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Think ‘Pacific Rim’ Is Total Fantasy? Meet Atlas


Yes, the movie Pacific Rim is out today and yes, it features giant monsters called Kaiju who we humans fight with giant, mechanized, human-piloted robots we build called Jaegers. And sure, the idea that monsters come from wherever they come from (no spoilers here) and we need to build giant, mechanical creatures to fight them may seem far-fetched and relegated to the world of fantasy and the movies.

And really, I can’t vouch for the likelihood of giant, alien monsters coming to destroy humanity. That does seem rather unlikely. However, I do believe we’re not that far away from being able to create the mechanical robots that would fight them if they did come.

Don’t believe me? Meet Atlas in this video and maybe you just might change your mind.


LEGO Super Star Destroyer Timelapse


I’ve been into LEGO since before it was cool. Back when the blocks were bigger and they only had a few basic colors. In fact, I still have some of my original sets of blocks. One day I will get them out, take a few pics and post them here. But that’s for another day.

Moving on I’m also, surprise, a big fan of Star Wars. Or, in this particular case, The Empire Strikes Back. I’ll wait while you recover from the shock of that revelation.

So, when these things are combined, as they are in this pretty awesome video, I take notice. What is this video you may ask? Well, it’s a timelapse recording of Jeff Needles, who works at TWiT, assembling a LEGO Super Star Destroyer.

I think it’s pretty cool. Perhaps you will too.

Now to scrounge up an extra $300 to get one for myself.

David Fincher’s New Calvin Klein Ad


This new ad for Calvin Klein is directed by David Fincher and features an actress he likes to work with quite a bit: Rooney Mara. Gotta say, it’s pretty impressive.

To me, this is an almost perfect ad. I say this as a person who doesn’t really watch commercials anymore unless I have to (I don’t really like most of them) and also as a person who used to make commercials.

It’s beautiful to look at and evokes just the right mood. Plus, the message is very clear amongst all the visuals.

I also have a fondness for black and white, so that might have something to do with how much I like this too. Still, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a great ad. It is. David Fincher definitely knows what he’s doing.

Check out the ad below.


Is ‘RWBY’ the Future of Animation?


Taking a break from all the iOS 7 hubbub, I came across this trailer for an upcoming animated series from the Rooster Teeth Network called RWBY. I think it looks pretty amazing, and it should.

The man behind it is none other than Monty Oum, whose work on Red vs. Blue: Revelation and Dead Fantasy pretty much defined what this kind of animation can be.

But don’t take my word for it, check out the RWBY trailer called “Black” right here. Is this the future of animation? It just may be.


Batman 1972


I love it when artists take chances and spin known subjects or concepts in new and different directions. Today’s example is from artist Francesco Francavilla as he takes the iconic Batman and reimagines him as a 70’s blaxploitation anti-hero.

Check out more of the images from Batman 1972 below.




‘The History of Typography’ – An Animated Short


Among the many reasons I consider myself a geek is my love of fonts and typography. I love the way type and graphics look when laid out properly on a page. I’m not sure where it comes from, but I’ve always been a big fan.

So, this animated short, made by Ben Barrett-Forrest, about the history of typography was very enjoyable for me. Perhaps you will enjoy it too.


What Your Coffee Says About You

Continuing a fine tradition of coffee-related posts, I’ve got another one for you. This one is a new, handy chart that tells you just what the coffee beverage you order says about you as a person.

Check it out below. Oh, in case you’re wondering, according to this chart I’m “assertive and outspoken, don’t let seasons dictate how I live my life and I like straws.” Huh, maybe there’s something to this chart after all?

What kind of coffee are you?


‘Star Wars’ In the Kitchen


To be clear, I don’t cook very many things and I don’t think I’ve ever baked. However, seeing these may cause me to start.

In short, these are pretty awesome. Check out all the possibilities right here.

Your Caffeine Intake Levels


As you might have guessed, I like coffee. In fact, some would say, I’m slightly obsessed about it. Truth be told, I don’t think I’m alone in that. I think lots of others like coffee as much, or more, than I do.

So, in the spirit of helping out my fellow coffee fans, here’s a handy little graphic that helps illustrate just how much caffeine you’re getting from various kinds of beverages.

I hope this helps.

A ‘Star Trek: Into Darkness’ Trailer. . . Made With LEGO


If you recall a couple weeks ago, I posted the trailer for Man of Steel made with LEGO. Well, Antonio Toscano is back and he’s got a new trailer.

This time it’s for Star Trek: Into Darkness and yes, it’s also made entirely out of LEGO. I think this is great. You probably will too.

