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My head hurts and I blame CitiBank

This could explain why my head hurts. Or maybe its just the booze or lack of sleep. Another reason could be that some asshole decided to use my ATM credit card at Bloomingdales this weekend and buy himself something pretty. To the tune of twelve-hundred bucks. (Reader beware, this is where the angry rant starts).

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, my bank’s response (CitiBank, btw) leaves something to be desired. CitiBank’s “policy” in cases like this is to “watch” the account and see what happens. In the meantime, they allow the charges to go through and some dickhead gets away with ripping me off. I always tell myself not to use my ATM card to make purchases and I don’t do it that often. Unfortunately, once was enough I guess.

Now my money is gone while CitiBank sits on their collective asses “watching” my account for suspicious activity. Hello, the “suspicious” activity already happened when the charges were made. I don’t know what they are waiting for. I didn’t make those charges but until they “investigate” they assume I did and just give my money away.

Here’s what their policy should be. If a customer calls and disputes a charge, that should be it. The charge should be frozen until the investigation is concluded. You don’t let the merchant take the money from a fraudulent transaction and wait and see what happens. I think Bloomingdales can wait another few days for the money.

They don’t protect their customers. Basically they are saying that they don’t believe me and its tough shit about my money until they get around to checking it out. I wouldn’t even care if they put a hold on the disputed amounts while they investigate. At least the money wouldn”t be gone

They are opening an investigation and sending me a letter that I have to fill out and send back within 10 business days in order for them to continue to investigate. A letter? WTF? Is this 1980 or something? This is the information age and I have to fill out a letter and mail it back to them so they will take my claims seriously?

What about the four phone calls I made until 3AMlast night? Doesn’t that show I’m serious. Or, how about an email to get things moving a little faster? The bottom line is that they just don’t give a shit and will do whatever they want.

I tell you right now, if this works out badly for me and I permanently loose the money, I am pulling all my accounts from CitiBank and encouraging everyone else I know to do the same. All they have to do is treat their customers like people instead of criminals and I would be happy.

Right now, I feel as if I did something wrong and the burden is on me to prove I am telling the truth. No benefit of the doubt. No consideration for their customers. The customer is wrong.

It’s wrong.

Monday thoughts

Yes, I have some thoughts. Although it isn’t so easy right now as I am pretty tired. I have been out of touch for the last few days working on my friend Tony’s movie. He is doing a horror film called “Asylum”. I haven’t been on a set in some time and haven’t had to work a 12-hour day in some time either. It’s a lot of work. But, I had fun too.

He is doing the movie for very little money so he really couldn’t afford to hire me but I wanted to help out. In my enthusiasm to help out, however, I forgot about the long days and bad food. Both take a toll on you, for sure. I’m just glad that the holidays are upon us and I am going on vacation tomorrow. I need to rest.

While I can manage, here’s a few bits of stuff from the world at large. Over at PC Magazine, they list the 10 worst products to get as gifts this year. I hope I didn’t get any of those for people, I forget. Also, this guy has balls (and is pretty lucky too). Easy way to get some money. Wish I would have thought of it.

Last, it seems that Dan Brown, author of the mega-bestseller “The DaVinci Code” is being sued. But really, if you get sued by some guy in New Zealand, is it really that bad? I hope it all works out and doesn’t hold up the movie version of the book. Tom Hanks could make an interesting lead. Although, I thought Russell Crowe would be better.

A Little Patience

John Perry Barlow trial. In his own words and another account.

And, here’s a really interesting quote, also highlighted on Barlow’s blog. This one was written quite a few years ago but has definite relevance today:

“A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt……If the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake.”

— Thomas Jefferson, from a letter he sent in 1798 after the passage of the Sedition Act


The Death of AIDS?

Researchers at Rutgers University may have developed a way to kill HIV, the virus that can lead to AIDS. Another article about this right here.

And, in other important news (not as important as a cure for HIV, mind you, but still) Google announced an agreement today with some of the nation’s leading research libraries and Oxford University to begin converting their holdings into digital files that would be freely searchable over the Web.

