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Video Friday: ‘The Daly Show: The Daly Superheroes’ with Guests Nathan Fillion and Michael Rosenbaum

With all the content being produced these days it’s pretty much impossible to see it all. In fact, I’m lucky if I get to spend an hour or so a day looking for new things to watch let alone watching the programming I have to in order to write about it or review it for The Flickcast.

Fortunately, that’s one of the many things friends are for. This time around, my pal Rick Marshall pointed me to this particular episode of The Daly Show (not to be confused with The Daily Show with John Stewart) and I have to say, it’s pretty damn funny.

In case you’re not familiar, the show features the exploits of actor Tim Daly and his son Sam. Plus, they have special guests on each show. This episode’s guests? Nathan Fillion and Michael Rosenbaum.

Awesome? Yes.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzNMtGx_cZc?rel=0&w=500&h=281]

A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs


This was written by Steve Jobs sister Mona Simpson and given at a ceremony for the late Apple co-founder and all-around genius. I thought it was worth reposting and preserving here for me, and for you.

I grew up as an only child, with a single mother. Because we were poor and because I knew my father had emigrated from Syria, I imagined he looked like Omar Sharif. I hoped he would be rich and kind and would come into our lives (and our not yet furnished apartment) and help us. Later, after I’d met my father, I tried to believe he’d changed his number and left no forwarding address because he was an idealistic revolutionary, plotting a new world for the Arab people.

Even as a feminist, my whole life I’d been waiting for a man to love, who could love me. For decades, I’d thought that man would be my father. When I was 25, I met that man and he was my brother.

By then, I lived in New York, where I was trying to write my first novel. I had a job at a small magazine in an office the size of a closet, with three other aspiring writers. When one day a lawyer called me — me, the middle-class girl from California who hassled the boss to buy us health insurance — and said his client was rich and famous and was my long-lost brother, the young editors went wild.

This was 1985 and we worked at a cutting-edge literary magazine, but I’d fallen into the plot of a Dickens novel and really, we all loved those best. The lawyer refused to tell me my brother’s name and my colleagues started a betting pool. The leading candidate: John Travolta. I secretly hoped for a literary descendant of Henry James — someone more talented than I, someone brilliant without even trying.

When I met Steve, he was a guy my age in jeans, Arab- or Jewish-looking and handsomer than Omar Sharif.

We took a long walk — something, it happened, that we both liked to do. I don’t remember much of what we said that first day, only that he felt like someone I’d pick to be a friend. He explained that he worked in computers.

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Phoebe Cates Is Number One


How I didn’t see this before I’ll never know, but apparently the site Mr. Skin rated the all-time best nude scenes in movies and one of my favorite actresses of all time was number one. I’m talking about, of course, Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

To a young man such as myself, Cates represented all that was awesome about girls and helped start us on the way to manhood. I’m very happy that many others obviously share my enthusiasm for Cates. She truly is one of a kind and still looks great today (at 46), btw.

But here she is in her younger days in one of my favorite movies of all time. Also, keep in mind, this video is probably NSFW. Enjoy.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbHth5ErTs8?rel=0&w=420&h=315]

I’m Chris and I Approve of This

I’ve seen a lot of movies over the years and many of them had one or more superheroes in them. Some of those superheroes were also women and probably looked pretty good in their costumes. However, I’m fairly certain none of them ever looked this good.

I give you Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow in Iron Man 2. You’re welcome.


‘Sports Illustrated’ Reveals New 2010 Cover Girl

Here’s the new SI cover girl Brooklyn Decker looking very good. You’re welcome.


My Favorite Patrick Swayze Movies

patrick-swayze.jpgSadly, the world lost a great guy, a great dancer, a great actor and a great fighter today when Patrick Swayze passed away at 57 from complications due to pancreatic cancer. He will be missed.

I’ve been a fan of the man for years and even had the chance to meet and work with him long ago on a movie probably best forgotten. It wasn’t one of his best films (or mine) and at the time he was a little worse for wear, but still he was always a professional, a friendly, happy man and a pleasure to work with.

That’s the way I’m going to remember him.

Also, I’m going to remember him through his movies. So, in honor of Patrick Wayne Swayze, here’s a few of my favorites.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn96jR5Geyk&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVOW9FUdZxo&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoM6IFiyRjE&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsbuQ-jg014&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1]

Video Friday – Dear John Witherspoon

In honor of the holidays, the following video will have pretty much nothing to do with the holidays whatsoever. Oh, this video is probably NSFW unless you happen to work someplace where this kind of thing is acceptable. If so, are they hiring?

Enjoy and happy holidays. Yes, I went there. That is all.


Heath Ledger Oscar Campaign Ad

This is pretty clever — even if it is overshadowed by the actor’s tragic death. Still, I can appreciate the effort.


Thanks to my friend David Press for pointing this out.

Video Friday – RIP Bettie Page

In case you don’t know who I’m talking about, here’s some video that points out the true phenomenon that was Bettie Page — who, sadly, passed away yesterday at the age of 85. Time Magazine also has some great photos and a tribute over here, so take a look. Enjoy.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0Ynlp7sxZs&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0]

Every Picture Tells a Story

Or, so people say. So, to challenge myself and because I feel what meager photography skills I may have once had are dwindling rapidly, I’ve decided to embark on a little experiment. I’ve decided that I shall acquire a newer, smaller digital camera and then take it everywhere with me for the next thirty days.

During these thirty days I will take photos each and every day and post at least one each and every day to this here blog. In so doing I hope to spark some creativity in myself and also, perhaps, get a few interesting photos in the process.

Now that I’ve made this decision and this plan, the first step is to acquire said smaller, lighter digital camera. I’m doing this mostly because I don’t want the camera and its weight or bulk to get in the way or serve as an excuse why I’m not keeping up with the plan.

After a bit of research, I’ve decided on the Canon Powershot SD 1100IS as the newer, smaller camera of choice. Its on-order from Amazon and should arrive Monday. Just in time for me to start this thirty day project. So, keep a lookout for new pics right here every day starting Monday.

To be honest, I’m wondering if I will be able to keep up this schedule of taking and posting a picture every day. I guess we’ll find out. To start us off a bit early but in the right direction, here’s a pic I took the other day of my pal Matt Raub and Robert Englund (aka Freddy Krueger):
