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New Trailer for Season Four of ‘The Walking Dead’


I read The Walking Dead back when it was just a comic book and not a hugely successful tv series. Even then I was hooked on it and devoured each new installment the moment I could get my hands on it.

Then, it became a tv show. And of course, I watched it. And each week it delivered a solid bit of tv drama complete with all the characters and situations (for the most part) that I’d loved from the comic. It also became a mega success.

Sure, it got kind of bogged down when the show decided to spend a lot of time searching for Sophia and living at the farm. But then things got really great again after they reached the prison and met the Governor.

It hasn’t gone exactly like the comic, but that’s okay. It doesn’t have too. It’s a tv show adapted from the comic, and that’s all the loyalty it owes to the source material.

Fortunately, what they’re doing with the show lately is really paying off and I’m very much looking forward to the next season. Speaking of that, there’s a new trailer for Season Four that’s just come out.

Check it out and let me know whart you think. I know what I think.

I. Can’t. Wait.


Jon Snow’s 80’s Style Training Montage

Jon Snow

Game of Thrones is a very popular and extremely well done show on HBO. But, of course, you already know that. But did you know that the ’80’s were a time when the movie training montage came into its own?

There’s lot of examples of ’80’s movies with great training montages like Rocky III, The Karate Kid and Breakin. Heck, even Scarface had a montage. Although, that one wasn’t so much about actual training — unless you count training to be a drug dealer. I do.

But what if you could combine Game of Thrones with an 80’s style training montage? What would that look like? Fortunately, we don’t have to wonder becuase someone on YouTube has already gone ahead and done it. Did you expect anything less?

So, without further delay, here’s Magooch86‘s Game of Thrones ’80’s style training montage featuring everyone’s favorite man of the Night’s Watch, Jon Snow.

That’s right, we’re gonna need a montage.


(h/t to Star Foster for the link)

Here’s Some ‘Community’ Outtakes for a Friday


Many of these made me laugh. Some made me, well, experience other emotions. Anyway, here’s a little video containing some fun Community outtakes.

Enjoy them as this week’s episode may be the last one ever. Fingers crossed for a renewal from NBC, though. Thursday night’s episode would be a hard way to go out.

No, I didn’t think it was that great. I was hoping for more. On a side note, don’t read anything into the fact that most of these outtakes contain scenes with Alison Brie. That’s just a coincidence.

I also have no idea how the picture of her eating ice cream came back again. I thought I got rid of that. Please accept my humble apologies and I will try not to let it happen again.


How to Teach Your Unborn Child About ‘Star Trek’


Geeks/nerds out there expecting a child in the near future, this video is for you: How to Teach Your Unborn Child About Star Trek. That’s right, it’s never too early to start teaching your child the important fundamentals.

Well, you might want to wait until they actually have ears and can hear (about 20 weeks or so). But then, get to it.

If I ever have children (hey, you never know), in addition to Star Trek, I will also be teaching them about Star Wars during the all-important internal gestation period. This will, of course, inevitably lead to many enjoyable Star Trek vs. Star Wars debates.

That does sound like fun. I may have to work on that.


(h/t to Dr. Tom Mahoney for the link)

And Now, a Very Special Episode of ‘Downton Zombey’


This amused me quite a bit. Of course, it helps if you watch Downton Abbey… And love zombies.

Fortunately, I do. I guess I should also mention that if you do watch Downton Abbey but haven’t seen this season’s finale, you may actually get some spoilers in this. So, beware and enjoy.


Some News and a New ‘Mad Men’ Promo

I have been extremely busy the last several days and as such, haven’t had much to say here. Rest assured I’ll be back in short order. In the meantime, check out this promo for the upcoming season of Mad Men.

It’s in black and white, so you know it’s gonna be classy. Also, see if you can spot any new faces in the mix. I bet you can.



‘Star Trek: TNG’ Season Two Bloopers? Make It So!

As a huge fan of the original Star Trek series, I was quite skeptical when Star Trek: The Next Generation came out. Fotunately, it only took about five minutes for the new show to win me over and I’ve been a big fan of Picard, Riker, Data and the rest ever since.

With the series coming out on Blu-ray, we’ve gotten some great supplimental material. One such bit of greatness is this blooper reel from Season Two of the series.

Great stuff indeed. Enjoy.

Update: Sorry kids but it seems the video has been taken down by YouTube for those pesky “copyright violations.” I’ll see if I can find it somewhere else. Meantime, go read a book or something.


The Live-Action ‘Star Blazers’ Movie Is In the Wild(Star)


When I was a kid, I used to watch an animated TV show called Star Blazers in the morning before going to school. It was a great show and I really enjoyed it. Well, it was great to me at the time anyway.

Later, I learned it was actually called Space Cruiser Yamato in Japan (the Star Blazers title attached to it in the States to capitalize on the popularity of Star Wars no doubt) and in the years since I first watched, it has become quite popular in Japan and spawned several animated movies and seasons of TV.

More recently, they made a live-action version of the series. I posted a trailer for it awhile back. It was released last year in Japan and has now found its way online.

It’s also available on DVD and Blu-ray, if you can find it. I managed to order a copy from Amazon. We’ll see if it actually arrives.

Until then, there’s always YouTube (or the eventual American remake supposedly being written by Chris McQuarrie).

Enjoy. I did.
