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One More Trailer for Today: Guillermo Del Toro’s ‘Pacific Rim’


If you ask people like my friend Rick Marshall, an extremely knowledgeable real geek if there ever was one, this is going to be the best movie of 2013. I’m talking, of course, about Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim.

Some points in the movie’s favor: It features giant robots fighting giant monsters. Do I need to go on? Okay, it’s also co-written and directed by Guillermo Del Toro, a guy who’s movies I’ve liked almost all of. YMMV.

Plus, it has a cool cast including two, count ’em, two guys from Sons of Anarchy (Charlie Hunnam and Ron Perlman), the under-appreciated Idris Elba and Charlie Day from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Is that a cast, or what?

All of this leads me to the trailer which, at first glance, is pretty damn cool. Is it going to be the best movie of 2013? Maybe.

Did I mention the giant robots fighting the giant monsters?


And Here’s a Trailer for a Movie I’m Not So Sure About


Yes, it’s been a week of trailers so far and today is no exception. This time it’s the new one for G.I. Joe: Retaliation.

See, I don’t always put up trailers for movies I think are going to be awesome. This is one I’m definitely not sure about.

Although, it does have Bruce Willis . . . and Adrianne Palicki, which is both cool and easy on the eyes. I’ll let you figure out which is which (For me, at least. You may feel the opposite).

Either way, enjoy (Or not). Also, apologies for the auto-play and having to put this one after the break. Blame Yahoo.

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The New ‘Man of Steel’ Trailer Looks Pretty Awesome

Here’s Zack Snyder’s version of Superman. I think it looks pretty good. What say you?


The New ‘Star Trek: Into Darkness’ Trailer Looks Awesome

This is a movie I’m looking forward to seeing. Let’s hope it lives up to the trailer. I think it will.


Another Fun Trailer for ‘A Good Day to Die Hard’

Die Hard is one of my favorite movies and I’m happy they seems to keep finding ways to extend the franchise. This new one, A Good Day to Die Hard, looks like a lot of fun. I’m in.

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The ‘Evil Dead’ Remake Looks Darn Good

I’m not always very receptive to remakes of classic movies I’ve enjoyed. Too often the remake isn’t very good and probably shouldn’t have been attempted in the first place.

Of course, even if there’s a remake, I still have the original to enjoy, so it really shouldn’t bother me. right? Well too bad, it does. . . sometimes. However, there’s also the occasional remake that can stand on its own, be enjoyable and not take anything away from the original. Some remakes even end up being even better than the originals.

I can think of a few at the moment: John Carpenter’s The Thing, which is an awesome remake of the original Howard Hawks film and one of my favorites; The Fly, directed by David Cronenberg and the Coen Brothers True Grit, a terrific western update of the classic John Wayne film.

This upcoming remake of Evil Dead just might make the list too. It has the virtue of being produced by Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, so I’ll bet that helps.

Plus, I do like the trailer (which is NSFW, btw). It looks pretty cool. I think I’m gonna give this one a chance.


‘A Good Day to Die Hard’ Looks Like a Fun Movie

The new trailer for A Good Day to Die Hard came out today. Gotta say it, the movie looks like fun. Bruce Willis has still got it . . . whatever “it” is.

What do you think?

Fun With Trailers

It’s no secret I like movies. In fact, you could even say I love them. Although, that’s a bit weird. They’re just things after all, not people (or dogs) or anything so how can I really love them?

I don’t know, that’s a question for the scientests or philosophers among you. I just know I love them and that’s all I have to know. Anyway, I’m looking forward to a bunch of movies coming out this Summer and fortunately for me (and by extension you) they have trailers.

So, in the interest of full disclosure, here’s some trailers for movies I’m looking forward to seeing this Summer. Or, in some cases, have already seen and/or enjoyed/hated/was indifferent to.

Yep, there’s a lot of ’em.

Django Unchained


The Dark Knight Rises

The Great Gatsby


The Bourne Legacy

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I’m sure there’s more, but for the moment, that’s enough. See anything you like?

First Teaser for ‘Anchorman 2’ Is Here and I’m In

Now this is happening.


‘Space Battleship Yamato’ Rocks

Here’s a trailer for a film I’m really looking forward to seeing. Sadly, it doesn’t have a US release . . . yet. Let’s hope by the power of the Internets we can make it happen. Until then, enjoy Space Battleship Yamato.
