Here it is, ten days of photos. On top of that, I’m writing this entry using my iPhone and the WordPress Application. Pretty cool.
Ok, enough stalling, here’s the latest photo. Ten down, twenty to go.
Here it is, ten days of photos. On top of that, I’m writing this entry using my iPhone and the WordPress Application. Pretty cool.
Ok, enough stalling, here’s the latest photo. Ten down, twenty to go.
Even though I was distracted the last few days by a fun trip out of town and also had to take time out of my day for a long meeting at a certain TV network to be named later, I’m still finding the time to post a picture. True, it is a bit late in the day. But what the heck, at least I made it.
You might also notice I’ve been absent from the various sites I contribute to the last week or so. After Chicago, various other things and most recently, San Diego Comic-Con, I needed a little break from work. I also needed to concentrate heavily on a particular writing project that’s on the brink of moving forward to the next level. Fingers crossed it will.
But fear not, I’ll be back to business as usual shortly. Until then, nine down, twenty-one to go.
Also find the “Photo a Day” photos at my flickr page.
I think I might have already missed a day of this experiment and if so, I’m apparently a loser incapable of sticking to anything for more than a few days at a time. Yeah, that kinda sounds like me. But I was really trying not to have it be that way this time.
Anyway, here’s the latest pic. Eight down, twenty-two to go.
Also at my flickr page.
Even though I’m on the road, I’m still managing to stick with my photo a day experiment. How about me, huh? If possible, I may post another one today, depending upon what happens. Until then, Seven down, twenty-four to go.
Also find these photos at my flickr page.
Another day, another photo. I think I’ll have to start mixing it up a bit more and trying new things. After all, this is an experiment, right? Why not try some new things? Six down, twenty-four to go.
Also find these photos on my flickr page.
Today, I’m a man of few words. Mostly because my throat hurts so it hurts to talk. On a positive note, here’s the latest photo in my “Photo a Day” experiment. Five down, twenty-five to go.
Photos also on my flickr page.
Even though I’ve been under the weather the last several days, I’ve still managed to go out of the house once or twice — mostly because I needed/wanted chicken soup. I also managed to snap a few pictures as well seeing as how the new camera (the Canon Powershot SD1100 IS for those keeping score at home) goes with me everywhere now.
So, here’s the latest in the “Photo a Day” experiment. Four down, twenty-six to go.
Also, check out the photos on my flickr page.
Three days. . . in a row! Can you believe it? Maybe I do have the hang of this “stick to things” thing? I guess we’ll find out as the days progress. Three down, twenty-seven to go.
Also find the “photo a day” photos at my flickr page.
Two days in a row, nice. Can you dig it? Here’s the second photo in my thirty days of photos experiment.
Two down, twenty-eight to go.
You can also find these at my flickr page.
Here’s the first of the series of pictures I’m going to be taking each day for the next thirty days. One down, twenty-nine more to go.
I’ll also be putting these up at my flickr page as well.