so I went down to cover the event and also take some photos at the pier — which always has some interesting people and things to see.

One of the components of yesterday’s event was a simulated rescue of a person who has jumped, or fell, off the pier. Here’s a photo for today’s “Photo a Day” of the person who needs to be “rescued” in mid-jump. I thought it was kinda cool. Nineteen down, eleven to go.


Also at my flickr page.

Photo a Day – Day 18

Woot. This is the eighteenth day of photos. They say photos can be inspirational. You gotta love that. So, without further to do, here’s the picture that inspired me the other day.


Also at the flickr page.

Photo a Day – Day 17

Another day, another photo. I’ll keep it short today as I’m on my way out the door to do some actual work. Surprised? Yeah, me too. Thirty minus seventeen equals thirteen.


Photo a Day – Day 16

I thought for today I would try another black and white photo. For some reason, I really like the look of black and white — almost more than I like color. Not completely sure why, but I’m just going to go with it for now. Anyway, here’s the latest picture in the series. Sixteen down, fourteen to go.


More at my flickr page.

Photo a Day – Day 15

Let’s play a game, shall we? No, not ‘Global Thermonuclear War’ — this isn’t an early eighties Matthew Broderick movie. Instead, let’s play a game where I pretend I can count and you pretend that I can too. How fun will that be? I’m guessing quite a bit. Although, I’m probably biased, so who knows?

Anyway, here’s the latest in a virtually unbroken series of photos which are part of my “Photo a Day” project. If you’re tempted not to play nice or otherwise not play the game along with everyone else, please keep some vital things in mind.

Any change, no matter how slight, takes time and effort. Sometimes, you have one but not the other. And sometimes, you don’t have either one. And sometimes, you just get distracted by something shiny.

But, if your intentions are good, once in a while people can, and should, throw you a bone and overlook the blatant gaps in your plan. At least that’s how I see it.

Okay, let’s see how the second half goes. Fifteen down, fifteen to go.


Photo a Day – Day 14

No comments or witty banter this time around as I’m just plain worn out from various fun activities. Here’s the latest picture.


Photo a Day – Day 13

Due to circumstances beyond my control (ok, I forgot the cable to download pictures to my MacBook) I’m going to post a photo for today that was not taken today. It was, however, taken by me recently, so that’s almost as good, right?

Anyway, here’s a picture of my friend Matt Raub with non-other than Freddy Kruger himself, Robert Englund. Good times. And yes, I realize I posted this photo once before — but not during the “photo a day” festivities, so it doesn’t really count. Thirteen(ish) down, seventeen to go.


Again, my sincere apologies for the transgression. I shall endeavor not to forget things in the future. . . . Wait, what were we talking about?

Photo a Day – Day 12

Just in case you thought none of my photos would include pretty girls, here’s a couple of them for your viewing pleasure. Yes, they were very nice to pose for pictures but didn’t end up hanging with us very long. They had to leave and go meet some “friends.”

Actually, that was fine with us as we had to go and meet some more drinks at a different bar — so it all worked out. Twelve down, eighteen to go.


Also on my flickr page.

Photo a Day – Day 11

In honor of my work in the comics field, I thought it would be fun to put up not a picture, but a Manga. In fact, let’s just call it the “Manga Me.” Which, in fact, is what it is.

It’s a Manga version of me for all to enjoy. Not a picture, per se, but still pretty cool. Especially, of course, as it happens to be of me — or at least what I might look like as a character in a Manga.

chu avatar.jpg

See, aren’t I cute? In fact, I think my “Manga Me” might actually be better looking than I am in real life. Oh well, that’s how it goes sometimes. Eleven down, nineteen to go.