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In space, no one can hear you . .

space8But here on earth, they can. Interesting bit of news. It seems that some of the world’s foremost scientists were interviewed and picked their favorite sci-fi films and sci-fi authors.

“Blade Runner” tops the list of sci-fi films. They are, in order:
1) Blade Runner (1982) — Dir. Ridley Scott
2) 2001: A Space Oddesy(1968) — Dir. Stanley Kubrick
3) Star Wars (1977) / The Empire Strikes Back (1980) — Dir. George Lucas
4) Alien (1979) — Dir. Ridley Scott
5) Solaris (1972) — Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
6) The Terminator (1984) / Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) — Dir. Jim Cameron
7) The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) — Dir. Robert Wise
8) War of the Worlds (1953) — Dir: Byron Haskin
9) The Matrix (1999) Dir: Andy & Larry Wachowski
10) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) — Dir. Steven Spielberg

Pretty close to my own list of top sci-fi films. These are not just good sci-fi films, they are good films in general. Interesting characters, explosive action, good stories, etc. If you have not seen one or more of these, I suggest you take a look.

Also, some other interesting things happened today. Really, probably more important than what I lead with but oh well. Looks like their might be some piece and quiet in Najaf yet. Also, it seems we might have to update those science textbooks and add another planet to our solar system. Pretty good stuff all around.


It’s Thursday and that means

The internet was supposed to come crashing down today. But, big shocker, it was all a bunch of bull. It seems our Russian security expert friend has his head stuck in the wrong place or was doing a little media spin for his own ends.

I just wanted to post something here in case it all went away soon. But it seems like it won’t as their are no indications of a large scale attack. Hmm. People trying to get attention by bending the truth or making up stories? That would never happen here. Or, would it?

Also, you may have noticed that I have been fooling around with the design of this here blog. I don’t know how I want it to look, exactly, so it may change again on an infrequent basis. I’m not a web designer or a designer of any kind so I am just feeling my way through the process with the help of a few books and a few friends. So, please bear with me.

More later but until then . . .


It’s Thursday and that means

The internet was supposed to come crashing down today. But, big shocker, it was all a bunch of bull. It seems our Russian security expert friend has his head stuck in the wrong place or was doing a little media spin for his own ends.

I just wanted to post something here in case it all went away soon. But it seems like it won’t as their are no indications of a large scale attack. Hmm. People trying to get attention by bending the truth or making up stories? That would never happen here. Or, would it?

Also, you may have noticed that I have been fooling around with the design of this here blog. I don’t know how I want it to look, exactly, so it may change again on an infrequent basis. I’m not a web designer or a designer of any kind so I am just feeling my way through the process with the help of a few books and a few friends. So, please bear with me.

More later but until then . . .


It’s Wednesday so that means

I’m at Starbucks. What, again? How can this be? Well friends, that’s where the drugs er, I mean . . the . . ah coffee is. So, that’s where I go. Besides, I am currently stealing my friend Tony’s T-Mobile Internet Hotspot account so what the heck. He’s not using it right now so it won’t hurt him. Besides, it’s unlimited so let’s push that limit, dammit! Can you say limewire? I know I can.

Anyway, apparently, the internet is supposed to come crashing down around us on Thursday as a bunch of “terrorists” launch what they like to call “electronic jihad” That has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it. How do we know that it will happen on Thursday? Well, a Russian internet security expert said so. So there.

Isn’t Russia one of the main countries where crackers strike at computers across the internet? Notice please, I used the word “cracker” not “hacker”. And no, I didn’t mean “cracker” as in “red neck” or whatever. I mean “cracker” as in cracker. As in someone who cracks into networks and computers where they don’t belong. Hacker used to have a good connotation but over the years has developed a bum rap. Probably due to that below average movie “Hackers” or maybe even as far back as Matthew Broderick in “War Games”. Although, I really loved “War Games”.

Now a Hacker has to identify himself as a “white hat” or “black hat” or even “grey hat” lest he be lumped into the bad hacker category immedietly. Anyway, i know some hackers and all they ever do is probe and prod to find ways into places so they can inform the people about those vulnerabilities. Not to break into or compromise systems or data.

There is even a poor hacker who did just what I am talking about but is now probably going to jail because of it. Although, what he did wasn’t completely benign. He did add his name to the list of contributors at the New York Times.

Probably not a great idea to use your real name. Oh well, he didn’t actually destroy any data or compromise the system so its a bit of a grey area. I think he deserves a stern talking to but not jail. It’s not like he started “internet jihad” or anything.

So, we will see if the internet is still here come Friday or if we are all offline. What will we do then? Read a book? Go outside? Or, God forbid, talk to other people?

No, I’ll probably just watch TV or something until this “jihad” thing blows over.


