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Every Picture Tells a Story

Or, so people say. So, to challenge myself and because I feel what meager photography skills I may have once had are dwindling rapidly, I’ve decided to embark on a little experiment. I’ve decided that I shall acquire a newer, smaller digital camera and then take it everywhere with me for the next thirty days.

During these thirty days I will take photos each and every day and post at least one each and every day to this here blog. In so doing I hope to spark some creativity in myself and also, perhaps, get a few interesting photos in the process.

Now that I’ve made this decision and this plan, the first step is to acquire said smaller, lighter digital camera. I’m doing this mostly because I don’t want the camera and its weight or bulk to get in the way or serve as an excuse why I’m not keeping up with the plan.

After a bit of research, I’ve decided on the Canon Powershot SD 1100IS as the newer, smaller camera of choice. Its on-order from Amazon and should arrive Monday. Just in time for me to start this thirty day project. So, keep a lookout for new pics right here every day starting Monday.

To be honest, I’m wondering if I will be able to keep up this schedule of taking and posting a picture every day. I guess we’ll find out. To start us off a bit early but in the right direction, here’s a pic I took the other day of my pal Matt Raub and Robert Englund (aka Freddy Krueger):


Because I Can Never Get Enough

Here’s yet another picture of the divine Marissa Miller just in time to be a day late for “Photo Tuesday.” Although, I did give you some great shots of Tricia Helfer and Katee Sackhoff from the BSG press event yesterday — so no complaining, please.

I also realize that having these kind of photos may land me a bit on the pandering side of things. But then again, who cares? She looks purty. And sweaty. And I feel like sharing.



I’ve Been at Comic-Con

Yes, all the thrills, chills, excitement and sweaty fanboys you could ever want. But also, great artists, writers, costumes, cool shows and all the true geekery you could ever want. This is Comic-Con and no matter what the negatives, I still seem to go back every year.

I’ll probably do a longer post-mortem later, but until then I just want to highlight a couple of the great things that happened to me, and around me, during the show. Here’s a few:

Meeting Robert Englund (aka Freddy Krueger).

Meeting Stan “The Man” Lee

Meeting Joss Whedon

Getting to hang out with some great friends and the cool people I work with at ComicMix.

Making some great new friends from in and around the “business.”

Getting a chance to talk a little about my own personal projects with people in a position to do something about them and be taken seriously and met with enthusiasm.

Oh, and did I mention I met Joss Whedon. That was cool. Matt Raub, one of my ComicMix pals, met him as well earlier in the week while we were hanging at the Hyatt bar. Which, as it turns out, was pretty much the place to hang out.

It seemed that after all the parties and events that people felt compelled to attend, most anyone would end up at the Hyatt to actually have a bit of fun and relax. Glad we were there too.

For some of my interviews and such done during the show, check out ComicMix.

Last, but certainly not least, here’s a few pics of the “BSG” cast (including my personal favorite Katee Sackhoff) taken by my pal Tony Mark during the press event.

Check them out after the jump. Enjoy.

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Megan Fox – ‘Star Wars’ Nerd

So, it appears my blog has turned into one run by a fifteen-year old boy who likes to look at pretty girls. Ah well, who can blame me really? Especially when the girl in question is Megan Fox and she’s sporting a rather cool t-shirt from one of my favorite movies of all time. I mean, come on?

Also, as if Megan wasn’t enough, I’m also doing some things as well. Although, I won’t look nearly as good as Megan does while I do them. But yes, its Comic-Con time again in San Diego and I’ll be there representing with the crew from ComicMix. We even have a booth this year so if you happen to be at the show, be sure to come by booth #2308 and bring me cookies. Or, just say hello. But did I mention I like cookies? Okay, just wanted to make sure. Chocolate chip, btw. In case you were wondering. Okay, that’s it for the cookies. Thanks.

And, to talk about how great I am just a bit more, I’ve got a couple new interviews up. Last week the first part of my interview with writer, actor and Internet giant Wil Wheaton hit at ComicMix. Part two drops on Monday (I believe) and part three (Yes, I spoke with Wil a long time and he was nice enough to do it) will hit the following week.

I’ve also got an interview with Buffy, Angel and Battlestar writer/producer Jane Espenson coming out this week as well. She was super-cool and a pleasure to interview. Plus, I’m sure there will be one or two things from me as Comic-Con gets into full swing later this week. In fact, I know there will because I know who and what I’ll be doing already.

Not that I’ll be “doing” anyone at Comic-Con. Although, I do have a thing for girls in “Slave Leia” costumes. And Wonder-Woman too. Also Emma Frost and Poison Ivy. But that’s a story for another time.

Anyway, be sure to check ComicMix early and often for all the latest from me and the rest of the gang of very talented and extremely cool people who work there. And now, here’s Megan (Yes, in addition to the Star Wars t-shirt that appears to be an iPhone in her hand. What a girl.):


It is Mine

For more on my quest for the new iPhone 3G on Friday (aka iPhone day), check out this post over at TUAW where I detail the day for you.

