Another Test
Posted on March 28, 2007Just another test to see if the archives, categories, etc. work. So far, they don’t so don’t try to use them.
Video Questions, SXSW and the Busy Tony Pierce
Posted on March 16, 2007Oddly enough I can’t embed a video here from a site called Jumpcut. Even though the video is an interview with WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg conducted by LAist head honcho and all-around cool guy Tony Pierce. You would think they would make an exception this time, but no.
So, I can only link to LAist where the video is for you to have the opportunity to enjoy it. I find the whole situation pretty ironic. Oh well, at least Matt seems like a nice guy even if I sometimes don’t quite understand the rules around here — as in why YouTube videos are ok and Jumpcut videos are not. Still, glad to be here and: Go WordPress!
Tony was very busy and also got several more interviews while attending SXSW in Austin this week. Some of them include the guys who started Web 2.0 “it” site of the moment Twitter as well as and interview with Mary Colvig of Mozilla. Some interesting stuff — especially if you love the tech like I do and are also super-jealous of Tony for being able to attend SXSW this year. Next year, dammit, I’m there for sure.
Oh, the picture has basically nothing to do with this post at all. Its just something I used over at LAist for a recent Tech News post and I liked it. Happy weekend all.
300: Made on a Mac + The Screaming Death Monkey
Posted on March 13, 2007Over at this site they have an interesting bit of info on the film 300 and how the Macintosh was a very big part of getting the film done. Some of the Apple tech that was used to make the film possible include Final Cut Pro, Shake and Quicktime. Even though the film was primarily edited on an AVID system, the filmmakers said they prefer to use Macs running Final Cut instead of AVID. Interesting bit of info. And, if you want even more, head on over to the FX Guide site. Even more bits of interesting info there including the above mentioned ‘Death Monkey.’
While we are on the subject of 300, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the film. As I usually do these days, I went in with almost no expectations and as open a mind as I could possibly muster. Fortuntely, the film more than lived up to the hype and I was rewarded with a great experience. Sure, the film isn’t perfect but its a visual treat that should not be missed. Obviously, I’m not alone here because the film made over $70 milion in the first weekend — the third biggest opening weekend for an R-rated film of all time, btw. So, get a babysitter and go out and see the movie if you haven’t already.
Also, got some new stuff up over at Cinematical — including details on Frank Miller’s career aspirations, Michael Eisner’s new venture and the YouTube saga — as well as a brand new ‘Ask the MACist‘ over at LAist. Plus, I should have a couple things coming out at CBR in a few days as well. And, possibly something new and cool I’m not at liberty to discuss just yet too. You’ll just have to chcck back to find out, sorry.
Trying Something New
Posted on March 10, 2007As people who know me well can attest, I’m pretty much the kind of person who likes to do the same things pretty much all of the time. I like to eat at the same restaurants, go to the same bars, drink the same beverages, see similar kinds of movies, read similar kinds of books and comic books, etc. You get the idea.
Another thing I usually do has to do with my writing. When I leave the house to write out in the world I almost always go to my particular Starbucks to do it. The reasons for this are simple. I know the place, I know the people and I know what I’m getting when I go there. That can pretty much be applied to the other things I do pretty much all the time. I’ve been around long enough to know what I like and like what I know. No harm in doing what you want to do, is there?
Even though I’m what you would call a “creature of habit” every once in awhile I like to mix things up. So today, instead of going to my usual Starbucks to write some stuff for Cinematical and work on the pilot that can’t yet be discussed, I decided to try something new today. I threw caution to the wind and went not to Starbucks but instead, to a place called LuLu’s Beehive in Sherman Oaks. That was a couple hours ago and so far, so good.
When I first got here I was privy to an interesting argument between what could best be described as a few “disgruntled” writers. There were three middle-aged dudes arguing about how various studios around town don’t know what they are doing, that executives and development people are “idiots” and how the hole business of show i basically a blight on society. Of course, in the next minute they bragged about their upcoming projects and the stuff they had in development and their upcoming deals so they can’t hate the business too much as they are still hip-deep in it. Its funny to hear these kinds of conversations because that’s what showbiz does to people.
