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I Don’t Like Change

If you know me, or have read this site for very long, you probably know I’m not a fan of change. I know it happens, and needs to in many cases, but I really don’t like it. It’s not good.

I’m not sure anyone really does. If they do (or say they do), I think there’s probably something wrong with them.

Why do I bring this up today? Glad you asked. We are making some changes over at The Flickcast and it’s bothering me quite a bit.

Specifically, we are migrating to new, fancier servers and during that process we can’t make any changes to the site or they may not make the trip over. So, a couple days (maybe) without any new content.

That’s kinda a bummer. I realize it’s necessary and better for the site in the long run, but see above for my feelings on change — especially change that could potentially cost us readers/visitors. I don’t like it. No, not at all.

But really, what are you gonna do? It has to be done so it has to be done. Can’t change it or delay it any longer, so there we are.

Such are the vagaries of online life and business. But I don’t have to like it.

I Am Still Alive and Other Developments

Sad I have to write that headline, but sometimes when you’ve kept a blog for a few years and updated pretty regularly and then stop, people often wonder if something bad has happened to you. Fortunately, that’s not the case. No bad things.

Actually, some good thing have happened, especially where my latest project is concerned. Yes, that’s right, The Flickcast has really taken off and as such, demands a great deal of my time. Not only to I run the site, for the most part, I also have to write for it each and every day. That takes its toll.

Because The Flickcast is such a demanding site and the vast majority of my energy is devoted to it at the moment, that leaves very little left for this site. Once I’ve pretty much said my peace on various issues via the site or the podcast, I’ve pretty much got nothing left to write about here.

When I started this site several years ago my intention was to have a reason and a motivation to write every day (or almost every day, let’s be honest). Now that I’ve got The Flickcast going, I have no choice but to write every day so the impetus to keep a personal blog is not nearly as strong.

I’m not exactly sure what to do about this site. I like having it and I may, on occasion, put something here. But for now, it won’t be a regular thing at all, my other project needs to be the priority — especially if I want it to continue the growth its seen so far.

So, if you’re looking for me and my contributions, head on over to The Flickcast and you can find me there. Also, if you’re looking for any of my other work, there’s some good links at my other website. And, feel free to follow me on Twitter and friend me at Facebook. I promise I won’t bite.

Video Friday – The ‘Moon’ Trailer

I like space stuff. Some of my favorite movies and TV shows have been about space. Shows like Apollo 13, The Right Stuff and From the Earth to the Moon have always fascinated me. So, I’m pretty interested in the new movie Moon starring Sam Rockwell and directed by Duncan Jones.

The trailer looks great and gives some good insight into the psychology of isolation that’s obviously going to play out in the film. Plus, I’ve always been a fan of Sam Rockwell. I’m looking forward to seeing this one as soon as I can. Enjoy.


Oh, and I’ll just take this moment to mention that there’s a new episode of The Flickcast now available We’ve also we’ve started posting some other material today as well. So, head on over and check it out.

The Flickcast is Live!


I’m very happy that as of today, the new Podcast I’ve been working on with my pals Christina Warren and Matt Raub is live. So, for all your film, television, comic book and geek information needs, head on over and check out The Flickcast. The first episode is live at our site and also available on iTunes.

Also, be sure to follow the show on Twitter and be a fan on Facebook. Finally, if you have any comments, suggestion, criticism or offers of sponsorship, feel free to let us know. Thanks for listening.

Working on Something New

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time you know I tend to do a lot of different things and have done a lot of different things over the years. Film, TV, writing, photography, consulting and working with a non-profit are just some of the ways I like to spend my time and make a living.

Lately, I’ve been thinking of starting a new venture. It occurred to me that as I’ve worked for various organizations and written about and interviewed various people in the worlds of entertainment, technology and comics, I’ve met a lot of great people who do amazing and interesting things.

I also have come to realize that working for other people isn’t always the best way to go about it. Certainly, I’ve worked with and for some great people over the years but if I’ve learned one thing working in “the business” its that ownership, in the end, is where its at.

If you create something and own it you stand a much better chance of realizing the full benefit from it both creatively and financially. If you’re just a hired hand you’ll never care about it as much as you will if it’s your “baby.”

I’m a professional and I work very hard to do the best job possible — but at the end of the day its just a job. I don’t have the personal stake in the work so consequently I’m not going to care as much as someone who conceived the idea in the first place.

So, that brings me to the latest project I’ve been working on. A project that I created and will have an ownership stake in. Its called The Flickcast and it covers the things I know and love: movies, TV, comic books, tech and all-things geek. It’s a weekly podcast featuring myself and my co-hosts Matt Raub and Christina Warren.

We will also feature guests and other people dropping by periodically to talk about various projects, movies, tv shows or other geek things that they feel passionate about. I’m really looking forward to doing this and it looks to be a lot of fun. Plus, you’ll get to hear my terrific voice on a weekly basis which I know many of you have been clamoring for.

Be sure to check out The Flickcast website and follow us on Twitter for the latest updates. We’ll also have a Facebook page soon as well so you can friend us there too. Also, feel free to throw out comments, suggestions, questions or words of encouragement as we fine tune the show over the weeks.

Greatness often takes time so we hope you’ll give us a listen and follow along as we strive to achieve it.