And now some news

I have friends that make commercials for a living. Some of these same friends also happen to make iPod commercials for Apple. We all think its really great when someone goes out on their own and makes something cool.

Also, Sony’s PSP started shipping in Japan the other day and sold out fast. The first 200,000 units were gone in hours. Sony plans to ship three million by March. The portable gaming device sports console quality graphics and can also play movies and DVDs. It’s selling in Japan for 19,800 yen or about $188 US. 21 games will be ready before the end of this year. Sony will offer the PSP in North America sometime next spring. Anyone in Japan reading this who can pick me up one? Today. Thanks.

The US Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether P2P file sharing services like Kazaa and Grokster are liable for aiding copyright infringement. The court agreed to hear the music industry’s appeal of a Ninth Circuit court decision that Grokster and Streamcast were not liable because they didn’t exercise control over the music swapped using their service. At the end of this the only people who will have any money left will be the lawyers.

And, from the dumb crooks department. It seems a real-life crook in Texas was scared off from a home invasion by the sounds of “Grand Theft Auto”. The Police in the game were saying ‘Stop, we have you surrounded. This is the police.“ The burglar, unknowingly, thought this was the actual police and panicked,” according to the Galveston DA. Well, this guy sure must be some kind of genius. Where was he from again?

Lastly, be careful where you use your camera phone as Congress passed a bill that would levy heavy fines and prison time for anyone who sneaks photos or videos of people in various stages of undress. So my pictures of girls waiting in line at Starbucks are ok?


Movie Redux

Remakes, er, sorry, “reinterpretations” seem to happen more and more in Hollywood. Here’s a couple more for you. The trailers for Tim Burton’s “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and also Steven Spielberg’s new version of “War of the Worlds” starring Tom Cruise.

I have to say I’m skeptical of both films. Especially in light of how weak Burton’s “reinterpretation” of “Planet of the Apes” was. And, I wonder if Spielberg can make a movie where alien’s want to kill us instead of help us or love us. I guess the real question is why these new movies had to be made at all.

For me, the original “Willy Wonka” with Gene Wilder is just great as it is. So is the George Pal version of “War of the Worlds”. It’s just like George Lucas changing the original “Star Wars” so Greedo fires first or Spielberg changing “E.T.” so the FBI guys have walkie-talkies instead of guns.

They do it because they can. For their own reasons. It has very little, if anything, to do with the audience. The only say the audience have in the process is when the movies come out, they can choose not to attend. I’m saying this for those of you out there that go to the movies at your local multiplex.

Vote with your dollars. It’s the only way you will ever have anything to say that Hollywood will listen to, believe me. If it happens enough, perhaps it will have an affect on what movies are made. Probably not.


Interesting Bits

Apple is “rumored” to be introducing a flash-based iPod at Macworld in January. As expected, this rumor has had s positive effect on Apple’s stock price. MMmmmmm smaller iPod. Reaching for credit card . . . must fight . . .

Also, a German online ad firm, Adtech, says Internet Explorer users are four times more likely to click on banner ads than Firefox users. This is based on actual clickthrough on the 1,000 European sites that use Adtech. I use Firefox but still prefer Safari for most things. Although, Firefox is looking good. Watch out Safari.

And, another German study says computers hinder learning. Researchers at the University of Munich studied 175,000 15-year-old students and found that performance in math and reading had suffered significantly among those who had more than one computer at home. Wow, I am in trouble. I have at least seven computers at home.

And, you asked for it so here it is: The much-hyped but, sadly, deleted scene of hot puppet-on-puppet action from “Team America: World Police”.


Go Bolts II (the sequel)

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Chargers 20, Broncos 17. Looks good for the playoffs. Despite what the “experts” say, my team looks good. I think I better start saving my pennies to buy “Big Game” tickets. I hear they are pretty expensive. . .

That’s Lunch!