It’s Wednesday so that means

I’m at Starbucks. What, again? How can this be? Well friends, that’s where the drugs er, I mean . . the . . ah coffee is. So, that’s where I go. Besides, I am currently stealing my friend Tony’s T-Mobile Internet Hotspot account so what the heck. He’s not using it right now so it won’t hurt him. Besides, it’s unlimited so let’s push that limit, dammit! Can you say limewire? I know I can.

Anyway, apparently, the internet is supposed to come crashing down around us on Thursday as a bunch of “terrorists” launch what they like to call “electronic jihad” That has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it. How do we know that it will happen on Thursday? Well, a Russian internet security expert said so. So there.

Isn’t Russia one of the main countries where crackers strike at computers across the internet? Notice please, I used the word “cracker” not “hacker”. And no, I didn’t mean “cracker” as in “red neck” or whatever. I mean “cracker” as in cracker. As in someone who cracks into networks and computers where they don’t belong. Hacker used to have a good connotation but over the years has developed a bum rap. Probably due to that below average movie “Hackers” or maybe even as far back as Matthew Broderick in “War Games”. Although, I really loved “War Games”.

Now a Hacker has to identify himself as a “white hat” or “black hat” or even “grey hat” lest he be lumped into the bad hacker category immedietly. Anyway, i know some hackers and all they ever do is probe and prod to find ways into places so they can inform the people about those vulnerabilities. Not to break into or compromise systems or data.

There is even a poor hacker who did just what I am talking about but is now probably going to jail because of it. Although, what he did wasn’t completely benign. He did add his name to the list of contributors at the New York Times.

Probably not a great idea to use your real name. Oh well, he didn’t actually destroy any data or compromise the system so its a bit of a grey area. I think he deserves a stern talking to but not jail. It’s not like he started “internet jihad” or anything.

So, we will see if the internet is still here come Friday or if we are all offline. What will we do then? Read a book? Go outside? Or, God forbid, talk to other people?

No, I’ll probably just watch TV or something until this “jihad” thing blows over.


It’s Tuesday so that means (part 2)

It’s still Tuesday. At least for another hour and a half. We just came from a great dinner at Border Grill. It was fun. It was also fun when one of the ladies that owns the place, Susan, came to the table to see if everything was going ok. That was a nice touch and made the wife feel special and look cool to her High School buddies.

Plus, they sent over two giant plates of every dessert. They were all fantastic but I especially liked the Pastel Rufina, which is layers of puff pastry, sweetened cream cheese, chocolate chunks, and fresh berries. Man, that was good.

Anyway, here’s a few tech tidbits of news and stuff to get you through the night:

The fantastic people at the MPAA are suing two microchip makers, alleging they sold their products to makers of equipment that can be used to illegally copy DVDs.

Also, students at Northern Illinois University are testing a legal file downloading service. It is made by Ruckus Network, and was developed by a group of MIT students. NIU pays 5$ a month per student, and the students can get music, movies, TV shows, local content and community features.

John Dvorak over at ABC News is starting to question if it’s time to kill Microsoft Word. With Viable options like Open available for Windows and Mac OSX, as well as AbiWord and others, do we really need this bloatware anymore? I still use it but only because I already have it and I get it for free. If I didn’t, I would take a hard look at Open Office for sure.

Apple has issued a recall for Powerbook batteries. If you have a 15″ Powerbook, be sure to check and see if yours is affected and get it replaced.

Lastly, if you are searching for great Mac deals, Wired has a story about dealmac, a site devoted to finding the best deal on everything Mac. To be fair, their is also a great site devoted to the Windows PC and other tech bargains. Check it out here.

Oh, one more thing. The Iraqi soccer team still has a chance to win a medal at the Olympics. They play Italy on Friday night to see who gets the bronze medal. Count the seconds before the Bush Campaign uses this in a commercial, especially if they do end up winning a medal. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. Gotta have the political fix.

That’s all I can do right now. John Stewart has John Kerry on The Daily Show tonight. I don’t want to miss a minute of that. Although, ever vigilant TiVo will certainly record it.


It’s Tuesday so that means (part 2)

It’s still Tuesday. At least for another hour and a half. We just came from a great dinner at Border Grill. It was fun. It was also fun when one of the ladies that owns the place, Susan, came to the table to see if everything was going ok. That was a nice touch and made the wife feel special and look cool to her High School buddies.

Plus, they sent over two giant plates of every dessert. They were all fantastic but I especially liked the Pastel Rufina, which is layers of puff pastry, sweetened cream cheese, chocolate chunks, and fresh berries. Man, that was good.

Anyway, here’s a few tech tidbits of news and stuff to get you through the night:

The fantastic people at the MPAA are suing two microchip makers, alleging they sold their products to makers of equipment that can be used to illegally copy DVDs.

