Sad I have to write that headline, but sometimes when you’ve kept a blog for a few years and updated pretty regularly and then stop, people often wonder if something bad has happened to you. Fortunately, that’s not the case. No bad things.
Actually, some good thing have happened, especially where my latest project is concerned. Yes, that’s right, The Flickcast has really taken off and as such, demands a great deal of my time. Not only to I run the site, for the most part, I also have to write for it each and every day. That takes its toll.
Because The Flickcast is such a demanding site and the vast majority of my energy is devoted to it at the moment, that leaves very little left for this site. Once I’ve pretty much said my peace on various issues via the site or the podcast, I’ve pretty much got nothing left to write about here.
When I started this site several years ago my intention was to have a reason and a motivation to write every day (or almost every day, let’s be honest). Now that I’ve got The Flickcast going, I have no choice but to write every day so the impetus to keep a personal blog is not nearly as strong.
I’m not exactly sure what to do about this site. I like having it and I may, on occasion, put something here. But for now, it won’t be a regular thing at all, my other project needs to be the priority — especially if I want it to continue the growth its seen so far.
So, if you’re looking for me and my contributions, head on over to The Flickcast and you can find me there. Also, if you’re looking for any of my other work, there’s some good links at my other website. And, feel free to follow me on Twitter and friend me at Facebook. I promise I won’t bite.
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