October 2008 - Chris Ullrich dot net
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October 2008

The New Ride


Just a quick photo of the new car I got on Saturday. Yes, its a BMW. A 535i with inline six cylinder, twin turbo, 300 hp goodness. It’s also got what BWM calls the Premium Package, Sport Package, Navigation and, most importantly, iPod support so you can control the iPod with the car’s built-in iDrive system and listen through the stereo.

That’s a very cool feature allowing you to see all your playlists, songs, etc. on the car’s screen and play what you want. All while leaving the iPod safely tucked away in the center console. Why did I get it? Well, I’ve been good lately so really, why not?

This photo is just a snap from the iPhone but I’ll post some better ones later, once I feel a bit better. Having a cold and nursing a shoulder injury can take a lot out of you. But looking at, and more to the point, driving a car like this, can go a long way to making you feel better. In a word, its just plain fun.

Video Friday – Ron Howard’s Call to Action

Here’s director/producer/actor Ron Howard with his PSA about the election. Which, sadly, I can’t embed here due to limitations imposed by WordPress. So, here’s the link to it instead. Enjoy.

Video Friday – John Cleese on Sarah Palin

I’m trying not to get much into politics these days as I got far more worked up during the last Presidential election and was very disappointed at the outcome. So, this time around, I’m taking a more hands-off approach and just voting the way I want to vote and not making too much of a big deal about it.

Still, when I see some interesting and funny stuff out there about the election or about a candidate I feel deserves some serious scrutiny due to her complete lack of qualifications for the job she’s running for, I feel obligated to present what I find for your consideration.

So, in that spirit, here’s Monty Python alumni and all-around funny guy John Cleese offering his insight on John McCain’s current running mate. Enjoy.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMyNk8J1c8g&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0]

Video Friday – The ‘Twilight’ Trailer

Apparently, teenage girls across America are gaga for these books and are waiting with bated breath for the feature film version to come out. Truthfully, I don’t get it — and I really like vampires, monsters and all that kind of thing.

Of course, the problem may be that I’m not now, nor have I ever been, a teenage girl. So, all of the hype and fervor is probably lost on me. Still, as always, feel free to watch and judge for yourself.

Who knows, perhaps if I watch it enough times I will understand. Until then, I think I’ll just watch ‘Lord of the Rings’ or some McCain/Palin anti-Obama commercials if I want to get my fill of fantasy.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDVlQPpVUA8&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0]

Video Friday – Douche Off!

I think this week’s video is pretty self-explanatory. In short, it made me laugh out loud. That doesn’t happen very often these days. Although, last night’s VP debate made me chuckle once or twice. Sadly, even though it wasn’t quite the horror show I was expecting (and not-so-secretly hoping for), it was still entertaining.

However, in spite of a relatively strong start for Sarah Palin, in the end Joe Biden won the debate primarily by staying on-message and actually answering questions instead of deflecting them, being the calmer voice of reason and assurance and linking McCain with George Bush a much as possible. Which, given the state of the country right now, pretty much means McCain can’t possibly win. At least I hope so.

Enjoy the video.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fad6eZTDikA&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0]