Also, as time goes on, look for more about my experiences with the new iPhone 3G. Meantime, here’s a nice pic of the new device side by side with the old one. FYI, the new one is the one the left. You can tell because its slightly wider and also has that cool “3G” logo in the upper left corner.


Photo Tuesday with Marissa Miller

Seriously, does it get much better than this woman? Living in Los Angeles, I’m lucky enough to see and come in contact with (aka sit across the Starbucks and stare at) some of the most beautiful women in the world. However, with all those other woman running around here, Marissa Miller still rises to the top.

So, in honor of photo Tuesday, here’s a few shots of her from a recent issue of GQ. Heck, there’s even one in Black & White to fulfill the “arty” quotient for this week. Oh, and if you’re interested, check out all of my photos from the recent Wizard World Chicago extravaganza over at ComicMix.

But for now, enjoy these and be inspired.




So Long Bozo

Even though I didn’t always like clowns as a kid, Bozo was still funny and made my laugh. That’s all you really need to say about a clown, isn’t it?

Rest in piece Bozo.


Chicago is a Great Town

Or at least I think it is. Sadly, I’ve been here since Thursday afternoon (late) and I’ve only seen the hotel I’m staying at and the convention center I’m across the street from. Sure, that might not seem like a bad thing to some people, but I kinda like checking out places and seeing what’s what. Especially places I’ve never been, like Chicago.

I’ve heard that later we’ll all go see exciting stuff in Chicago. Until then, I’ve got to tough it out in Rosemont at a hotel almost perfectly positioned for the convention yet still, annoyingly far away.

Not that Rosemont is a bad place. Far from it. At least I think so. It’s just that if I decide to visit somewhere it would great if I got to see the “actual” city I’m supposed to be visiting. I know that’s going to happen no matter what because I made an effort to actually stay a bit longer.

Anyway, I’ve also discovered on this trip that I can drink a ton of booze and eat way too much. I kinda thought I was over all of that. Sadly, it seems I am not. I’m sure my liver and my increasing weight will both be very unpleasant later on.

However, all is not negative at Wizard World in Rosemont (aka Chicago). I did manage to meet a few cool people, spend time at some interesting gatherings and generally have a bit of fun. It’s just too bad that I wasn’t able to do more work. I kinda felt like I didn’t talk to enough people at the show and turn out enough content.

If anything, this show was a good primer for San Diego and really highlights how difficult it is to cover a convention like Wizard World with what is, essentially, two people. Especially when one of those people needs to be in the hotel editing and publishing posts instead of working the floor.

We did manage to get some interesting stuff and some of it is already posted at ComicMix. So, be sure to head on over and check it out. Here’s some links:

My interview with World War Z and Reported Attacks graphic novel author Max Brooks.

ComixMix’s Rick Marshall’s reports on day one and two of the show.

Some photo galleries of the costumes and “flavor” of the Wizard World Chicago show.

Finally, here’s some great art from some of the books coming out from publisher Avatar Press. This stuff just looks cool and I can’t wait to see it in its final form. Check them out.




The Setup

Its been a long process, but I’ve finally managed to set up every bit of my home entertainment center. The biggest pain was running all the cables and trying to find enough power and the best way to have all the devices that need the internet be able to connect. But finally, it is done.

Here’s a pic of the final setup. For a bigger one, complete with notes, check out the photo on flickr.


Me, Me, Me

Yes, its all about me. But seriously folks, this has been a very interesting week. I’ve met a lot of great people, been told my work both sucks and is brilliant and found a great artist I’m going to work with. So, as I said, a very interesting week indeed.

I also went to Book Expo America last weekend here in LA and I just have to say, I was a bit disappointed. Maybe I didn’t look around enough or spend enough time there, but it seemed like it wasn’t really the show for me. If I was a guy who owned a book store and was looking to buy books to fill it up, then it would have been a great show for me.

As I was just a lowly writer looking to meet some people (particularly in comics and graphic novel publishing) I was sorta out of luck. The few places that were there had booths staffed by people I already knew or featured companies where I already knew someone higher up the chain than the guy in the booth. So, from a practical “networking” standpoint, not much incentive to chat them up.

I did talk to a few people and they were cool. Still, I got the sense from some of them that even they were not exactly sure why they were there. Really, I think most people in comics and graphic novel publishing are just looking ahead to San Diego Comic-Con anyway. I know I am. That’s going to be a blast as usual.

In other Con news, I will most-likely be in Chicago for Wizard World later this month with ComicMix Managing Editor Rick Marshall, Editor-In-Chief Mike Gold and some of the other gang. That should be fun, especially as I’ve never been to Chicago before (I know) and am going to stay a few extra days to check out the city, eat the food and generally get into some trouble.

I’m really looking forward to that trip. If you happen to be in Chicago during that time, be sure to say “hello.”

Oh, before I forget, what would a post about me be without some links to my recent work? Here you go:

The latest BSG Weekly at ComicMix

My latest interview with Dark Horse Comics Editor/Writer Scott Allie at ComicMix

And, here’s a photo I took last year that I still really like — which isn’t always the case. Happy weekend.
