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Busy, Busy, Busy


I wanted to illustrate just how busy I’ve been recently by having not one, but three “busy” titles for this missive. So yeah, I’ve been busy.

That’s not to say that most of you don’t lead busy lives as well, I’m sure you do. It’s that I don’t know most of you personally so I can’t really speak with any authority on the subject, now can I?

I can speak with some authority or myself, however. So yeah, I’ve been busy. Been working on the house, working on other projects, working in general and also preparing for the arrival of Project M.

I’ve also realized that this time I have now to do things is going to be far less very soon. With the arrival of Project M imminent, I can foresee quite a bit of my time being taken up dealing with the day-to-day duties of being a father. No, I don’t mind at all. In fact, I’m really looking forward to it.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I won’t, occasionally, miss having time to do other things. Free time will just have to be regulated a bit more from now on, that’s all. When you’ve lived your life a certain way for as many years as I have, a very large change like this will certainly cause one to rethink one’s priorities.

Fortunately for all concerned, I’m a very evolved human being and will have no trouble making this important transition. Well, fingers crossed anyway.

Let’s switch gears now and talk about another subject I’ve become acquainted with recently: Home Improvement. Fortunately, I’ve got some background in things of this type having done a bit of construction as a young man as well as having spent several years as a Grip on film and TV sets.

Sure, that doesn’t mean I’m ready to add a room onto the house (it doesn’t actually need one, truth be told) but I do feel I know my way around a screwdriver, hammer and various other power tools.

That also brings me to a subject I’m very excited about: Tools. I think every home owner (well, almost every one anyway) should have a set of basic tools for doing things around the house. I have a decent set of tools I’ve accumulated over the years and also have many of the ones my Father left for me. Others have been broken, borrowed or otherwise lost over the years.

Consequently, my tool kit is a bit lacking in some areas. So, of course, that means I get to buy new tools. I’m enjoying that quite a bit.

Once I put the kit full together, I’ll post it here so you can see what I feel comprises an essential tool kit. Until then, try to get some fun outta life, you know?

Hit Girl vs. Mother Russia In ‘Kick-Ass 2’


As I said recently, I was (and am) a big fan of Mark Millar’s comic Kick-Ass. It’s a great series and became a very good movie in the hands of director Matthew Vaughn.

The second Kick-Ass movie is on the way now and the marketing department has been working overtime putting out lots of promo stuff to get fans in the mood and excited to see it. And that’s just what you’d expect them to do, right?

I’ve watched quite a few of said promos, but this new one featuring Hit Girl fighting Mother Russia is quite a good one. It also gives you a bit of insight into the filmmaking process, which can be a good thing.

Although, some people just like to come into these things cold and not take a peek behind the curtain, and that’s cool too. But with all the outlets for information available these days on the Internets, and elsewhere, that’s probably pretty hard unless your a luddite who lives in a cabin somewhere. Of course, if that describes you, you’re probably not reading this either, so let’s move on, shall we?

But if you really want to have no info or “spoilers” of any kind, I won’t try to change your mind. I don’t blame you. I get it. I sometimes wish I didn’t know anything either or that I didn’t know how movies, TV and “The Business” work, but I do.

Sometimes it can take the fun out of it having all this knowledge and experience. But most of the time it’s still a heck of a lot of fun. And even though I’m not often surprised, I still manage to have a great time.

So, for those interested, here’s the video. For the rest of you, just go outside or something. It will all be over soon.


An Awesome TOHO-Style ‘Pacific Rim’ Trailer


When I was growing up, one of my favorite things to do was watch giant monster (aka Kaiju) movies from Japan’s TOHO Studios featuring Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan and more in titles such as Mothra vs. Godzilla, King Kong vs. Godzilla, War of the Gargantuas and my personal favorite: Destroy All Monsters. They were great fun. Still are, in fact.

This was mostly possible because of two TV stations in Los Angeles I was able to pick up using rabbit ears from my bedroom north of San Diego. To this day, I thank old school Channel 5 and Channel 13 for bringing me giant monster movies and also for first introducing me to the original Star Trek series, which I distinctly recall ran right after Gilligan’s Island at the time.

