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Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Well, just saw the new trailer at the end of the O.C. (yes, I watch the O.C., what of it?) All I can say is the movie looks pretty dark and evil and is not going to end well for many characters. I like it and will definitely be at the Chinese Theater on May 19th, as always.

I won’t comment on the editing or pacing of the trailer or the content, but I did enjoy it and have watched it at least five times now. What can I say, I’m a Star Wars fan. Always have been, always will be. Is there anyone who isn’t going to see this movie? Maybe a few but I can say with 100% confidence that this movie will be huge, a blockbuster to end all blockbusters. Maybe even bigger than Titanic (although Hayden is no Leo, sadly).

If you want your own copy of the trailer and didn’t TiVo it like I did, check out this site for links to quite a few torrents. If you don’t have bittorrent, get it here. Enjoy!

The Wednesday night place to be (and other stuff)

My brother Sam and his band, The High Violets, are playing tonight here in LA. They will be at King King in Hollywood and I expect this to be a great show. I say “I expect” because I have never actually seen them live before. Although, the music on their website is great. So, come on over and check it out. Oh, and buy tons of drinks as I think they get part of the booze sales. Maybe some of the gate too. Either way, just come on out and support local music (even if his band is really from Portland).

In other news, it seems the Israeli army frowns on Dungeons and Dragons players. The Israeli Defense Forces say players are “detached from reality” and are automatically given a low security clearance. Now, I played D&D for a long time when I was a kid and I don’t think it made me detached from reality. Although I did end up in the movie business which is kinda detached from reality. And, I have never had a typical “real” job in my life working in an office or a bank or fast food or something. I don’t think I am detached from reality at all.

Now where did I put my +3 Vorpal Sword so I can go smite those fools?!

Tiger versus Longhorn

As a devoted Mac user and fan of Patrick Norton (formerly of Tech TV’s The Screensavers) I read this article with keen interest. He makes some excellent points without talking about things he probably can’t talk about, due to various NDA agreements.

Sadly, I am under many of those agreements as well and can’t elaborate at the moment. Suffice to say that the new version of OSX, Tiger, is going to rock. I think it will be a must-have upgrade. I can’t exactly say the same for Longhorn, yet. I am looking forward to the 64-bit version of Window XP, however. At least it has an actual release date (so far).

Sin City

New trailer for the movie version of Frank Miller’s Sin City. Looks like it has a great deal of potential. I’m looking forward to it.

TPS = Funny

A great mash-up of vintage “Superfriends” video with audio from the movie “Office Space”. Watch it and have a good laugh. This is some funny sheet.

Testing (yes again)

Still trying out mo:blog and posting directly from the Treo 650. So far, so good. It is a little easier than sending the entry via email and it offers more flexability as well.

And believe me, I likey the flexability. Even if I don’t have much myself.

Waiting is the hardest part

But here I sit. I feel a little like a traitor as I am writing while enjoying a cold beverage at Coffee Bean. Yes, I said Coffee Bean. Sadly, a Starbucks was just not near enough to where I am.

I am waiting for a meeting that got pushed back. But I am already here so I found the nearest place to hang out and wait. Fun. At least its only for a short time. I hope nobody sees me here. Crap, here comes someone I know.

Can you see me?


Nope. Not if these guys have their way. Can you say invisibility shield? They can. Now if they could just perfect those x-ray vision goggles I would be set. Of course, this would have really helped when I was a frustrated high school freshman thinking about a way to get into the girl’s locker room. Sadly, I never made it. You can’t have everything I guess.

George Lucas is special

Capt.Nyet15302251914.People George Lucas Nyet153

Because when he goes to Disney World, Mickey Mouse dresses up for him. In a Jedi costume no less. Now that’s power.

Testing Again

Trying another blog app on the Treo. So, you can ignore this post as well. Now, back to the Oscars. Chris Rock is doing a fine job. Enjoy.