Also, students at Northern Illinois University are testing a legal file downloading service. It is made by Ruckus Network, and was developed by a group of MIT students. NIU pays 5$ a month per student, and the students can get music, movies, TV shows, local content and community features.

John Dvorak over at ABC News is starting to question if it’s time to kill Microsoft Word. With Viable options like Open available for Windows and Mac OSX, as well as AbiWord and others, do we really need this bloatware anymore? I still use it but only because I already have it and I get it for free. If I didn’t, I would take a hard look at Open Office for sure.

Apple has issued a recall for Powerbook batteries. If you have a 15″ Powerbook, be sure to check and see if yours is affected and get it replaced.

Lastly, if you are searching for great Mac deals, Wired has a story about dealmac, a site devoted to finding the best deal on everything Mac. To be fair, their is also a great site devoted to the Windows PC and other tech bargains. Check it out here.

Oh, one more thing. The Iraqi soccer team still has a chance to win a medal at the Olympics. They play Italy on Friday night to see who gets the bronze medal. Count the seconds before the Bush Campaign uses this in a commercial, especially if they do end up winning a medal. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. Gotta have the political fix.

That’s all I can do right now. John Stewart has John Kerry on The Daily Show tonight. I don’t want to miss a minute of that. Although, ever vigilant TiVo will certainly record it.


It’s Tuesday so that means

I’m sitting at a Starbucks. I know, big surprise. I’m on the Third Street Promenade in beautiful Santa Monica. I’m here with the wife, although she is dozing in a nearby chair. We are hanging out waiting to go to dinner with two of her friends from High School who live in LA now.

But wait, I just heard we need to get going. I thought I had more time. But, you never have enough time, I guess. I’ll finish up with some news later tonight.


It’s Tuesday so that means

I’m sitting at a Starbucks. I know, big surprise. I’m on the Third Street Promenade in beautiful Santa Monica. I’m here with the wife, although she is dozing in a nearby chair. We are hanging out waiting to go to dinner with two of her friends from High School who live in LA now.

But wait, I just heard we need to get going. I thought I had more time. But, you never have enough time, I guess. I’ll finish up with some news later tonight.


I’m not dead. It just feels that way.

Just in case you were worried. Don’t be. I’m not dead or horribly disfigured or anything of that nature. I’m fine. I’ve just been working and also dealing with some “life” stuff. You know what I mean. Like:

What are we going to do? How are we going to make ends meet or will we even have ends soon? Will I stay in my newest career or will something happen and I will need or want to switch? Will they call and give me good news or bad news or some other kind of news? What’s up with Donald Trump’s hair? Is Tom Cruise really gay? Will Mary-Kate stay out of rehab or will she go back to the pipe? You know, life stuff.

It’s fantastic that the wife found a job that she actually likes and looks forward to doing every day. It’s a welcome change for her and for me, to be sure. The only downside is the cash. The ducats. The moola. The dead presidents. In other words, the pay. Unfortunately, we had gotten used to a certain level of dough coming in and now that has been cut. And I mean cut.

Her new fantastic job pays way less than her old miserable job. Isn’t that just like life though? Something you hate pays way better than something you love. Should it not be the other way around? Bummer indeed.

I’m no better. I am doing something I really love too but it pays less than what I was doing before. Actually, on a strictly hourly basis, the new career pays more. However, what I gain in hourly I loose in volume. In other words, I just don’t have enough work and consequently, less dinero. Basically, I will have to give up the independent, freelance life and sell out to the man (or woman) who will grant me full-time, gainful employment or I will end up living in a box near a freeway overpass. At least I will still have lots of tech gadgets and a big tv! I’ll be the envy of the other homeless guys!

What’s a pretty intelligent, hard-working, fun guy like me to do? Why bitch about it right here of course. Glad you asked! I like this space because I get to say whatever I want and it actually helps to get all this out. I’m pretty sure only a handful of people are reading this and none of them actually know me personally so I can pretty much say whatever I like without fear of embarrassment or recrimination. That’s a good feeling. And Tom, if you are reading this, go fuck yourself. Man, that feels good. Wow!

If any family or friends are out their reading this feel free to comment or call us and offer your words of advice. More important though, please make your checks out to . . . well, you know if you know. I’m only joking. Really. . . Just send cash. Or gold. Gold is good.

It’s odd. When you are young (under thirty) you feel like you can do anything and nothing really gets you down (at least that’s how it was for me). Now, I have come to the realization of late that I can’t actually do anything I want. I guess it finally happened. Sometime in the last year or two I grew up. Double bummer (no, that’s really bad. Let’s go at least triple bummer for that one).

What does all this mean you may be wondering? Is their a point sometime soon? Here it is. Be sure to do everything you can to get what you want while you still feel like you have all the time in the world because someday, you won’t. But, when that day comes, you can bitch too. Just like me. So you got that going for you at least, which is nice.
