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Through some news quickly

I was at a screening and party at The Derby for my friend Todd Wade’s film “The Appointment”. Interesting film which was first a short film then he later added scenes to make it a feature. And, it was in stylistic black and white.

Anyway, I always have time for people who are out their doing it instead of talking about doing it all the time. After working in the “business” for awhile you start to be able to spot the people who are going to do something and the people who just like to take meetings. I only wish I could share that knowledge with some of my other friends who always get involved with these “investors” who will never ever put up anything. I guess its a lesson that needs to be learned by some the hard way.

Over at the political desk, Yasser Arafat has died. At the risk of offending someone, i have to say that I’m having a hard time getting too upset about it. I don’t like to see people die and I didn’t want him to suffer for weeks and months, but that’s about all I am going to say about it.

Also, Bush’s attorney general pick is Alberto Gonzales. He seems a better choice than Ashcroft, who was definitely offensive to many with his policies. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-New York, said, “It’s encouraging that the president has chosen someone less polarizing. We will have to review his record very carefully, but I can tell you already he’s a better candidate than John Ashcroft.”

Well, if Chuck Schumer says so, I guess we can believe him. After all, he is one of the last Democrats in the Senate so we better be nice to him or he might take his ball and go home.


Another voice.

Pretty smart guy Lawrence Lessig adds his 2 cents (and then some) to the brewing election controversy over those darn exit polls.

“Free the exit poll data” he says. I agree. And let the fur fly.

Ashcroft Resigns

Attorney General John Ashcroft resigned today. Good? Bad? You make the call. I say good.

Unless he is resigning so he can be nominated to the Supreme Court. That would be bad indeed. Also, another buddy of W, Don Evans, resigned as well.

I really love this money quote from Ashcroft’s resignation letter to George Bush. “’The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved.” Oh, so that’s what they have been doing for the last four years. I was wondering.

Better not dance the happy dance of freedom and safety just yet.

Election Results “Interesting” to say the least

Many will say “just let it go” or “be a good loser” and I will, when its time for that. Until then, let’s have a look at this, shall we? What does it mean that President Bush got 93,000 more votes in Cuyahoga County than their are voters? I don’t know. Could it have something to do with optical voting machines made by Diebold? Perhaps. Or, it could just be a mistake? Maybe.

I wonder, what is the mechanism in place when a candidate concedes an election but later turns out to have been the winner? I’m not saying that John Kerry won, but it all looks a little odd, don’t you think? If this continues to look odd, wouldn’t an investigation be in order? Just to make sure? It is the Presidential election we are talking about, not some School Board or Water District.

And, this is a great bit of writing. John Perry Barlow spells out his take on the election. One of his points is that we should not underestimate the Republicans and think of them as “a bunch of homophobic, racist, Bible-waving, know-nothing troglodytes”. I have written and spoken about that very subject as well.

Lumping them all into that kind of label only gives them license to do the same and promotes further division of the country. Unless, of course, they are all a bunch of “homophobic, racist, Bible-waving, know-nothing troglodytes” who stole the election through fraud.

Whatever the final outcome, the country deserves the truth. Even if some on one side or the other don’t like it.

Election Results “Interesting” to say the least

Many will say “just let it go” or “be a good loser” and I will, when its time for that. Until then, let’s have a look at this, shall we? What does it mean that President Bush got 93,000 more votes in Cuyahoga County than their are voters? I don’t know. Could it have something to do with optical voting machines made by Diebold? Perhaps. Or, it could just be a mistake? Maybe.

I wonder, what is the mechanism in place when a candidate concedes an election but later turns out to have been the winner? I’m not saying that John Kerry won, but it all looks a little odd, don’t you think? If this continues to look odd, wouldn’t an investigation be in order? Just to make sure? It is the Presidential election we are talking about, not some School Board or Water District.

