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Kerry Concedes

John Kerry called President Bush to concede just a few minutes ago. So, it would appear that we are in for four more years of W. Unless some miracle happens in Ohio. Not holding my breath for that one.

Congrats to John Kerry and his team for running a great campaign. And, reluctantly, to President Bush and his people for the same. That “flip-flopper” mantra really worked.

I only hope that President Bush realizes that he needs to take a hard look at the number of people that voted for John Kerry and finally fulfill the promise he made in 2000 to be a uniter and not a divider. This country needs a leader and deserves a leader that can do that.

And, now that he is President again, we have the opportunity to hold him and his administration accountable for all the messes they have made. If John Kerry had been elected, it would have been an uphill battle for him all the way, especially with a GOP dominated Congress.

President Bush will have to face the consequences of his own policies. He has no excuses. I hope he succeeds. But, nobody should give him an easy time of it if things don’t improve.

American gave him a second chance. He needs to prove it was the right decision.

Still Going

I was about to go to sleep but the election continues. John Edwards just said they will keep their promise to make “every vote count” and that they are “ready to fight.” Do I hear a bunch of lawyers getting on a plane ready to go to Ohio?

The count now, according to CNN:

249 Bush

242 Kerry

Provisional ballots might be the key to Ohio. If it were only that easy. I find it unlikely it will make much of a difference for John Kerry. Still, you never know.

Is this a great country or what?


If Bush wins Ohio, its over for the Democrats. It’s still too close to call but that optimism I was feeling earlier today has pretty much gone away. Too bad.

Damn exit polls. Won’t pay attention to those again. We will see.

Stay tuned.

So it goes

I’ve been working and just got back to the computer. Now, we return you to the election, already in progress.

Slate has some exit poll numbers. Good for Kerry, it would seem.

C-Span has a cool map. Roll over a state to see just how cool.

And, at USA Today, they are saying that the number of young people voting in this election has doubled from 2000. Also, late-deciding voters broke in Kerry’s favor, and those who decided sometime in the first few weeks of October (during the debates) broke strongly in favor of Kerry. Early deciders were split. Those debates definitely made an impact.

Election Day

I’m sure I don’t have to say it so I won’t. (go out and vote today). Oh well, I said it anyway. It seems like many people are quite eager to cast a vote today. If the long lines are any indication. Some people even lined up last night.

I’m feeling pretty good today and optimistic so I will say that this bodes well for John Kerry. Let’s see if that optimism holds true as the day progresses.

And it also seems like their are a few problems already with voting machines and procedures in some states, as fellow blogger Megan Powell can attest.

And another blogger and voter Brian Nicks has a nice photo of the error he got when trying to use the electronic voting machine at his polling place. What about errors 1 through 8? Whose keeping track of those?

Ok, that’s it on the election stuff for now. I think I will just relax for awhile and then do some work later today as people go out and vote — silently exercising their rights.

Whatever the arguments or the spin, this fundamental right is one of the main reasons that this country is such a great place to live.

Happy voting all.

Osama needs attention

Osama Bin Laden is lonely. Much like the evil dictator, Kim Jong Il, in “Team America: World Police”. He decided to release a new video, as I’m sure you heard. Just to get attention. I wasn’t going to even talk about it but what the hell? What does this video mean for John Kerry and George Bush? For my money, very little at this point.

Many pundits will spin this “event” their own way. But in the end, people will react to OBL the way they always have since September 11th. They will want to see him dead. They want him dead no matter who is President. Does this mean seeing him will make Mr. Bush look weaker because he didn’t catch him? No. He’s been able to do that just fine already, thank you.

People already know OBL is running free and apparently now, in good health. Bush supporters will keep supporting Bush and Kerry supporters will keep supporting Kerry. The “undecided” voters will still be undecided until the last minute and then, probably vote for Kerry (well, I can hope at least). The only dumb thing that Kerry did was not harp on this more during the last days of the campaign.

I wanted to see him go on the offensive more and take President Bush to task. He didn’t. I hope it doesn’t hurt him. Don’t get me wrong, I endorse John Kerry for President. I just wish he was a little stronger in some areas. Like charisma. I know that shouldn’t matter but it does. Face it, he’s a little charm-challenged.

I guess I would just like to be blown away by someone who wants to be the President. I feel that the President should be the best of the best. He should be someone who speaks to the ordinary citizen as well as the elite power-brokers. He should be someone who gives a shit about the environment, health care, jobs, the economy and all the other stuff that doesn’t really get mentioned now that we are in a “war”. He should also be able to out-talk and out-debate anyone and know when to attack when he needs to.

Maybe the guy I am looking for doesn’t exist? I like to think he does. I like to think that somewhere out there, maybe in high school or college somewhere, is a guy (or a girl, why not?) with a new vision for this country. Someone who will take us to the next level and be a true leader for tomorrow and beyond. It would be nice if the Presidential race wasn’t between two billionaire middle-aged white guys for a change. Let’s get some new blood. Barack Obama anyone?

Whatever happens tomorrow, I will be bracing myself for the subsequent lawsuits and fighting between the parties and the eventual selection of the new President by the Supreme Court sometime in January.

Cynical? You bet. Of course, I could be wrong. Wouldn’t that be nice?


New Ecto Version

Just wanted to see how the new version of ecto works in OSX. So far, so good. I like it. Although, the prevsious version was very good and so easy to use. Oh well, progress is progress.

Have a great weekend all. Oh, and don’t forget to vote on Tuesday. In case you forgot or could escape all of the hype, I just thought I would mention it.


Happy Birthday Internet

CBC is reporting about the 35th birthday of the internet, which is today. The story talks about the less-than-prophetic beginnings of the net: ‘In order to log in to the two-computer network, which was then called ARPANET, programmers at UCLA were to type in ‘log’, and Stanford programmers would reply with ‘in’. The UCLA programmers only got as far as ‘lo’ before the Stanford machine crashed.’

Must have been running Windows. No, of course not. Windows wasn’t even around then. Ahh, the good old days.

To celebrate in LA, their is a big event going on at UCLA today with speakers and such, all talking about the internet. Where’s its come from and where its going. Notably, the CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, will discuss the future of the internet and how Google will come to dominate the world as we know it.

I hope the internet doesn’t get too drunk and make a fool of itself.


Quick joke of the day

How many Bush administration officials does it take to change a light bulb?

None. There’s nothing wrong with that light bulb. There is no need to change anything. We made the right decision and nothing has happened to change our minds. People who criticize this light bulb now, just because it doesn’t work anymore, supported us when we first screwed it in, and when these flip-floppers insist on saying that it is burned out, they are merely giving aid and encouragement to the Forces of Darkness.
