Just want to see if this thing is working. There are one or two odd things that I am dealing with but everything else seems ok so far. I guess we’ll see what happens as we go on, won’t we?
Moving Again
Posted on March 27, 2007No, I’m still sticking with WordPress but I’m moving to a new host that will give me better control over the site. WordPress is a great program and I will continue to use it over at the new host.
For the next day or two we may experience some issues as the URL of this here site changes hands to new hosts. I appreciate your patience and promise that this will be the last time I move this site around. Well, probably the last time anyway.
In the meantime, check out my article at LAist concerning the new AppleTV. Should you get one? Read and see.
Video Questions, SXSW and the Busy Tony Pierce
Posted on March 16, 2007Oddly enough I can’t embed a video here from a site called Jumpcut. Even though the video is an interview with WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg conducted by LAist head honcho and all-around cool guy Tony Pierce. You would think they would make an exception this time, but no.
So, I can only link to LAist where the video is for you to have the opportunity to enjoy it. I find the whole situation pretty ironic. Oh well, at least Matt seems like a nice guy even if I sometimes don’t quite understand the rules around here — as in why YouTube videos are ok and Jumpcut videos are not. Still, glad to be here and: Go WordPress!
Tony was very busy and also got several more interviews while attending SXSW in Austin this week. Some of them include the guys who started Web 2.0 “it” site of the moment Twitter as well as and interview with Mary Colvig of Mozilla. Some interesting stuff — especially if you love the tech like I do and are also super-jealous of Tony for being able to attend SXSW this year. Next year, dammit, I’m there for sure.
Oh, the picture has basically nothing to do with this post at all. Its just something I used over at LAist for a recent Tech News post and I liked it. Happy weekend all.
Growing Pains
Posted on March 2, 2007As I said in a previous post, the move from Typepad went fairly well except for one or two big glitches. Unfortunately, those one or two big glitches are pictures and video. Now, when you go to any posts except those from the last few weeks, they won’t have the pictures or video they are supposed to have. To me, that sucks and I’m sorry for the trouble. I don’t like to have things looking half-finished. Plus, I want things to be easy and not require me to do a bunch of work I already did. Not the case here, i guess.
I wish there was another solution besides putting everything back where it belongs manually but as of now, I don’t know what that might be. If you happen to have a brilliant idea, don’t be shy about shouting it out. Otherwise, its manual-replacement city for me for. So, over the next few weeks I am going to be manually putting video and pictures back into the posts they belong in. Should make for a great time. Fortunately, I am still not 100% better from the walking (and will-to-live-sapping) pneumonia so I have some time on my hands — that is when I’m not sleeping or thinking about sleeping. Fortunately, this picture and video thing shouldn’t be a problem for any posts from now on, just the old ones. So, check back and you should be able to see the videos and pictures eventually. Thanks for you patience during this time of transition.
Oh, in case you were wondering that is the cast of the 80s sitcom Growing Pains. I thought the picture was appropriate for two reasons. One, the obvious one that the site is having some growing pains of its own. And two, I once did a movie with Tracey Gold who, if I recall correctly, was very nice and a huge fan of Diet Coke. Its a fact, actors love that Diet Coke. We used to go through tons of it on shows. Fortunately, in many cases, it was free product placement so we didn’t have to buy it. Just one of the perks of a fully-stocked craft service table, van or occasionally, a trailer — but only on the bigger shows. I guess there were some good things about showbiz after all.
Posted on February 27, 2007So yeah, obviously I moved to WordPress. And yes, I like the way the blog looks now. But no, the move wasn’t perfect. Sadly, all of the pictures and video files I had put into my posts didn’t make the trip so they will have to be dropped in manually. Quite a bummer actually considering I’ve got over three years worth of posts here and most of them have pictures or some other kind of media.
Anyway, I probably won’t go back and bring all the pictures back in. I just don’t have that kind of time. So, if you happen to read a post with a whole where a picture should be, please forgive me. I am also having some trouble getting embedded videos to play at WordPress so that will take a little effort on my part as well. Or, I suppose I could ask support for help. Not there yet. I always like to figure this stuff out for myself anyway. It help later if someone else asks me what to do and I can tell them from experience.
Other than that, I’m writing this while looking at an Apple 23″ Cinema Display attached to my MacBook Pro. I gotta say that it’s a pretty great monitor and I may keep it. Actually, it technically is supposed to go to someone else but they don’t need it right away so I thought I would check it out for myself and see how nice it is. You know what, its pretty nice.
Posted on February 26, 2007It occured to me that I have this blog set up at WordPress and more importantly, its a free one. Perhaps I should be taking advantage of the free stuff? Maybe so. I do like Typepad but it seems like I’m spending quite a bit of money on something I don’t really take much advantage of. My blog isn’t updated that often so maybe it makes more sense to change it to over here?
I don’t know but I’m thinking about it. Anyway, thanks for letting me think out loud. Appreciated.
Blackberry Blogging (again)
Posted on September 12, 2006Its fun and so good for you. Well, not really but it could be. Just testing something. Sorry to bother. More and better soon.
I know, I know, how could it get much better than this?
ipods, nasa, elections and other important stuff
Posted on August 22, 2006my man zach is running for office in sherman oaks. if you live in sherman oaks, make sure to get out and vote for him. that is, if you can vote. for the full story, check out his site here.
and, aol fires some people for releasing users search data. gee, people get fired for making mistakes these days? interesting concept. perhaps they could give some direction to our friends in washington?
also, nasa’s world wind could give google earth a run for its money. check it out. its cool.
and ipods go to war.
also, for you windows users, here’s the “mother of all windows tweak guides”.
and, apple is rather miffed at some of its employees who downloaded the beta of leopard form the internet somewhere. heads rolled.
and last, but certainly not least, you can apparently make money from blogging. at least according to cnn money. oh, if only it were true.
well, if it is true, how about clicking on one of those add links on the left so i can get my 2 cents or whatever it is? thanks.
Blogging from a blackberry
Posted on July 18, 2006And they said it couldn’t be done! Well, nobody really ever said that. Just thought I would give it a try. Blogging from a blackberry I mean.
Wow, that woman has a deep voice for a woman. I think that might be a man, baby. Starbucks has such diversity, doesn’t it?
Ok, gotta go. Off to do some work and then down to comic con tomorrow. What fun!
Site Design
Posted on June 15, 2006i will be messing with the design of this site again so please don’t be offended if things change a little (or a lot ) here and there. this is the first change in about a year or so and i think change is good most of the time. anyway, on with the changes.
at the moment i think i am kinda in a minimalist kind of mood. simple and not too many colors to distract the reader/ viewer. i wonder if the text is too small to read? not for me but you never know who might be reading this thing (someone must be).