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Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Not too much new to report. Things are good. Working quite a bit. Good start to 2005. Having a good time, wish you were here. That kind of thing. I haven’t felt the need to rant about politics or bad drivers or all of the other things I usually rant about. The problem is, I feel pretty good right now and am not really angry about much of anything.

Some people may think not being angry is a good thing. And for most, it is. For me, I sometimes need my anger to get things going. To motivate my lazy ass, in other words. So, when its not there, I sometimes loose focus and become less productive. One example of that is my gap in posting here. Believe me, there are many other examples (just ask the wife).

On a positive tip, I’m sure that someone in government will do something stupid any minute now or I will be cut off by a jackass in a Mercedes on the 405 freeway crossing three lanes to get off at Sunset Blvd. any time now. (plan ahead, moron) So, I will be right back to my old, angry, self. Until then, enjoy the silence.

Happy Sunday all.

Failed to Mention

I can’t believe I failed to mention this . The US has given up on the search for WMD’s in Iraq. Really? I appreciate going through the motions as much as the next person but come on, did anyone really think Iraq had WMD’s in the first place? Not me.


And, George W. Bush took the oath of office to start his second term as President of the United States today. Even as I type this, I’m still having difficulty believing it. How did he get elected to a second term again? What are you people, on dope?

Money quote from the speech: “The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.” I guess that means we can just go around invading whomever we wish in the name of peace? Well, that philosophy sure worked perfectly in Iraq so four more years of that please. Where can I sign up?

Mac Mini Stuff

I’m surprised it took this long. The computer hasn’t even shipped yet and already, there’s a video showing how to take it apart. And, for those of you who just want to see what’s inside, pictures of the Mac Mini already open.


Lastly, an interesting article comparing the Mac Mini to a cheap Dell PC. An interesting read with some good points (of course, I have always been a Mac user so I’m probably biased).


The first sign of unrest?


A crack has finally been seen in a country with one of the most repressive regimes in the world, North Korea. The first known visual evidence of dissent from a video shot in a North Korean factory.

The 35-minute video clip, said to have been taken in November, was posted on the website of an opposition group based in South Korea. It shows a poster of Kim scrawled over with the words: “Down with Kim Jong-il. Let’s all rise to drive out the dictatorial regime.”

Good for them.



Thousands marched today all over the country to celebrate the life and dreams of Martin Luther King Jr. You can also read his Letter from Birmingham Jail. If you have never read it before, take a few minutes and do so. President Bush had this to say: “His faith and courage continue to inspire America and the world.”

I wonder what Mr. King would have to say about President Bush? I wonder what he would think of the War in Iraq and our “alleged” plans to move on Iran, what with all the “alleged” survaillence and all. His views would most likely be very interesting, to say the least.

Enjoy your day off (if you got one).

Intelligence and some space stuff (real and fake)

Couple things. First, every five years our favorite intelligence agency, the CIA, funds a detailed forecast for the next fifteen years. Take a look at it here. Interesting reading, especially the part about the rise in economic and technological might of Asia. Surprised? Not me.


And, for you sci-fi geeks out there (me included) the new Battlestar Galactica series premieres tonight. After watching the back-door pilot for this show several times (aka the four-hour mini series), I have to say that I like the direction that the show has gone. It’s darker and grittier and seems to get into the characters quite a bit. Much more than the original series, which I have also been watching lately as Sci-Fi Channel has been running it. (don’t get on my case about the picture. that’s how they are promoting the show. sex sells baby. and this Cylon is hot)

Also, showrunner (aka big boss) of the show, Ron Moore, has started a blog where he will, no doubt, enlighten us as to his thoughts and plans as the series progresses.

The entire cast from the mini series is back and the first episode, called ’33’, picks up almost where the mini series left off: The humans are still on the run, but each time they come out of hyperspace, the Cylon armada catches up 33 minutes later … every 33 minutes. When we join the crew this has been going on for five days. Should be fun. Or, it will crash and burn in a few weeks as some shows seem to do. (sadly, many of mine did just that).

And, in other space news (the real kind) the first close-up peek at Saturn’s moon Titan brought tears to the eyes of scientists at the European Space Agency in Germany. The probe Huygens transmitted back its first packet of data today, including black and white images it captured as it neared the moon’s surface. Here it is:


Musings on a not so rainy day in LA

Well, it finally seems to have stopped raining here in LA. I can’t believe it. I thought for sure it would rain for the next month or so and that would be it. Waterworld. Sorry, had to use a movie example. This is a showbiz town after all.

But, everything seems ok now, at least for the moment. Things are starting to dry out here, even our roof at home. Sadly, as it does every year, our roof leaked. Not quite as bad as a few years ago but still, kind of a pain in the ass. Although, I feel a little guilty complaining about leaks after what happened in Asia. But dammit, the water almost hit by big screen tv so you can see why I would be upset.

I am at my usual table at the Studio City Starbucks and celebrity sightings are in full effect. Although, perhaps I should use the word “celebrity” in quotes to describe who is in here. I’ll say who they are and you can make the call. First, seated not five feet from me, the beautiful and blonde Natasha Henstridge. She looks great as she gossips with an unnamed girlfriend (i’m sure she actually has a name, I just don’t know what it is).

Next, over at the table by the window, former teen heartthrob Richard Grieco sips what is most likely his second tall coffee of the day. And its only 11AM. He like is caffeine, what can I say? Lastly, a man who, to me, will always be the voice of Roger Rabbit, Charles Fleischer. I’ve spoken to him once or twice and he seems like a nice guy. He’s also a very talented cartoonist in his own right as evidenced by the drawings he is working on at the moment.

In other news of a more national or international nature, it seems that a “hacker” penetrated the T-Mobile network and had access to it for over a year. While inside, he was able to monitor U.S. Secret Service e-mail, obtain customers’ passwords and Social Security numbers, and download candid photos taken by Sidekick users, including Hollywood celebrities (no quotes) Demi Moore and (quotes) Paris Hilton. Great, I just switched to T-Mobile a few months ago. Who knows what pix of me will start showing up on the ‘net.

And, in response to a scathing “Rathergate” investigation, CBS has decided to clean house. Among those sacked include Senior Vice President Betsy West, who supervised CBS News primetime programs; 60 Minutes Wednesday Executive Producer Josh Howard; and Howard’s deputy, Senior Broadcast Producer Mary Murphy. The producer of the piece, Mary Mapes, was also terminated. The Bush Administration could learn something from CBS. When they make a mistake, people get fired. Nice idea.

Finally, CNN has decided to cancel “Crossfire” and not to renew the contract of “dick” Tucker Carlson. You remember Tucker, he’s the one John Stewart said was “hurting” America during his now infamous appearance on “Crossfire”. Here’s the money quote from the US Chief of CNN, Jonathan Klein, when asked his feelings about the situation “I guess I come down more firmly in the Jon Stewart camp”. I don’t know Mr. Klein, but I like him.


New Apple Stuff: The Mac Mini and iPod Shuffle

Without further talk, here’s the new Mac Mini and the new iPod Shuffle:

Beautyshot Macmini 050111

Cp Top Ipodshuffle 050112

Back with more from the Keynote later.