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The death of Microsoft and other news

Here are a couple of good articles about what could be the beginning of the end for Microsoft. Check out Michael Malone’s piece for ABC News and Hakon Lie’s piece here. They make some interesting points. It’s nice when people predict the death of a company besides Apple for a change.

And, in Apple news, Apple announced a 2-for-1 stock split. That’s good. Also, Apple shares climbed higher after a report from market analysts at UBS who rate Apple stock as a “buy”. So, get out your checkbooks or fire up those e-trade accounts.

And, our good friends in the movie business announced a new form of copy protection for DVDs. The existing technology, CSS, was cracked in 1999. The new Macrovision RipGuard (I like that name) will prevent copying by most existing DVD ripping tools – so far it hasn’t been employed on any DVDs. But, its just a matter of time. I wonder what will happen first? The new copy scheme will be rolled out or some resourceful kid in South Dakota or India will figure out how to crack it?

Finally, its fun to be insulted (at least its fun to be part of a group that is being insulted). Mainstream media is taking on bloggers. Conservative blogs were key in helping Dan Rather to resign over the memogate scandal earlier this year and CNN News Executive, Eason Jordan, is their latest target.

Jordan resigned recently in the face intense criticism from bloggers who jumped on his off-the-record and unpublished remarks made at the World Economic Forum. Both the Wall Street Journal and the Columbia Journalism Review have decried this trend, calling the bloggers “salivating morons” and a “lynch mob.” And the New York Times has weighed in as well.

Cool! It’s only bad when they stop talking about you.

HIV used to kill Cancer?

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What a great idea. This could be one of the greatest discoveries ever. And, they already have it working in mice. Wow. Kinda makes me wish I had paid more attention in school.

Stars love their Apples

As I live and work in the LA area, I sometimes come in contact with famous people (aka “stars”). So far, I have been very fortunate and have had only positive experiences and found them to be friendly and gracious. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to always be the case. Especially, it seems, if you work in an Apple Store.

Retail. Gotta love it. I feel for these people. I really do. Remember, the person working at the store is trying to help you. So, play nice. Whenever I go to an Apple store, I always try to be nice and many times, I end up helping customers by answering questions that the employees don’t know the answer to. It’s the least I can do to help.

Under the weather

Yes, its true. Even I get sick sometimes. This, sadly, is one of those times. So, I will be resting so I can get better. The lure of the blog is strong so I just had to post something. So, now I have. It’s funny, I feel better just sitting here typing this. The power of positive blogging I guess.

One other thing (isn’t there always?) I will be getting the Treo 650 (unlocked gsm) on Monday and will be putting it through its paces. Expect a full report soon. I’m looking forward to this like a kid on Christmas.

I now return control of your monitor to you.

At least we forgot about Iran for a minute

Because today, North Korea admitted to having nuclear weapons. Well, at least they “claim” to have nuclear weapons. Maybe they are being less than truthful? It’s possible.

In other news, I am waiting somewhat patiently for the unlocked Treo 650 to ship from Palm One. It’s day eight of the one to two week window I was quoted for a shipping estimate. I can wait (what else can I do?) but some people are having more trouble waiting, especially over at the Treo Central forums. It’s getting a little ugly.

Also, one of the best new shows on TV, Battlestar Galactica, just got the green light for another season. Kudos to them. It’s a good show, you should check it out.

I try to end with something positive and not worry too much about North korea or Iran or Iraq or any of the other areas where we have already attacked or are actively planning an attack on or are just pondering an attack.

I’m happy. How about you?

Tuesday, Tuesday the second day of the week


Happy Fat Tuesday everyone (yes, that’s actually spelled ‘Fat’ not ‘Phat’). Although, it seems that the crowds were thinner than usual. Perhaps its a little too early in the month for Mardi Gras?

And, if you were ever wondering what types of data plans you can get for your Cell Phones or Smart Phones, these guys take a crack at explaining it all and do a fine job of it. It’s worth a look if your a geek like me (or even if you are not).

And, this is one of the greatest things I have heard in some time. Parents are trying to delay the start of the new school year in San Francisco so that they can attend the 20th Anniversary of Burning Man. Are those parents cool or what?

Monday Musings

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First, and this hurts me deeply, but it looks like some of my favorite superheroes are really not the good guys that I thought they were. At least according to this story.

And, in another shout out to the Star Wars geek in you, go to this site to get new blinds for your windows that depict the greatest moments from the Star Wars films. I’m not kidding. Go. Check it out. I’ll wait. Ok, now . . .

Chicago spent $270 million on its Millennium Park, placing a big sculpture in the middle of it. “That’s great”, you say, “I like sculpture”. There’s one catch, you are not allowed to take pictures of it. Yes, that’s right, they put this giant silver sculpture in the middle of the park and they don’t allow photos. It’s a copyrighted sculpture you see.

If I were the city, I’d ask for my money back. What kind of asswipe sculptor sells the city a piece of art for a public park and then demands that no one take pictures of it? I’m not sure that’s the kind of thing that makes you very popular. And, while I’m at it, what kind of idiot from the City buys a sculpture under these conditions? I just don’t get it. They both need to be slapped.

Oh well, here’s a picture of it anyway. Sue me.
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What the hell is PalmOne thinking?


They finally offer the Treo 650 GSM Unlocked for a certain price. Then, two days later, they raise the price a hundred bucks and call it a “typo”!?

It’s hard to believe a company can be this dumb. They must think their customers are pretty dumb too. That’s not a good way to treat your customers. Good thing I ordered mine when it was the lower price. Sometimes it pays to be an early adopter.

I know, some of you may be shocked that I would consider changing from the Sony P910i. Don’t get me wrong, I love the device. I just want to try out the Treo 650 too. It does have several advantages over the Sony which I will get into once I actually have a unit on-hand to test.

Hear that PalmOne, ship the damn thing already!

Close Call


We had a close call in our family today. Frank, my wife’s cousin’s husband (say that three times fast) was on the small plane that crashed in New Jersey today. He’s fine and so are the rest of the people on board. We got an email this morning from his mother recounting what he told her.

Apparently, after the crash, nobody could find the emergency exits because of the smoke and the floor lights that are supposed to show you the way, apparently didn’t work. Fortunately, he found the emergency exit, opened it and then helped people out of the plane, just before it burst info flames and burned. So, he’s pretty much a hero. Good job Frank. i knew I always liked you.