I'm Very Important - Chris Ullrich dot net

I’m Very Important


Sure, I’m joking with the title of this post. My ego isn’t quite that big. However, I do have some rather good news to share. Well, good for me at least. For the rest of you, it won’t really mean all that much except for the fact that I’m sure you all want to see me happy and doing well. I really appreciate that, btw. So, what is this great bit of news then?

Well, starting this week I’m bringing all of my exhaustive Macintosh and Apple love and knowledge to a new venue: The Unofficial Apple Weblog (aka TUAW). Some of you may already have seen me at this new website as I already started writing there yesterday. But if not, head on over and check out some of my posts — mostly about the iPhone at the moment — but as things progress, I’ll be branching out into all-things Apple.

I’ve secretly (and not so secretly) wanted to write for TUAW for quite some time and as I already work for Cinematical (which is owned by the same company: Weblogs, Inc. / AOL) it was only a matter of time before I managed to work my way into writing for TUAW. And now, all that hard work has paid off and I got what I wanted. So, if you get a minute, head on over and take a look.

The site is good (better now that I’m there of course) and can fulfill your every wish where Apple and Apple-related news, reviews and more are concerned. This is one of the things I was talking about recently that I couldn’t talk about. The other is still hush-hush but should be ready for public consumption sometime soon.

In other news, I’m now back from my travels to Portland and am pretty happy to be back in LA. Although, as I mentioned earlier, i really like Portland and at one time or another, entertained thoughts about moving there. After all, I really love comic books and there are a bunch of people there doing just that so it seems a natural place to go.

In truth, I might make the move if it was just me. But as its not, I need to consider other people’s thoughts and feelings about the situation. Given that, I feel pretty strongly I won’t be leaving LA any time soon. However, you never really know, do you? Life is funny sometimes and once in awhile you actually do get what you want. The trick, of course, is knowing what that is.

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  • tomdog
    June 22, 2007 at 7:36 pm

    congrats Chris! that’s fantastic!