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The ‘Battlestar Galactica’ Women


Battlestar Galactica is a great show. It has exceptional writing, engaging stories, compelling characters, cool visuals, talented actors and directors and is just plain fun to watch. It also has some really great looking women on it — which doesn’t hurt either.

Here’s some recent pictures of the three main BSG Babes from Interview Magazine. Enjoy.


Grace Park


Tricia Helfer


And my personal favorite, Katee Sackhoff

Oh, and if you’re interested in other things BSG-related, don’t forget to check out BSG Weekly over at ComicMix. It’s a fun read, but sadly, only features myself and BSG Co-Executive Producer Mark Verheiden. No babes, sorry.

Sure, that was a shameless plug, but what the hell? This is my blog after all. If you get one of your own you, can plug the heck out of whatever you want.

That’s what makes America great.

That and the Internet, TV shows like BSG, beer, pizza, movies, dogs, freedom, sex, love and the ability to achieve your dreams if you really want them bad enough.

Is this a great country or what?

Happy 25th ‘Return of the Jedi’

Loved the movie (of course) but I found those short, furry creatures kinda lame. But after this, I gave them a second chance. Maybe you will too.


Excuses are like. . . And new photos too.

Obviously, I have some sort of issue with deadlines. For whatever reason I don’t seem capable of making them. For example, here it is Wednesday and I didn’t post anything for “Photo Tuesday” yesterday. How can I expect people to faithfully read this blog if I can’t even remember to post something regularly?

That’s a good question and one that deserves an answer. Sadly, I don’t really have one for you. Perhaps someone smarter than myself can offer one? That would be great.

Meantime, let’s start with a few links. First off, here’s a couple to direct you to my latest articles from around the internets.

I go out on a limb and pick six of The Best Movies Adapted from Comic Books.

The latest installment of my ongoing BSG Weekly articles.

Rick Marshall on why his life is like Rocky IV.

An interesting, and disturbing, story about a van driven onto the runway in Seattle and nobody notices or seems to care.

Napster offers DRM-free mp3 music.

LAist loves Ikea’s salty balls.

This is funny. TUAW-bashing is always good for a laugh.

And, as I still do try to meet deadlines, even if circumstances get in the way, here’s a couple photos to commemorate “Photo Wednesday.” These were taken by my friend Anthony Dalesandro who, besides being a great director, is also a pretty good photographer too. Enjoy.




I realize I missed this week’s ‘Photo Tuesday’ but I have a good excuse for it. Unfortunately, I can’t say what it was because its a secret — at least for now. Let’s just say I spent some time on Tuesday doing something very cool and I will be revealing just what that thing was shortly.

Until then, let’s take a look at some interesting links for the week, shall we?

My interview with Hack/Slash creator Tim Seeley at ComicMix

My latest BSG Weekly at ComicMix

My interview with innovative filmmaker James Liu at TUAW

I thought I had a lot of computers.

If you happen to be in LA on June 1st and want to take a stand against abuse of photographers taking pictures in public places, check out this post.

And just so we have some artwork to accompany this post, here’s a couple of my favorites from Tim Seeley. One from Hack/Slash. Which, by the way, is a great comic you should be reading. And one from his other work on Forgotten Realms: Halfling’s Gem. Enjoy



Writing Stuff

I don’t know about you, but many times when I’m writing a story, a script or something else that calls for a particular character to have a name (which happens frequently — characters need names after all), I sometimes get stuck on what name to use. Fortunately, through the miracle of modern technology, this problem is now a thing of the past.

Behold, the random name generator. Refresh a few times to get the name you want and then use it for all its worth. While we’re on the subject of writing, here’s a few other cool writing-related sites (and sites maintained by writers I like) that I sometimes use for inspiration, knowledge and/or to steal ideas from (No, not actual story ideas. More ‘how’ rather than ‘what’).

In fact, I actually ‘borrowed’ some of these links from fellow writer and all-around-nice-guy (aka ‘non-dick’) Wil Wheaton. Turns out we have similar tastes in writing resources. Who knew?

Jane Espenson

Mark Verheiden

Mark Millar

Garth Ennis

Warren Ellis

4 Must-Read Books for Aspiring Writers

Some Very Helpful Grammar Lessons

And, seeing as we happen to still be on the subject of writing, one of my comic books is inching dangerously close to actually getting art to go along with its wonderfully realized prose — which also means its inching closer to publication too. For now, that’s all I can say. Still, this is very good time for me and may lead to an even better time soon. But as they say in the news biz “More on that story as it develops.”