Anyway, all this nostalgia brings me to this trailer for Guellermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim. But not just any trailer, because why would I bother with that now that the movie is out?

No, this one is special. It’s done in the Toho Godzilla style and it’s pretty great. Still love the music too.



8-Bit ‘Kick-Ass’


I’m a fan of all-things Kick-Ass. I thought the comic by Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr. was great and the movie, directed by Matthew Vaughn and starring Aaron Johnson, Chole Moritz and Nicholas Cage, captured the spirit of the comic and was a fun ride in and of itself.

Naturally, I’m also interested in the sequel to both the comic and the movie. But before I get all into that (which I will at a later time), there’s this:



Steve Jobs, An American Legend


I haven’t said much about the upcoming biopic of Steve Jobs, featuring Ashton Kutcher as the iconic Apple frontman. I’ve done that mostly because when I first heard about it, I was sure it was going to be a disaster, so why bother talking about it?

However, now that I’ve been seeing more and more material from the movie, I have to admit my attitude has changed. But changed how, you may ask?

Look, I don’t have anything in particular against Kutcher or against people trying to make movies about icons like Steve Jobs. We live in a world where things like that are still possible, and I, for one, am very happy about that.

So what’s my problem (or problems) with the movie? To be honest, after several months of hearing about it, watching trailers and talking about it with other film and tech people I know and respect, I’ve kinda forgotten what my problem with it is.

In truth, I kinda forget about the movie until a new trailer, or other piece of marketing, arrives in my inbox. And maybe that’s the problem I have with it. It’s not that I’m angry or think that Kutcher will do a terrible job portraying Jobs, it’s that I just don’t care.

I don’t care enough about the movie to have an opinion anymore, positive or negative. And that brings us to the latest trailer for the movie Jobs. I’ve watched it at least twice. It’s not horrible.

It’s not blow-you-out-of-your-seat great either. It’s just . . . there.

Will I see the movie when it comes out? At this point, probably not. Although, I really do hope something changes. I really hope something comes along that sparks my interest. I don’t like being indifferent. I really do want to care.

I guess that’s something, right?

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Some Serious Gourmet Shit

I really have nothing much to say here except I really like this movie (Pulp Fiction, in case you didn’t know) and I really like coffee, so it all makes sense. Well, it does to me at least.

Plus, Samuel L. Jackson is cool. If you doubt that, we probably have nothing more to discuss. You can go about your business. Move along.

The rest of you, enjoy.


And because I like you (well, most of you anyway), here’s the clip from Pulp Fiction, just for the hell of it.


(Kudos to The Good Films for the GIF)

Keanu Reeves and the Way of the Sword


I’m a martial arts fan and lapsed practitioner from way, way back. One of my favorite styles, if you will, was Kendo. Also known as the “Way of the Sword.” I very much enjoyed it.

It seems Keanue Reeves also enjoys using a sword and he does so to good effect in his upcoming movie 47 Ronin. Sure, there’s also a bunch of other stuff in this movie too (fantasy elements and more), but I’ll watch it mostly for the swordplay, which looks pretty cool.

There’s a trailer for the movies that’s come out recently and even though I like the trailer, I always get a bit concerned when the release of a movie is pushed back a couple times, as it was with 47 Ronin.

This is also the very expensive feature film debut of director Carl Erik Rinsch, which doesn’t always bode well either. Still, I think it looks pretty cool and I’ll be seeing it, even if they had to invent a character for Keanu Reeves to play in the otherwise rather well-known legend of the 47 Ronin and he is, again, the only “one” who can save us (or them, as the case may be).

That’s showbiz.


Happy Birthday Gary Gygax


Gary Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons and the man most closely associated with the boom in popularity of roleplaying games, would have been 75 today. When he died in 2008, I wrote two pieces about his death and my personal connection and experiences with him.

You can read my piece for ComicMix right here. I’m including the one from this site below. He would have been 75 today.

Sad news today. E. Gary Gygax, the man widely considered the “Father of Role-Playing-Games,” has died. He was 69 years old. I already wrote a piece about Gygax and his death over at ComicMix. What I didn’t mention in that piece was that, like ComicMix’s Glen Hauman, I also had a personal connection to the man.

