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‘The History of Typography’ – An Animated Short


Among the many reasons I consider myself a geek is my love of fonts and typography. I love the way type and graphics look when laid out properly on a page. I’m not sure where it comes from, but I’ve always been a big fan.

So, this animated short, made by Ben Barrett-Forrest, about the history of typography was very enjoyable for me. Perhaps you will enjoy it too.


‘The Empire Strikes Back’ Is 33 Years Old Today, So How About Some Bloopers?

The Empire Strikes Back - Vader vs Luke

It should come as no surprise to anyone that I am a huge fan of the original Star Wars trilogy. In fact, I’m such a fan that I know The Empire Strikes Back was released 33 years ago today. Yes, I was there to see it on opening day.

Although, opening day was actually the second time I had seen it. The first time was at a press screening a few weeks earlier my Mom had won tickets for by listening to the radio all day while I was at school.

Do I have a cool Mom or what?

I still have that press kit somewhere with all the awesome black and white photos from the movie. Must dig that up someday soon.

To commemorate this milestone in history, here’s some bloopers for the first (and only good) trilogy. Enjoy.


Trailer Time: I Know What You’re Thinking, But I Like It


In truth, I never did much “live” role-playing like the gang in this trailer for Knights of Badassdom. However, I did enjoy more than a few fun times playing some Dungeons & Dragons on the ping pong table in my parent’s garage. No, we didn’t have a basement. I live in California, people, come on.

Anyway, this trailer made me laugh. So, I’m going to share it with you so you can get a laugh on a cloudy Monday. Well, cloudy in California anyway. Ironic, I realize.

Check out the trailer for Knights of Badassdom, which stars Ryan Kwanten, Dani Pudi, Summer Glau, Stave Zahn and Peter Dinklage, below. From what I understand, this trailer is for the version of the movie that is not the director’s cut. If true, that’s unfortunate.

However, it doesn’t take away from the trailer being fun. And fun is what I’m all about today.


‘Star Wars’ In the Kitchen


To be clear, I don’t cook very many things and I don’t think I’ve ever baked. However, seeing these may cause me to start.

In short, these are pretty awesome. Check out all the possibilities right here.

Sunday Old School With ‘Jason and the Argonauts’


Today is Sunday. Check the calendar if you don’t believe me. Okay? We good? Maybe take a guy’s word for it next time, huh?

Anyway, as I often do on Sundays (at least until Project M “officially” begins), I’m watching old movies. Although, the one today isn’t that old.

It’s 1963’s Jason and the Argonauts featuring the amazing stop-motion work of the master Ray Harryhausen. If you’ve never seen it, it is definitely worth watching. . . for many reasons.

Not the least of which is this pretty awesome skeleton fight that blew me away when I first saw this movie as a kid. No, not when it came out. Later, on TV.

In fact, I think the first time was a Sunday much like this one on the old Channel 13 in LA. I miss that channel, they had some great stuff.

Here’s the skeleton fight, just so you can get a taste of what I’m talking about.


‘Walking Dead’ Season 3 Visual Effects

Walking Dead

Continuing our trend of highlighting visual effects work, here’s a reel from Stargate Studios showcasing their work on The Walking Dead season 3. In addition to all the great zombie kills, pay particular attention to what they did with the prison. And they did it all with Adobe After Effects. Huh.

Great stuff.

[vimeo 63430867 w=525 h=295]

All Six ‘Star Wars’ Movies at the Same Time


Yep, you read that right. Someone went to the trouble to put all six Star Wars movies together in the same screen and run them at the same time. To be honest, I don’t know if I love this or hate it. Maybe a bit of both.

I do know I’ve got a headache from watching it. Enjoy and you’re welcome.


A ‘Star Trek: Into Darkness’ Trailer. . . Made With LEGO


If you recall a couple weeks ago, I posted the trailer for Man of Steel made with LEGO. Well, Antonio Toscano is back and he’s got a new trailer.

This time it’s for Star Trek: Into Darkness and yes, it’s also made entirely out of LEGO. I think this is great. You probably will too.



Still More Useful and Interesting Things


As life returns to normal (or at least my version of it) I realize it’s been several days since I last put some useful and interesting things up here.

So, with that in mind, here’s some more for you:

• Have trouble getting people to do what you want? Maybe this technique can help.

• For the screenwriting nerds out there, John August and his team have come up with a new version of the venerable Courier font, called Courier Prime, to use when writing your scripts. I’ve switched to it and it’s quite nice.

• If you have a girlfriend who would love this as a gift, marry her. If you already did, kudos to you and it makes a nice Valentine’s Day gift too.

• Here’s a complete collection of Mac OS X install disks. I think I still have all of mine too. Yep, Mac nerd right here.

• Have and iPad? Want to use said iPad in the kitchen or other place where it might get wet? You want one of these.

• I like talented people doing cool things, so I like this. Granted, I know Brian so I may be a bit biased. But still, it’s pretty cool. BTW, you should also read his book. It’s very funny.

• Last, but not least, Tom Witkin’s Poster app for iOS is for posting to a WordPress site and is very awesome. It’s become my new favorite and I now use it pretty much every day. Check it out.