I never eat lunch at home. Well, almost never. Lunch is one of those meals that’s fun to have out. Let’s face it, I like to eat out so really every meal is fun to have out. Lunch, though, is my particular favorite.

What’s so special about it? Your just going to a place and eating food, right? That’s a big part of it, of course. I like to go and eat food with friends and talk about this or that. So, it becomes more of a social occasion and a chance to catch up on the latest news or the latest gadget or the latest whatever. It’s about coming together as a group and interacting.

Take today, for example. ADD, J-Rod, the wife and I went to one of our favorite places in Studio City, LaLa’s. It’s an Argentine style grill like Gaucho Grill (another popular LA restaurant) only much better. The food is great and so is the service. I think much of the great service has to do with the fact that we have gone there at least once a week for over three years. That doesn’t take away from the fact that its a great place to go. If it wasn’t good, we wouldn’t have gone there so much.

Of course, for many people in this town, lunch is about business. As this town is all about showbiz, closing the “big deal” or convincing Colin Farrell to be in your movie are all part of the lunch experience. Seeing and being seen is also part of it. Where do you sit and with whom is very important to many LA “industry” guys and gals.

You’ve seen them if you’ve been in LA for very long. The middle-aged “Producer” sitting at a table with two very young and hot blondes talking loudly about his big deal with “Steven” so that everyone has to look . Or, the hot Director du jour sitting, sunglasses on, arguing with his “Manager” about why he should get final cut on his first film because “Quentin” got it and he made such a “kick ass” short film at the Los Angeles Film School.

Or, the aging male former action star trying not to be recognized by his teeming mass of “fans” but secretly praying he will be. Proving he hasn’t been forgotten. Or, a moderately successful sitcom star who gets angry when he has to wait for anything and feels he has to say “do you know who I am?” to anyone within earshot. Yeah, I know who you are. I just don’t give a crap and I never watch your show anyway.

See, lunch can be an experience. Sometimes its just food. And sometimes, it can be life or death.

That’s Lunch!

I never eat lunch at home. Well, almost never. Lunch is one of those meals that’s fun to have out. Let’s face it, I like to eat out so really every meal is fun to have out. Lunch, though, is my particular favorite.

What’s so special about it? Your just going to a place and eating food, right? That’s a big part of it, of course. I like to go and eat food with friends and talk about this or that. So, it becomes more of a social occasion and a chance to catch up on the latest news or the latest gadget or the latest whatever. It’s about coming together as a group and interacting.

Take today, for example. ADD, J-Rod, the wife and I went to one of our favorite places in Studio City, LaLa’s. It’s an Argentine style grill like Gaucho Grill (another popular LA restaurant) only much better. The food is great and so is the service. I think much of the great service has to do with the fact that we have gone there at least once a week for over three years. That doesn’t take away from the fact that its a great place to go. If it wasn’t good, we wouldn’t have gone there so much.

Of course, for many people in this town, lunch is about business. As this town is all about showbiz, closing the “big deal” or convincing Colin Farrell to be in your movie are all part of the lunch experience. Seeing and being seen is also part of it. Where do you sit and with whom is very important to many LA “industry” guys and gals.

You’ve seen them if you’ve been in LA for very long. The middle-aged “Producer” sitting at a table with two very young and hot blondes talking loudly about his big deal with “Steven” so that everyone has to look . Or, the hot Director du jour sitting, sunglasses on, arguing with his “Manager” about why he should get final cut on his first film because “Quentin” got it and he made such a “kick ass” short film at the Los Angeles Film School.

Or, the aging male former action star trying not to be recognized by his teeming mass of “fans” but secretly praying he will be. Proving he hasn’t been forgotten. Or, a moderately successful sitcom star who gets angry when he has to wait for anything and feels he has to say “do you know who I am?” to anyone within earshot. Yeah, I know who you are. I just don’t give a crap and I never watch your show anyway.

See, lunch can be an experience. Sometimes its just food. And sometimes, it can be life or death.