I like to think of showbiz as being like chocolate cake. Its one of those things you know is bad for you but its also so good you just can’t help yourself. And really, as I’ve probably said before, the worst day on a movie set is still so much better than the best day working at a bank or some other “real” job type job. Yes, showbiz and I have had our share of issues. But like any dysfunctional relationship we have also had our very good days as well so I can’t say its all bad. Plus, as anyone who knows me will tell you: I love cake.
photo “borrowed” from my former boss at LAist jason toney
Star Wars and Making Stuff Up
Posted on March 9, 2007
Today, some friends of mine and I took some much needed time off and went to the California Science Center to see the Science of Star Wars exhibit. It was fun and they had quite a few very interesting exhibits including several models from the movies — the Millennium Falcon, Star Destroyer, X-Wing — and also the full-sized Landspeeder used by Luke Skywalker during the filming of Star Wars.
Plus, a whole bunch of other stuff well worth the price of admission. More, in fact, because the exhibit is actually free. Yes, I said free. The place was mostly filled with school kids on field trips but there were a few older kids around (like us) who had also decided that Star Wars was more important than work today. As we walked around I wondered if the kids looking at all the exhibits felt the same way about the Star Wars films as I did when I first saw them.
Many of the kids were probably close to the same age I was when i first saw Star Wars. Although, Star Wars probably wasn’t their first exposure to the universe. It was probably Phantom Menace or the other of the the newer films. If that’s true that’s kinda too bad for them. To me, the first trilogy will always be the best one and the subsequent three films will always be sub-standard.
Even Revenge of the Sith, which is by far the best of the three left something to be desired when I saw it. I just had to wonder as I looked around today if any of those kids had ever seen the first films or had only seen the second trilogy. If they had only been exposed to Star Wars by watching the second three films I hope someday they find out what they’re missing.
In a completely unrelated story (except that Fox was the studio that released the Star Wars films) I love it when Fox News just decides to make stuff up instead of reporting the actual news. Seriously, what passes for “journalism” these days, especially at places like Fox News, amazes me. How do these people sleep at night? Sadly, probably better than I do.
Growing Pains
Posted on March 2, 2007As I said in a previous post, the move from Typepad went fairly well except for one or two big glitches. Unfortunately, those one or two big glitches are pictures and video. Now, when you go to any posts except those from the last few weeks, they won’t have the pictures or video they are supposed to have. To me, that sucks and I’m sorry for the trouble. I don’t like to have things looking half-finished. Plus, I want things to be easy and not require me to do a bunch of work I already did. Not the case here, i guess.
I wish there was another solution besides putting everything back where it belongs manually but as of now, I don’t know what that might be. If you happen to have a brilliant idea, don’t be shy about shouting it out. Otherwise, its manual-replacement city for me for. So, over the next few weeks I am going to be manually putting video and pictures back into the posts they belong in. Should make for a great time. Fortunately, I am still not 100% better from the walking (and will-to-live-sapping) pneumonia so I have some time on my hands — that is when I’m not sleeping or thinking about sleeping. Fortunately, this picture and video thing shouldn’t be a problem for any posts from now on, just the old ones. So, check back and you should be able to see the videos and pictures eventually. Thanks for you patience during this time of transition.
Oh, in case you were wondering that is the cast of the 80s sitcom Growing Pains. I thought the picture was appropriate for two reasons. One, the obvious one that the site is having some growing pains of its own. And two, I once did a movie with Tracey Gold who, if I recall correctly, was very nice and a huge fan of Diet Coke. Its a fact, actors love that Diet Coke. We used to go through tons of it on shows. Fortunately, in many cases, it was free product placement so we didn’t have to buy it. Just one of the perks of a fully-stocked craft service table, van or occasionally, a trailer — but only on the bigger shows. I guess there were some good things about showbiz after all.
Posted on February 27, 2007So yeah, obviously I moved to WordPress. And yes, I like the way the blog looks now. But no, the move wasn’t perfect. Sadly, all of the pictures and video files I had put into my posts didn’t make the trip so they will have to be dropped in manually. Quite a bummer actually considering I’ve got over three years worth of posts here and most of them have pictures or some other kind of media.
Anyway, I probably won’t go back and bring all the pictures back in. I just don’t have that kind of time. So, if you happen to read a post with a whole where a picture should be, please forgive me. I am also having some trouble getting embedded videos to play at WordPress so that will take a little effort on my part as well. Or, I suppose I could ask support for help. Not there yet. I always like to figure this stuff out for myself anyway. It help later if someone else asks me what to do and I can tell them from experience.
Other than that, I’m writing this while looking at an Apple 23″ Cinema Display attached to my MacBook Pro. I gotta say that it’s a pretty great monitor and I may keep it. Actually, it technically is supposed to go to someone else but they don’t need it right away so I thought I would check it out for myself and see how nice it is. You know what, its pretty nice.