I was fortunate to meet Gary Gygax after some friends of mine and I decided to have a D&D marathon at my house one Summer weekend in the late ’70s. We decided to invite Mr. Gygax to join us by writing him a personal letter. We even enclosed an article from the local paper (the Coast Dispatch in case you’re curious) featuring our upcoming marathon in order to try and entice his participation a bit more.

Sadly, he wasn’t able to attend, but he did write me a personal letter with his regrets and also graciously included several D&D adventure modules, as yet unpublished, for us to use during the game. We used them and had a great time, all the while praising Gygax for being cool enough to not only respond to us, but for caring enough to send us stuff to help make our marathon D&D session a success.

Several years later, I was able to actually meet Gygax in person at GenCon after I had convinced my parents it was a good idea to drive me across country so I could play D&D with a bunch of other kids in Wisconsin. My parents were cool like that and did it not only once, but twice.

When I met him the first time at GenCon we spoke for several minutes and he even remembered me from when I had invited him to our game. He was a great guy to talk to. Over the years I would run into him again at various events and each time he would, somehow, remember me and we would have another very nice conversation. At each and every meeting he was gracious and generous with his time.

The magnitude of Gygax’s influence on gaming and pop culture, both directly and indirectly, isn’t something that can easily be measured. He was extremely popular among those who played his games, of course, but his creations, particularly D&D, also had a profound effect on kids of my and later generations.

D&D helped us learn to think logically, to solve problems, to work as a team and, more importantly, to use our imaginations. As someone who has the privilege of using his imagination on a daily basis and gets paid for it, I , for one, have a debt to Gary Gygax that can never be repaid.

I feel confident there are others out there working away creating the current and next generations of games, comic books, movies and TV shows that feel the same way I do.

Thanks for the help and inspiration Gary. We need more people around like you. You will be missed.

Scooby Doo Walking Dead


More often than not, you come across things on the Internets that are lame and not worth the time it took you to see them and decide they were lame. Things like that are a waste of time and that time is something you will never, ever get back.

But then, once in a while, you find something that is really cool, worth the time and makes you smile. That’s right kids, this is one of those times.

I won’t say too much more about these images, created by the very talented Jeff Zoet, except to say that I wish I’d thought of this. It’s really quite clever and makes perfect sense. Combining Scooby Doo with The Walking Dead (sorta) is a brilliant concept and a is deftly captured in these images.

Jeff has got plenty more great concepts, videos and photos at his website, so be sure and check them all out. Hey, maybe you’ll even hire him to do some work for you? That would be a nice thing to do. And no, before you ask, I don’t know Jeff at all.

I just like what I like.







D&D Players Can Be Ruthless In This Trailer for ‘Zero Charisma’


Long ago, when Dungeons & Dragons was just called D&D and about the time the first edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons arrived, I started playing the game. Back then it was a group of like-minded friends who gathered around the ping pong table in my parent’s garage and had adventures.

It was a simpler time and I don’t remember the games ever getting violent, or even very confrontational, except when we were engaged in epic battles for our band of adventurers very survival. In the game, of course.

So when I saw this trailer for the indie film Zero Charisma (a title which works for me on several levels), I had to think if I ever had these kinds of problems as a young D&D player. I was pretty sure I didn’t, but perhaps I was remembering it wrong? Or, was I just lucky that none of the people I played with back then were bona fide sociopaths as, unfortunately, the character of Scott (the terrifically creepy Sam Eidson) seems to be.

I like to think we were all just good friends brought together by our love of role playing games, the desire to use or imaginations and because we liked to have fun. I really hope it wasn’t that other stuff. I don’t like to think that I can’t remember things or that I could have misjudged people’s character so badly back then.

As I still keep in touch with most of the guys I played with “back in the day,” I guess I can just check with them and see if my recollection of events jives with their own. I’m pretty sure it will.

You can call a prison directly, right? I kid, I kid.

Check out this trailer for Zero Charisma and some scenes from the movie. It looks like a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing it when I get a chance.

