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Marvel Launches Digital Comics

Apparently, Marvel has decided to enter the 21st Century and is now offering comics online for you to read. Quite a few titles to choose from as well. What’s the catch? Well, it will cost you a monthly fee of $5.00 / month if you pay upfront or $10.00 / month if you opt to pay every month.

Not bad I guess as I spend way more than that on comics in a month anyway. However, I do love the feel of the actual pages so I think for the time being — even though this is pretty cool and is probably the way things are going to go — I think I’ll stick to reading comics the old fashioned way. Although, ten bucks a month really isn’t that much . . Decisions, decisions.

WGA Strike by The Daily Show Writers

Really, at this point, what more could I add?   


Testing the Ecto Beta

Just a quick post to test out the new Beta of Ecto, my blogging software of choice. So far, so good. Especially considering the last verion of the Beta would not talk to my blog at WordPress. Now, it does. Thanks guys at Ecto for all the hard work. It’s a good program and well worth the 20 bucks so give it a try.

Also, I’ll be back to more frequent writing here and at other places too pretty soon. It’s just taken a bit of time to get back into things. I’m sure you can understand.

Almost Real

Congress passes a law helping to solidify the position of bloggers as “real” journalists. Could be a step in the right direction. Still has to get signed by Mr. Bush but perhaps it will. We’ll see.

Harold Ullrich 1930 – 2007


It’s hard, but in the end I guess I’ll manage it. What else can you do but try to get on with life even if you don’t really want to? After all, life happens even if you’re not ready for it. So, may as well try to get ready for it, right?

Or, at the very least, try your best. A wise man once told me “Do the best with what you’ve got.” Good advice.

Take a Number

You know, its sorta funny how life works. Just when things seem to be taking a turn for the better life smacks you in the face so you know who’s in charge. Without going into to much detail, let’s just say that I’m still in the midst of things personal but on the plus side, if there is one, it looks to be a pretty short time now until the hardest part is over.

Although, they say waiting is the hardest part and dammit, whomever said that pretty much had it right. Waiting pretty much sucks but at the moment, that’s all I can do. Wait. So, here I am and here I’ll stay. I just hope it doesn’t take too long — this much waiting is not good for anyone.

Quick Update and Vacation News

Just in case anyone still comes here let’s just say that I’m almost to the point of returning. As you know, many things have happened lately, including my father being very ill, that have basically turned my life into pale imitation of its former self. Not that what I was doing was so great, just that I had more time to actually do it.

Now, it seems like most of my time is spent dealing with “things” and not my own life. Although, I’m sure there are people in the world with far more going wrong in their lives than me so I will do my best not to bitch. Still, things were going pretty great up until recently and I would really like to get back on that road as soon as possible.

Until then, I will content myself with thoughts of sandy beaches, warmer climes, large bar tabs and a much needed vacation. All of it coming soon courtesy of the impeding nuptials of Tony and Jenn who have graciously decided to have their wedding in the Cayman Islands. Naturally, I felt obligated to attend. After all, they are my friends. I couldn’t very well let them get married on an exotic Caribbean island without being there to celebrate with them. I felt I owed it to them.

The fact that I benefit as well never entered my mind. To help tide you over until the inevitable deluge of photos from the trip, here’s a few of the island taken by someone else besides myself (the groom-to-be actually). Enjoy.



Reading and Watching

Even though I’m distracted by personal crap lo these several weeks, I’m still trying to find time to read and watch some good stuff — if only to take my mind off of the distracting personal crap.

So, because I know that you care what I read and watch, here’s what I’m reading and watching at the moment (well, not right this moment as I am, in fact, writing this but earlier today and over the last week or so).



Crooked Little Vein by Warren Ellis — A really cool and crazy detective thriller novel by a really cool and crazy writer who’s work I’m loving more and more as I get into it. Can’t wait to see what he does when he takes over Astonishing X-Men from Joss Whedon. Should be pretty cool (and maybe even a little crazy). Also, if you get the chance, try to check out his comic Black Summer. Great stuff.


Preacher written by Garth Ennis with art by Steve Dillon — This is a terrific series I was late getting into. But man, is it good and asks some of those questions about life, the universe and everything that we all wonder about sometimes. Plus, it has God, magic, vampires, sex and lots of blood a gore. All in all, a great time. Ennis is a great writer who’s other work, including the excellent The Boys, is definitely worth a look.



Mad Men — If you haven’t checked out AMC’s original series about early 60s Madison Avenue advertising execs you don’t know what you are missing. Its a great show full of interesting characters, drama, humor and a rather reveling look at how things were in business and between men and women not that long ago.

Take a minute.


Even though I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment, I have to take time to remember that there are a lot of people who have suffered much more than I have and many who continue to suffer today.

I know it may sound cliche’ or naive but today, let’s try to be a little nicer to each other. Who knows, maybe it will catch on?