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Video Friday

Because I liked the “photo a day” deal so much, I’m also going to try and find cool videos to post as regularly as I can — mostly on Fridays. I may end up shooting some of them but I also may just post other ones that I find around the Internets.

So, to get us going, here’s the first one out of the gate. In some ways, this video is better and more original than many things that come out of Hollywood (or the BBC for that matter). This point is made all the more interesting because this video was not made by Hollywood (or BBC) pros, but by a family on vacation who simply love a show and wanted to do something fun. Enjoy.


Michael Mann’s ‘Lucky Star’

Here’s an interesting fake trailer for a movie called ‘Lucky Star’ that’s actually a commercial for the Mercedes SL500. Made in 2002, starring Benecio Del Toro and directed by Michael Mann, its one of the longest and most expensive commercials ever made. Sadly, I did not work on it. However, even without my involvement, it’s still pretty damn cool — mostly because Mann is pretty much a genius.


Chicago is a Great Town

Or at least I think it is. Sadly, I’ve been here since Thursday afternoon (late) and I’ve only seen the hotel I’m staying at and the convention center I’m across the street from. Sure, that might not seem like a bad thing to some people, but I kinda like checking out places and seeing what’s what. Especially places I’ve never been, like Chicago.

I’ve heard that later we’ll all go see exciting stuff in Chicago. Until then, I’ve got to tough it out in Rosemont at a hotel almost perfectly positioned for the convention yet still, annoyingly far away.

Not that Rosemont is a bad place. Far from it. At least I think so. It’s just that if I decide to visit somewhere it would great if I got to see the “actual” city I’m supposed to be visiting. I know that’s going to happen no matter what because I made an effort to actually stay a bit longer.

Anyway, I’ve also discovered on this trip that I can drink a ton of booze and eat way too much. I kinda thought I was over all of that. Sadly, it seems I am not. I’m sure my liver and my increasing weight will both be very unpleasant later on.

However, all is not negative at Wizard World in Rosemont (aka Chicago). I did manage to meet a few cool people, spend time at some interesting gatherings and generally have a bit of fun. It’s just too bad that I wasn’t able to do more work. I kinda felt like I didn’t talk to enough people at the show and turn out enough content.

If anything, this show was a good primer for San Diego and really highlights how difficult it is to cover a convention like Wizard World with what is, essentially, two people. Especially when one of those people needs to be in the hotel editing and publishing posts instead of working the floor.

We did manage to get some interesting stuff and some of it is already posted at ComicMix. So, be sure to head on over and check it out. Here’s some links:

My interview with World War Z and Reported Attacks graphic novel author Max Brooks.

ComixMix’s Rick Marshall’s reports on day one and two of the show.

Some photo galleries of the costumes and “flavor” of the Wizard World Chicago show.

Finally, here’s some great art from some of the books coming out from publisher Avatar Press. This stuff just looks cool and I can’t wait to see it in its final form. Check them out.




Cool Art and Wizard World stuff

Sometimes in my travels I come across cool things and want to share them. Here’s an example of that:


These panels were part of the ‘Mondo Marvel’ presentation at Wizard World LA this weekend — which even though it was pretty small was still a great time. I attended the panel for ComicMix and was pretty impressed with this Thor artwork by Patrick Zircher. This guy rocks and I think will have along career in comics.

I also got a chance to interview a bunch of other cool people at WWLA including another artist whose work I like very much: Jacen Burrows. That interview is already up over at ComicMix. Here’s a couple of things from him including a page from 303, which he did with Garth Ennis, and a Blackgas cover, a book he did with Warren Ellis:



I also had a chance to talk with X-Force and Dark Tower writer Peter David, Battlestar Galactica Co-Executive Producer Mark Verheiden and superstar screenwriter Zak Penn. Look for those articles soon.

You know, its pretty cool to work in the business I work in. This writing thing is pretty darn fun.

Cool. I want one.


Even though its not practical at all, I really want one of these. Why? ‘Cause its cool. Anyone care to order one for me as a gift? I don’t mind, really. I like gifts.

On another note, I’ve been working quite a bit at ComicMix this week trying to help raise the page views by having more regular content. So, if you get a minute (or ten) be sure to click on over and browse as many of the articles as you can.

In fact, if you really want to help out, try reading and then commenting on a few. That would be nice. If you do that, you don’t have to get me a Han Solo desk.

Sounds fair, right?

I ordered a new MacBook Air


Yes, yes I did. If you happen to be curios as to my reasons, head on over to TUAW and take a look at the article I wrote explaining it all. Apparently, judging from the number of comments (almost 140 I think so far) this particular topic appears to be one of interest. Check it out.

Almost Real

Congress passes a law helping to solidify the position of bloggers as “real” journalists. Could be a step in the right direction. Still has to get signed by Mr. Bush but perhaps it will. We’ll see.

Can’t Talk, Playing With the iPhone

Yes, I managed to snag one on Friday (the 8gb model, btw). Yes, its very, very cool. Yes, I will have more to say about it. Yes, I can’t say it here (blame AOL, not me). So please, look elsewhere for all things iPhone from me and other far more intelligent people. In fact, why not go here.


Six Issues Facing the Comic Book Industry

Over at The Comics Reporter, Tom Spurgeon lays it out for you and shares his thoughts about the biggest issues facing the comic book business today. Its a good read and one, if you have any interest in comic books, that you should take a look at. For a different perspective, Heidi MacDonald at The Beat offers her observations of Tom’s observations. Its all very observationy (if that’s even a word. let’s pretend it is, ok?)

Oh, the picture below is of my favorite alternative covers of Astonishing X-Men #1 by the gripping Gabriele Dell ‘Otto, written by the wonderful Joss Whedon and with art by the cool John Cassaday. This series of books is one of the reasons I got back into comics after a long haitus. Now, thanks to Joss and company I’ve gotten to experience a whole new world of comic books I never read before. Its been great so far and I expect it to get even better.

And yes, I like the X-Men. You got a problem with that?