The Simple Pleasures of a Good Bar and Good Conversation
Posted on February 16, 2007
Last night was the latest LAist meeting where the writers and editors get together to share some beverages and talk about writing, sex, drugs, being attacked by raccoons and whatever else happens to come up. Its a good time made especially good for me because I got to go back to one of my favorite places in Los Angeles: Ye Rustic Inn in Los Feliz. If you don’t know it its one of those dive places that are great fun, have giant leather booths, pitchers of beer, cute servers and is plenty dark so everyone looks a lot better. It’s definitely one of those places that feel like home to me. Obviously, I’ve spent way to much time in bars. I’m not an alcoholic but I do like my drinks now and again. Although, more and more its again and not now.
Putting that aside for a moment, its also across the street from another great place to go called the Drawing Room. The Drawing Room has one thing in particular going for it besides its similar characteristics to the Rustic: it opens way early in the morning for your drinking pleasure. Consequently, when I used to toil all night on set and then be fully awake at 7AM at wrap, it was nice to go over The Drawing Room and get a cocktail at 8 in the morning. Yes, those are the things you sometimes do after shooting all night on a Friday and finishing up early Saturday morning.
Of course, we went during the week many times too so it wasn’t always confined to the weekends. I gotta say, it sure was nice being young enough and in many ways, dumb enough, to be able to go out and do things like that. Now, as many of my friends will attest, its a pretty rare situation that gets me out of the house at all, let alone out to a bar. I just don’t go out as much as I used to.
Really, I didn’t want to go last night either. Well, that’s not really fair. I did want to go. Its always nice to see LAist people, including one of my favorite people I’ve met in LA the last few years: Tony Pierce. Over at his infamous blog, I read that he feels similarly to me in that he doesn’t like to go places as much as he used to and especially doesn’t like to have to be somewhere according to a schedule. I’m very much the same way. I don’t like deadlines and I don’t really like having to do much of anything I don’t want to do. Unfortunately, it turns out that most of life doesn’t really give a crap about what I want to do or don’t want to do. So, sometimes you gotta be somewhere at a certain time and that’s just how it goes. Yes, deadlines are a bitch.
Anyway, a good time was had by all last night at the LAist meet and many pitchers of Stella were consumed so thanks for that Jake. Also, I met some new LAist people who were very cool and talented and will be a pleasure getting to know further. It’s really great that I keep meeting quality people after living so long in LA and being sorta out of the business. I used to meet a lot of great people on set but now, as my being on set time is far less, it was getting harder to meet people. Although, I have met a few at the “office” so I shouldn’t forget about that.
Something about this town, whatever its other faults, sure seems to attract some of the best people. I guess its probably the lure of Hollywood and fame/fourtune. Or, maybe its the weather? Who knows? Whatever it is, I’m glad it happens. Sure, the traffic sucks and trying to find parking in Santa Monica at 3P on a Thursday makes you want to kill someone but still, this city is home to some great people and some great bars. So, go out and find the place that makes you feel at home. You’ll be glad you did.
A Minor Update and Some Cool Pictures
Posted on January 21, 2007In case anyone was wondering I have been busy of late. Yes, I know what you are thinking: “what’s with all the excuses?” Well, what can I say except that for some reason I seem to be somewhat in demand. Not so much in demand I guess, but more like time crunched. I have commitments to several things these days: writing for cinematical, comic book resources, running the other business and many other things.
Plus, as of last week I am now the technology editor at LAist so that means they are gonna expect more from me as well. No more just writing what I want whenever I feel the “muse.” Now, I gotta come up with some tech stuff each and every week or else they won’t give me my hard-earned buckets o’ cash. Well, buckets is probably too strong a word. What’s a word that means one small step above absolutely nothing? I don’t know but whatever it is, its small.
Anyway, I’ve been working on all that stuff so this blog, as always, ends up suffering for it. I really wish there were more hours in the day or, more to the point, that I wasn’t such a lazy procrastinator. That way, I could actually make time and have time for all the things I need to do in my life. Perhaps there are some tidbits of info from somewhere in the vastness of the internet where I could get help with my problems? If only that were true. I’ll look around and if I find anything, I’ll get back to you.
In other news, this past week I went to the opening night festivities for the Photo LA show and saw quite a few interesting photographs. I always wish I would make more time to take pictures so seeing these photos I was hoping would inspire me to do it. I think it helped a little but time will tell. I just don’t feel inspired to create as much as I used to. I’m not sure what that means but I don’t like it very much. I hope its just a temporary thing and will pass. Let’s hope so.
So, take a look at some of these photos and try to get inspired. I will too.