In other words, I’ll let you know as soon as I know.

Quick Links for the Day and Tuesday Photos

Yes, I’ve been busy contributing and making the Internets a better place with my work. You want examples you say? Well, come close and take a look at these: My latest BSG Weekly article and also my article about the Six Worst Movies Adapted from Comic Books.

And of course, it being Tuesday and all, how about some photos? Sure, what the heck. Here’s a couple taken by me on my recent trip to New York.


central park2.jpg


Photo Tuesday with Princess Leia, Selma Blair, Milo Ventimiglia and More!

Here’s some photos for ‘Photo Tuesday’ from the recent New York Comic Con. These were taken by my pal Tony Mark at the show and feature some people you may know and characters you may recognize. Enjoy.

Milo Ventimiglia from Heroes

Rehka Sharma from Battlestar Galactica

Selma Blair

Some Slave Leias

Colonial Tigh himself, Michael Hogan

Hellboy’s Ron Perlman

New York Comic Con Final Thoughts


You know, maybe I won’t bother to do a brain dump post about the NYCC after all. Sure, I could hit you with all the things I liked about the Con from the not overly-crowded show floor to the weather in NYC to the well-run and often interesting panels.

Or, I could complain about the few things I didn’t like about the Con such as the sometimes lateness of the panels which caused us a bit of trouble, the overpriced food and the extra-super-crappy wireless internet which they should not charge for and give money back to anyone dumb enough to get it. But really, what do I have to complain about?

Life is pretty good. I got to spend several days “working” with some of the most talented, interesting, gracious and fun people around. Yes, I’m talking about the ComicMix team. In short, I had a great time and one that I hope to repeat come San Diego Comic-Con in July. Which, hopefully, I will be attending again under the gracious auspices of ComicMix/Crowd Fusion and its super-talented and benevolent rockstar Brian Alvey.

Who knows, perhaps I will even be able to do a bit of work for some as-yet unrealized movie and TV related sites? Anything is possible and I will not speculate further because I think certain people may read this blog and I don’t want them to get angry at me for giving away too much or saying things I’m not supposed to say. Whew, that was a close one.

Sure, the week in NYC was not without its few glitches. But come on, I got paid to go to a comic book convention and meet writers, artists, film directors, actors and hang out with the best team working in journalism today. I don’t know about you or what you happen to do to make ends meet, but I can tell you, my life is pretty sweet — at least where my “work” is concerned. I also managed to take care of some “personal” business while in NYC as well, which was the other reason I was in New York. Lucky for me, I was able to do both while there.

As for my my personal life? Well, don’t get me started on that as its a long and winding road to be sure. Its been an interesting six months to be sure. By way of explanation, did I happen to mention how much fun I had in New York at the Comic Con? Did I tell you how great it was to be working shoulder to shoulder with people like Mike Gold, Rick Marshall, Glenn Hauman, Michael Davis, Kai Connolly, Mike Raup, Matt Raub!, Martha Thomases, Karl Cramer, Alan Kistler and the rest of the team, friends and support system.

And yes, even if Glenn did forget to bring me my “official” ComicMix business cards, I still think he’s a great, funny and intelligent guy who really knows his way around comics. Glenn, I’m sorry again that everyone gave you such a hard time about forgetting my cards. I didn’t put them up to it, I promise. Still, it was kinda funny, at least to me. And Matt Raub!

See what I did there? A little sleight-o-hand to make you forget to ask me about my personal life. We’re talking about all good things right now so I won’t muck it up with anything not good. Suffice to say that life is good but sometimes you gotta make sure you tell yourself that a lot to help get you through the times when life isn’t like that.

New York Comic Con Stalling


I’m still gathering my thoughts (such as they are) about the New York Comic Con. Rest assured I will eventually do a brain dump of whatever is left in there to dump. I know, without reservation, it will be well worth the wait. Of course, I’ve also been known to drink a bit now and then, so who knows?

Meantime, feel free to take a look at what my learned colleagues at ComicMix have to say on the subject. Here’s Mike Gold’s perspective and here’s Rick Marshall’s. Both of them are smart and have a lot of experience at these types of events so you will find what they have to say very interesting, no doubt about it.

I’ve also managed to post a few photos from my trip over at my Flickr pages. So those can also serve to give you something to look at and help pass the time between now and when my no doubt brilliant insight into the Con will arrive.

Well, now that I’ve way over-sold the whole thing I guess I should probably put my head down and write it. Ok, I will. Check back later.