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Trailer for ‘Police Story 2013’ with Jackie Chan


One of the things you learn quickly when you have a new baby in the house is your time stops being your own. The baby becomes the priority and many of the other things you might want to do have to take a back seat. I’m not complaining, just making an observation.

Having Max is a great thing and I couldn’t be happier about it. He’s awesome and one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.

That said, I also use him as an occasional excuse (intentionally or not) to not do many of the things I’m supposed to do, or would really like to do — such as posting here. Yeah, I know, but what are you gonna do, right? Time just slips away.

I would, however, like to keep putting things here. To that end, here’s the Chinese trailer for Police Story 2013 with Jackie Chan. It looks pretty wild.

Have a great weekend all.


It’s Saturday, So Here’s a Trailer for ‘Yakuza Weapon’


I can’t keep putting things away in the new house and not take a break. So, during one of said breaks, I came across this trailer for the movie Yakuza Weapon.

If you’ve followed this site for any length of time, you know my fondness for movies and TV shows out of the Hollywood mainstream. I think Yakuza Weapon qualifies.

I won’t bother trying to explain the movie except to say it involves transformation, the fight between good and evil and the question of what it means to be human. Oh yeah, there’s lots of action and stuff blows up too. Of course.

It was directed by Tak Sakaguchi (who also stars) and written by Sakaguchi and Yūdai Yamaguchi. It’s based on the manga by Ken Ishikawa. Check out the trailer below and enjoy.


‘009ノ1: The End of the Beginning’ Looks Pretty Crazy


I’m a fan of movies from around the world, and this trailer for 009ノ1: The End of the Beginning is one reason why. Sure, it doesn’t have the high dollar production value of a Michael Bay “epic”, but it does have one important thing going for it: heart.

I know, I know, but I can tell these actors, and the rest of the team, are really having a great time here. And that, to me, is pretty important.

I think it makes for better, more entertaining, movies. Plus, I firmly believe loving what you do, and having a great time doing it, applies to pretty much all parts of life, not just work.

We’re all here a relatively short time so let’s try and not get so caught up in the BS and have a little fun along the way, okay? Good.

Turing back to the trailer, no, I can’t tell you what they’re saying or really, what the movie is about. I can tell you it’s based on a classic Manga from the late ’60s, early ’70s and that the movie is hitting Japan in September. Oh, and it has cyborg girls and other interesting bits too.

But all that doesn’t really matter at this point, does it? It just looks cool. Check it out below.