And, this is a great bit of writing. John Perry Barlow spells out his take on the election. One of his points is that we should not underestimate the Republicans and think of them as “a bunch of homophobic, racist, Bible-waving, know-nothing troglodytes”. I have written and spoken about that very subject as well.

Lumping them all into that kind of label only gives them license to do the same and promotes further division of the country. Unless, of course, they are all a bunch of “homophobic, racist, Bible-waving, know-nothing troglodytes” who stole the election through fraud.

Whatever the final outcome, the country deserves the truth. Even if some on one side or the other don’t like it.

And now for something completely different (er, I mean the same)

Here we go again. War in Iraq III – This time, its a mandate! We are now in the third phase of the Iraq war. We are going to take Falluja, no matter what.

And, less than a week since President Bush’s “clear victory”. Advisors close to W spell out ideas for his second term. Check out the info here and more here.

My favorite part deals with the idea of a “regime change” in Iran and North Korea. I guess that’s one positive thing about the war in Iraq (maybe the only positive thing) As long as we are stuck in Iraq, we can’t invade anywhere else.

It’s very difficult for me to believe that we have eyes on invading Iran and North Korea. Are we really that stupid? Although, “regime change” doesn’t necessarily mean invasion. Let’s hope its just a colorful euphemism for something far less suicidal.

And, at least one conservative warns about overkill when President Bush inevitably gets to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. Let’s hope he isn’t the only one that tries to be a voice of reason.


Do you feel safer? Well, do ya . . . punk?

Just a bit of news to brighten your Sunday. More from the Al-Qaqaa missing weapons “problem” or “clerical error” as some pro-Bush spin masters have tried to make people believe. Pretty hard to spin this one.

At least the Pentagon says “We take the report of missing munitions very seriously. And we are looking into the facts and circumstances of this incident.”

Gee, I feel better now.

Tech support

And I though my job was tough sometimes. At least it isn’t life or death for my clients (well, sometimes they think it is). Tech support for the troops is a great job to be proud of. Maybe they are looking for another high-priced consultant?

And a new one on me, a blogger in Canada is one of the first (or maybe the first?) to receive death threats from Islamic extremists. I guess that means blogging is becoming more legit? I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Good. I guess.

Lastly, one of the pioneers of the internet, Vint Cerf, spells out his vision for how the internet should be. Interesting reading from a guy who should know. Even if you don’t agree with him.

Have a good weekend all.

In other news (maybe some politics as well)

The eight-nation Arctic Council is reporting that the icecaps are melting at twice the normal rate, due to global warming. The four year study will be officially released next week. Maybe President Bush will pay more attention to the environment now and spend some of that “currency” he says he got on Tuesday to protect our resources. Not holding my smog-covered breath on that one.

Your friends and mine, the Motion Picture Association of America are preparing to follow in the RIAA’s footsteps by suing movie “pirates”. The MPAA says it will make “a major announcement regarding illegal file sharing of motion pictures on peer-to-peer networks” soon. Maybe today. Watch out you bad people that I don’t know. Loose my number, dammit!

Another reason to use text-only email instead of HTML email. You know who you are. The latest phishing scams overwrites your banking bookmark with bogus sites where they’ll collect your login and password, and the email does this without any action on your part. So, don’t use HTML email. Ok? Unless you enjoy giving your banking info to scammers. If you really want to give it to someone, send it to me to support my blog. We need the dough.

And, because I can’t resist politics these days. Apparently, E-voting went mostly without a hitch on Tuesday. It was the first extensive use of electronic voting machines and only about 600 or so problems were reported. On the other hand, the Election Protection Coalition reports over 1,000 problems, including touch screens that switched votes away from Kerry.

I guess its good that their were so few problems with E-voting. Maybe we will get to get to the point that we can vote on the internet. That might get out the youth vote. Maybe. We’ll see in 2008.


Kerry actually won (and other wishes)

Well, he makes a convincing case at least, even if it is just wishful thinking. Perhaps this is true in the alternate universe where I wish I could reside?